Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia is the largest city in Pennsylvania, located on the Delaware River and on the Schuylkill River, in the southeastern part of the state. Camden, NJ lies across the river, and Wilmington, DE is 20 miles to the south-west.
Teams that have played here[edit]
- Philadelphia Athletics, National Association (1871-1875)
- Philadelphia White Stockings, National Association (1873-1875)
- Philadelphia Centennials, National Association (1875)
- Philadelphia Athletics, National League (1876)
- Philadelphia Athletics, Eastern Association (1881)
- Philadelphia Phillies, League Alliance (1882)
- Philadelphia Athletics, American Association (1882-1891)
- Philadelphia Phillies, National League (1883-1942, 1945-present)
- Philadelphia Keystones, Union Association (1884)
- Philadelphia Pythians, League of Colored Baseball Clubs (1887)
- Philadelphia Giants, Middle States League (1889)
- Philadelphia Quakers, Players League (1890)
- Philadelphia Reserves, Eastern League (1892)
- Philadelphia Colts, Pennsylvania State League (1894)
- Philadelphia Athletics, Pennsylvania State League (1896)
- Philadelphia Athletics, Atlantic League (1896-1897, 1900)
- Philadelphia Athletics, American League (1901-1954)
- Philadelphia Giants, Negro Leagues (1902-1916)
- Philadelphia Tigers, Eastern Colored League (1928)
- Philadelphia Stars, Negro National League (1934-1948)
- Philadelphia Blue Jays, National League (1943-1944)
- Philadelphia Stars, Negro American League (1949-1950)
Persons who were born here[edit]
- John Abadie, infielder
- Cal Abrams, outfielder
- Harry Adams, umpire
- John Addison, minor league player
- Mike Allen, minor league pitcher
- Art Allison, outfielder
- Doug Allison, catcher
- David Amaro, minor league infielder
- Rubén Amaro Jr., outfielder
- Wally Andrews, infielder
- Lizzie Arlington, minor league pitcher
- Harry Arundel, pitcher
- Tom Austin, college coach
- Norm Baker, pitcher
- Phil Baker, infielder
- Studs Bancker, catcher
- Charlie Barber, infielder
- John Barthold, pitcher
- Charlie Bastian, infielder
- Charlie Bates, outfielder
- George Bausewine, pitcher
- Clarence Bayne, minor league pitcher
- George Bechtel, outfielder
- Walter Bellis, minor league infielder and manager
- Ike Benners, outfielder
- Johnny Berger, catcher
- Frank Berkelbach, outfielder
- Nate Berkenstock, outfielder
- Joe Berry, infielder
- Frank Betcher, infielder
- Jesse Biddle, pitcher
- Bill Black, infielder
- Chaim Bloom, executive
- John Boake, umpire
- Joe Bonikowski, pitcher
- Harry Booth, college coach
- Henry Boyle, pitcher
- Al Brancato, infielder
- Nick Bremigan, umpire
- John Brown, pitcher
- Tod Brynan, pitcher
- Ches Buchanan, pitcher
- Lorenzo Bundy, coach
- T.J. Burgmann, catcher and minor league coach
- Elmer Burkart, pitcher
- Oyster Burns, outfielder
- Doc Bushong, catcher
- Bill Byrd, Negro Leagues pitcher
- Ralph Caldwell, pitcher
- Doug Camilli, catcher
- Roy Campanella, catcher; Hall of Fame
- Dan Campbell, umpire
- Bart Cantz, catcher
- Ed Carfrey, infielder
- Billy Carlin, umpire
- George Carman, infielder
- Pat Carroll, catcher
- Andy Carter, pitcher
- Dick Carter, minor league pitcher
- Joe Cascarella, pitcher
- Ryan Castellani, pitcher
- Dan Cataline, minor league outfielder
- Pete Childs, infielder
- Pete Cimino, pitcher
- Tim Clark, minor league outfielder
- Fred Clement, infielder
- Jack Clements, catcher, manager
- Lance Clemons, pitcher
- Bill Clymer, infielder
- John Coleman, pitcher
- Bill Conlin, writer
- Bert Conn, pitcher/infielder
- Terry Connell, catcher; umpire
- Ben Conroy, infielder
- Wid Conroy, infielder
- Dan Coogan, infielder
- Elias Cope, umpire
- Mike Costanzo, infielder
- George Craig, pitcher
- Jerry Crawford, umpire
- Shag Crawford, umpire
- George Creamer, infielder, manager
- Jack Crimian, pitcher
- Monte Cross, infielder; umpire
- Bill Crowley, outfielder
- Benny Culp, catcher
- Ned Cuthbert, outfielder, manager
- Tom Daly, infielder
- L.N. David, umpire
- Harry Davis, infielder; manager
- Ira Davis, infielder
- John Deasley, infielder
- Todd Demeter, minor league infielder
- Tod Dennehey, outfielder
- Joe DePastino, catcher
- Jim Devlin, pitcher
- Harry Diddlebock, manager
- Bill Dietrich, pitcher
- William Dietrich, minor league pitcher
- Mike Difelice, catcher
- Frank Dimichele, pitcher
- Tom Dixon, catcher
- John Donnelly, infielder
- Pete Donnelly, outfielder
- John Dovey, owner
- Paul Doyle, pitcher
- Mahlon Duckett, infielder
- Fred Dunlap, infielder, manager
- Israel Durham, owner
- George Durning, outfielder
- Jimmie Dykes, infielder, manager
- Billy Earle, catcher
- Henry Easterday, infielder
- Charlie Eckert, pitcher
- John Edelman, pitcher
- Rip Egan, pitcher; umpire
- Lee Elia, infielder, manager
- Del Ennis, outfielder
- Vaughn Eshelman, pitcher
- George Ewell, outfielder
- Eddie Feinberg, infielder
- Alex Ferson, pitcher
- Jim Field, infielder
- Sam Field, catcher
- Bob File, pitcher
- Tom Filer, pitcher
- John Fischer, pitcher
- Cherokee Fisher, pitcher
- Tom Fleming, outfielder
- Silver Flint, catcher, manager
- Dickie Flowers, infielder
- Don Flynn, college coach
- Scott Forster, pitcher
- Robert Foster, catcher
- Bill Fouser, infielder
- Bill Francis, infielder
- Howard Freiling, minor league infielder
- Harry Fritz, infielder
- Chick Fulmer, infielder; umpire
- Washington Fulmer, outfielder
- Eddie Fusselback, catcher
- Frank Gailey, minor league pitcher
- Bill Gallagher, pitcher
- Bob Gamble, pitcher
- Will George, minor league pitcher
- Ed Gerner, pitcher
- Bob Gibson, pitcher
- Tom Gillen, catcher
- Jim Gilmore, catcher
- Carl Giuranna, college coach
- John Grady, infielder
- Louis Graff, catcher
- Mase Graffen, manager
- James Graham, infielder
- Bill Graulich, catcher
- Lew Graulich, minor league catcher
- Bill Gray, infielder
- Dewey Gray, minor league pitcher
- Joe Green, pinch-hitter
- Nelson Greene, pitcher
- John Greening, pitcher
- Bill Greenwood, infielder
- Ed Greer, pitcher
- Eric Gregg, umpire
- Anthony Gubicza, minor league pitcher
- Mark Gubicza, pitcher
- Joe Gunson, catcher
- Bill Haeffner, catcher
- Bill Hague, infielder
- Ed Haigh, outfielder
- Bill Hallman, outfielder
- John Hanna, catcher
- Bill Harbridge, outfielder/catcher
- Dick Harley, outfielder
- Buddy Harris, pitcher
- Wilmer Harris, pitcher
- Chick Hartley, outfielder
- Hicks Hayhurst, umpire
- Charlie Heard, pitcher/outfielder
- Horace Helmbold, pitcher
- Harry Hempstead, executive
- Hardie Henderson, pitcher
- George Henry, outfielder
- Lefty Herring, infielder
- George Hesselbacher, pitcher
- Bobby Higginson, outfielder
- Charlie Hilsey, pitcher
- Bill Hinchman, outfielder
- Harry Hinchman, infielder
- Tim Hines, minor league catcher
- John Hobbs, pitcher
- Bill Hockenbury, minor league pitcher/infielder
- Lefty Hoerst, pitcher
- Bill Hoffman, pitcher
- John Hofford, pitcher
- Buster Hoover, outfielder
- Edith Houghton, scout
- Charlie Householder, infielder
- Joe Hudson, pitcher
- Bill Hughes, pitcher
- Scott Hunter, minor league outfielder and scout
- William Hyndman, pitcher
- Ed Irwin, infielder
- Jim Jackson, outfielder
- Brook Jacoby, infielder
- Harry Jacoby, infielder
- Dion James, outfielder
- Bill Jenkinson, researcher
- Willie Jensen, pitcher
- Tommy Johnson, pitcher
- Mike Johnston, pitcher
- Bill Jones, catcher
- Jeff Jones, outfielder
- Charlie Jordan, pitcher
- John Kalahan, catcher
- Heinie Kappel, infielder
- Joe Kappel, outfielder/infielder
- John Karst, infielder
- Chick Keating, infielder
- Hal Kelleher, pitcher
- Pat Kelly, outfielder
- Pat Kelly, infielder
- Ray Kelly, writer
- Joe Kerrigan, pitcher, manager
- Dan Kerwin, outfielder
- Bill Kienzle, outfielder
- Matt Kilroy, pitcher
- Mike Kilroy, pitcher
- Sam Kimber, pitcher
- Larry Kimbrough, pitcher
- Tom Kirk, pinch-hitter
- John Knight, infielder
- Lon Knight, pitcher
- Ed Knouff, pitcher
- Bill Knowlton, pitcher
- Andy Knox, infielder
- Jack Kochanowicz, pitcher
- Dick Koecher, pitcher
- Joe Kohlman, pitcher
- Harry Koons, infielder
- Mike Koplove, pitcher
- Joe Kracher, catcher
- Chuck Kress, infielder
- Ronnie Krsolovic, Croatian national team infielder
- Bert Kuczynski, pitcher
- Marty Kutyna, pitcher
- Doc Landis, pitcher
- Frank Lane, umpire
- Eddie Layton, musician
- Tom Lee, pitcher
- Bill Leinhauser, outfielder
- Ed Lennon, pitcher
- Jeffrey Leonard, outfielder
- Jesse Levis, catcher
- Fred Lieb, writer
- Bob Lindemann, outfielder
- Mike Loan, catcher
- Howard Lohr, outfielder
- Tom Long, outfielder
- Pete Loos, pitcher
- Joey Loperfido, outfielder
- Rafael Lopez, catcher
- Carlton Lord, infielder
- Sam Lowry, pitcher
- Harry Luff, infielder
- Eddie Lyons, college coach
- Malcolm MacDonald, outfielder
- Tommy Madden, outfielder
- Billy Maharg, infielder/outfielder
- Cy Malis, pitcher
- Bob Maneely, minor league pitcher
- Effa Manley, Negro Leagues owner; Hall of Fame
- Charlie Manlove, catcher
- Brian Marconi, minor league pitcher
- Harry Marnie, infielder
- Ramon Martinez, infielder
- John Marzano, catcher
- Bill Massey, infielder
- Walt Masterson, pitcher
- Al Maul, pitcher/outfielder
- Mike Mayock, broadcaster
- Dick McBride, pitcher, manager
- Sparrow McCaffrey, catcher
- Bill McCahan, pitcher
- Emmett McCann, infielder
- Joe McCarthy, manager; Hall of Fame
- Bill McCloskey catcher/outfielder
- Sam McConnell, infielder
- Jerry McCormick, infielder
- Moose McCormick, outfielder
- Red McDermott, outfielder
- Gene McDonnell, college coach
- Maje McDonnell, coach
- Jack McFetridge, pitcher
- Jim McGarr, infielder
- Dan McGarvey, outfielder
- Mike McGeary, infielder
- Tim McGinley, catcher
- Mark McGrillis, infielder
- J.R. McKee, coach
- Edward McLaughlin, umpire
- Red McMahon, minor league infielder
- John McMullin, pitcher/outfielder
- Jim McTamany, outfielder
- Levi Meyerle, infielder
- Jack Meyer, pitcher
- George Meyers, infielder
- David Miller, college coach
- Ian Miller, outfielder
- Red Miller, pitcher
- Tom Miller, catcher
- Warren Miller, outfielder
- Fred Millican, minor league catcher
- Jocko Milligan, catcher
- Harry Morelock, infielder
- Connie Morgan, Negro Leagues player
- Sparrow Morton, pitcher
- John Munce, outfielder
- Danny Murphy, infielder/outfielder
- John Murphy, pitcher
- Sean Murphy, minor league pitcher
- Henry Myers, infielder
- Browning Nagle, drafted pitcher
- Tito Nanni, minor league outfielder
- Buster Narum, pitcher
- Jim Nasium, writer
- Scott Northey, outfielder
- Jack Norworth, author
- Ed Nottle, coach
- Gerry Nugent, owner
- Charlie Nyce, infielder
- Jack O'Brien, catcher
- Larry O'Dea, umpire
- Harry O'Donnell, catcher
- Jake O'Donnell, umpire
- Dave Oldfield, catcher
- Ed O'Neil, pitcher
- Harry O'Neill, catcher
- Joe O'Rourke, pinch-hitter
- Patsy O'Rourke, infielder
- Ernie Padgett, infielder
- Tony Parisse, catcher
- Mike Pasquella, infielder
- Harry Passon, Negro Leagues owner
- Max Patkin, coach
- Gil Patterson, pitcher
- Scott Patterson, minor league pitcher
- Elias Peak, infielder
- Harry Pearce, infielder
- Al Pepper, author
- Bill Peterman, catcher
- Bob Peterson, catcher
- Jim Peterson, pitcher
- Richie Phillips, head of the Major League Umpires Association
- Ty Pickup, outfielder
- Walter Plock, outfielder
- Carl Powis, outfielder
- Bill Price, pitcher
- John Quinn, umpire
- John Radcliff, infielder
- Jack Ramsay, college coach
- Butch Rementer, catcher
- Thomas Reynolds, pitcher/outfielder
- Bob Rice, infielder
- George Richardson, owner
- William Richardson, owner
- John Richmond, infielder
- Francis Richter, writer
- Chris Rickley, infielder
- John Riddle, catcher
- Jack Ridgway, pitcher
- George Riley, pitcher
- Whitey Ritterson, catcher
- Yank Robinson, infielder
- Adam Rocap, outfielder
- Ed Roetz, infielder
- John Rogers, owner
- Mark Romanczuk, minor league pitcher
- Cliff Ross, pitcher
- Chance Ruffin, pitcher
- Johnny Ryan, outfielder
- Stephen Sabo, Croatian national team infielder
- Rob Sasser, pinch-hitter
- Al Sauter, infielder
- Harry Schafer, infielder
- Rick Schu, infielder
- Carey Schueler, drafted pitcher
- Jon Sciambi, broadcaster
- Socks Seibold, pitcher
- Count Sensenderfer, outfielder
- Billy Serad, pitcher
- Orator Shafer, outfielder
- Taylor Shafer, infielder/outfielder
- Jimmy Sharp, minor league infielder and manager
- Bill Sharsig, manager
- Bill Shettsline, manager
- John Shetzline], infielder
- Ben Shibe, owner
- Tom Shibe, owner
- George Shoch, outfielder/infielder
- Harry Shuman, pitcher
- Fred Siegel, infielder
- Frank Siffell, catcher
- Eddie Silber, outfielder
- Dave Sims, broadcaster
- Jeff Singer, minor league pitcher
- Ed Sixsmith, catcher
- Billy Smith, umpire
- George Washington Smith, pre-MLB player
- Phenomenal Smith, pitcher
- Wally Smith, infielder
- Bernie Snyder, infielder
- George Snyder, pitcher
- Ed Somerville, infielder
- Dick Spalding, outfielder
- Al Spangler, outfielder
- Al Spohrer, catcher
- Eddie Stanky, infielder, manager
- Jayson Stark, writer
- John Sterling, pitcher
- Dick Stockton, broadcaster
- Harry Stovey, outfielder, manager
- Alan Strange, infielder
- Cub Stricker, infielder, manager
- Amos Strunk, catcher
- Bob Stumpo, coach
- George Stutz, infielder
- Joe Sugden, catcher
- Bill Sweeney, pitcher
- Dan Sweeney, outfielder
- Ad Swigler, pitcher
- Walter Taylor, umpire
- Sean Thompson, college coach
- Tom Tinney, outfielder
- Jimmy Toman, minor league infielder
- Jim Tracy, minor league pitcher
- Allan Travers, pitcher
- Mike Trost, catcher
- Jim Tyng, pitcher
- George Ulrich, outfielder
- Jake Virtue, infielder
- Marty Walker, pitcher
- Tom Walker, pitcher
- Bucky Walters, pitcher/infielder
- George Walton, umpire
- Hugh Ward, owner
- Joe Ward, infielder
- Fred Warner, infielder
- Bill Warwick, catcher
- Ed Watkins, outfielder
- Allie Watt, infielder
- Lefty Weinert, pitcher
- George Wetzell, pitcher
- Woody Wheaton, outfielder
- Chris Wheeler, broadcaster
- Ed Whiting, catcher
- Jesse Whiting, pitcher
- Joseph Wiley, infielder
- Jimmy Wilkes, outfielder
- Patrick Williams, minor league catcher
- Ed Williamson, infielder
- Al Wilmore, pitcher
- Highball Wilson, pitcher
- Jimmie Wilson, catcher, manager
- Ken Winkle, minor league pitcher
- Abe Wolstenholme, catcher/outfielder
- William Wrigley Jr., owner
- Zeke Wrigley, infielder
- Bill Yancey, infielder
- Bert Yeabsley, pinch-hitter
- Joe Yeager, infielder/pitcher
- Charlie Young, pitcher
- Ralph Young, infielder
- Henry Zeiher, catcher
Persons who died here[edit]
- Archie Aaronson, minor league player
- Frank Abercrombie, infielder
- Harry Adams, umpire
- Alex Albritton, pitcher
- Pete Allen, catcher
- Toussaint Allen, infielder
- Lizzie Arlington, minor league pitcher
- Jersey Bakely, pitcher
- Studs Bancker, catcher
- Charlie Barber, infielder
- George Barclay, outfielder
- George Barnum, umpire
- Charlie Bastian, infielder
- Stan Baumgartner, pitcher
- Clarence Bayne, minor league pitcher
- Darius Bea, catcher
- George Bechtel, outfielder
- Jake Bell, infielder
- Charles Bender, pitcher; Hall of Fame
- Benny Bengough, catcher
- Ike Benners, outfielder
- Jack Bennett, umpire
- Gene Benson, outfielder
- Nate Berkenstock, outfielder
- Joe Berry, infielder
- Jud Birchall, outfielder
- Bill Black, infielder
- Theo Bomeisler, umpire
- Henry Boyle, pitcher
- Foghorn Bradley, pitcher; umpire
- George Bradley, pitcher
- Otto Briggs, outfielder, manager
- Barney Brown, pitcher/outfielder
- John Brown, pitcher
- Buddy Burbage, outfielder
- Bill Byrd, pitcher
- Bobby Byrne Jr., minor league infielder
- Dan Campbell, umpire
- Bart Cantz, catcher
- José Capellán, pitcher
- Ed Carfrey, infielder
- Walter Cariss, minor league outfielder
- Billy Carlin, umpire
- Bill Carrick, pitcher
- Pat Carroll, catcher
- Cliff Carter, pitcher
- Dick Carter, minor league pitcher
- Mickey Casey, catcher
- Bill Cash, catcher
- Octavius Catto, African-American baseball pioneer
- Goldie Cephus, pinch-hitter
- John Chapman, infielder
- Oscar Charleston, outfielder; manager; Hall of Fame
- Pete Childs, infielder
- Zack Clayton, infielder
- Fred Clement, infielder
- Bill Clymer, infielder
- Phil Cockrell, pitcher, manager
- Ralph Coles, outfielder
- Jocko Collins, scout
- Bert Conn, pitcher/infielder
- Terry Connell, catcher; umpire
- Ed Connor, infielder
- Ben Conroy, infielder
- Owen Conway, infielder
- Dan Coogan, infielder
- Bill Cooper, catcher
- Elias Cope, umpire
- Pete Córdova, infielder
- Sam Crane, infielder
- George Creamer, infielder, manager
- Monte Cross, infielder; umpire
- Benny Culp, catcher
- Wes Curry, pitcher; umpire
- Eggie Dallard, infielder/outfielder
- Joe Daly, outfielder
- George Davis, infielder; Hall of Fame
- Harry Davis, infielder, manager
- John Deasley, infielder
- Pat Deasley, catcher
- Bill Deck, Negro Leagues player
- Tod Dennehey, outfielder
- George Derby, pitcher
- Jim Devlin, pitcher
- Harry Diddlebock, manager
- Bill Dietrich, pitcher
- Tom Dixon, catcher
- Frank Dolson, writer
- Red Donahue, pitcher
- Mahlon Duckett, infielder
- Fred Dunlap, infielder, manager
- Jimmie Dykes, infielder, manager
- Henry Easterday, infielder
- Howard Ehmke, pitcher
- Roy Elsh, outfielder
- Duke Esper, pitcher
- George Ewell, outfielder
- Bill Farmer, catcher
- Charlie Ferguson, pitcher
- Tom Finley, infielder
- John Fischer, pitcher
- Wes Fisler, infielder
- Dickie Flowers, infielder
- Jim Fogarty, outfielder
- Horace Fogel, manager
- Frank Forbes, Negro Leagues infielder
- Robert Foster, catcher
- Bill Fouser, infielder
- George Fox, infielder
- Chick Fulmer, infielder; umpire
- Washington Fulmer, outfielder
- Eddie Fusselback, catcher
- Bill Gallagher, pitcher
- Judy Gans, outfielder; manager
- Charles Garrigan, umpire
- Ed Gerner, pitcher
- Tom Gillen, catcher
- Henry Gillespie, pitcher
- Henry Gilroy, catcher
- Kid Gleason, infielder/pitcher, manager
- Billy Goeckel, infielder
- Ed Gottlieb, promoter
- John Grady, infielder
- Bill Graulich, catcher
- Lew Graulich, minor league catcher
- Bill Gray, infielder
- Dallas Green, pitcher; manager
- Ed Green, pitcher
- John Greening, pitcher
- Ed Greer, pitcher
- Bill Greenwood, infielder
- Joe Gunson, catcher
- Bill Hague, infielder
- Al Halbach, umpire
- Bill Hallman, infielder; manager
- Bill Hallman, outfielder
- Granny Hamner, infielder
- John Hanna, catcher
- Bill Harbridge, outfielder/catcher
- Dick Harley, outfielder
- Buddy Harris, pitcher
- Wilmer Harris, pitcher
- Chick Hartley, outfielder
- Pete Hasney, outfielder
- Hicks Hayhurst, umpire
- Charlie Heard, pitcher/outfielder
- Hardie Henderson, pitcher
- Fritz Henrich, outfielder
- George Heubel, outfielder
- John Hiland, infielder
- Charlie Hilsey, pitcher
- Izzy Hoffman, outfielder
- John Hofford, pitcher
- Will Holland, infielder
- Frank L. Hough, owner
- Charlie Householder, infielder
- William Hyndman, pitcher
- Ed Irwin, infielder
- Jim Jackson, outfielder
- Lincoln Jackson, infielder
- Harry Jacoby, infielder
- Fats Jenkins, outfielder
- Willie Jensen, pitcher
- Cecil Johnson, outfielder
- George Johnson, outfielder
- Larnie Jordan, infielder
- S.L. Kahn, umpire
- John Kalahan, catcher
- Heinie Kappel, infielder
- Joe Kappel, outfielder/infielder
- Chick Keating, infielder
- Ray Kelly, writer
- Dan Kerwin, outfielder
- Bill Kienzle, outfielder
- Matt Kilroy, pitcher
- Mike Kilroy, pitcher
- Sam Kimber, pitcher
- Larry Kimbrough, pitcher
- Richard King "King Tut", infielder and entertainer
- Tom Kirk, pinch-hitter
- Joe Klein, General Manager
- Dan Kleinfelder, pre-MLB catcher
- Otto Knabe, infielder
- Joe Knotts, catcher
- Lon Knight, pitcher
- Ed Knouff, pitcher
- Bill Knowlton, pitcher
- Joe Kohlman, pitcher
- Obie Lackey, infielder
- Doc Landis, pitcher
- Chappy Lane, infielder
- Frank Lane, umpire
- Ernest Lanigan, writer
- Jack Lapp, catcher
- Bill Lennon, catcher
- Ed Lennon, pitcher
- William Lindsay, infielder
- Hans Lobert, infielder, manager
- Howard Lohr, outfielder
- Stan Lopata, catcher
- Sam Lowry, pitcher
- Harry Luff, infielder
- Connie Mack, catcher, manager; Hall of Fame
- Roy Mack, owner
- John Macklin, college coach
- Tommy Madden, outfielder
- Sherry Magee, outfielder; umpire
- Billy Maharg, infielder/outfielder
- Harry Marnie, infielder
- Lewis Martin, manager
- Wedo Martini, pitcher
- John Marzano, catcher
- Charlie Mason, outfielder, manager
- Al Maul, pitcher/outfielder
- Dick McBride, pitcher, manager
- Sparrow McCaffrey, catcher
- Emmett McCann, infielder
- Jeep McClain, infielder
- Dan McClellan, Negro Leagues pitcher
- Jerry McCormick, infielder
- Red McDermott, outfielder
- Webster McDonald, pitcher, manager
- Maje McDonnell, coach
- Mike McGeary, infielder
- Mark McGrillis, infielder
- Edward McLaughlin, umpire
- Billy McLean, umpire
- John McMullin, pitcher/outfielder
- Chummy McNeil, British national team infielder and manager
- John Meister, infielder
- Jack Meyer, pitcher
- Levi Meyerle, infielder
- George Meyers, infielder
- Jocko Milligan, catcher
- Bing Miller, outfielder
- Henry Miller, pitcher
- Percy Miller, pitcher, manager
- Tom Miller, catcher
- Warren Miller, outfielder
- George Minor, outfielder
- Connie Morgan, Negro Leagues player
- Jim Moroney, pitcher
- Sy Morton, infielder
- Walter Moser, pitcher
- John Mullen, catcher
- Joe Mulvey, infielder
- John Munce, outfielder
- John Murphy, pitcher
- Henry Myers, infielder
- Clyde Nelson, infielder
- Gerry Nugent, owner
- Charlie Nyce, infielder
- Jack O'Brien, catcher
- Larry O'Dea, umpire
- Harry O'Donnell, catcher
- Jack Ogden, pitcher
- Dave Oldfield, catcher
- Ed O'Neil, pitcher
- Patsy O'Rourke, infielder
- Tony Parisse, catcher
- Roy Parnell, outfielder, manager
- Harry Passon, Negro Leagues owner
- Bill Patton, catcher
- Si Pauxtis, catcher
- Elias Peak, infielder
- Harry Pearce, infielder
- Henry Pennypacker, owner
- Cy Perkins, catcher, manager
- Horace Phillips, manager
- Wally Phillips, minor league pitcher
- Ty Pickup, outfielder
- Dick Porter, outfielder
- Earl Potteiger, minor league outfielder
- Doc Powers, catcher
- Tom Pratt, infielder; umpire
- Bill Price, pitcher
- Wilbert Pritchett, pitcher
- Jesse Purnell, infielder
- John Quinn, umpire
- Joseph Rastall, umpire
- George Reach, inventor
- Ambrose Reid, outfielder
- Butch Rementer, catcher
- John Richmond, infielder
- Francis Richter, writer
- Chris Rickley, infielder
- Jack Ridgway, pitcher
- Cy Rigler, umpire
- Dewey Rivers, outfielder
- Helene Robison Britton, owner
- Adam Rocap, outfielder
- Ed Roetz, infielder
- Cliff Ross, pitcher
- Joe Rullo, infielder
- Johnny Ryan, outfielder
- Louis Santop, catcher; Hall of Fame
- Harry Schafer, infielder
- Ossee Schrecongost, catcher
- Socks Seibold, pitcher
- Count Sensenderfer, outfielder
- Orator Shafer, outfielder
- Bill Sharsig, manager
- Bill Shettsline, manager
- John Shetzline, infielder
- Ben Shibe, owner
- Tom Shibe, owner
- George Shoch, outfielder/infielder
- Harry Shuman, pitcher
- Fred Siegel, infielder
- Frank Siffell, catcher
- Ed Sixsmith, catcher
- Alex Skinner, outfielder; umpire
- Barney Slaughter, pitcher
- Billy Smith, umpire
- Charles Snyder, catcher/outfielder
- George Snyder, pitcher
- Dick Spalding, outfielder
- Henry Spearman, infielder
- William Stein, pitcher
- Johnny Stevens, umpire
- Cub Stricker, infielder, manager
- George Stutz, infielder
- Joe Sugden, catcher
- Bill Sweeney, pitcher
- Ad Swigler, pitcher
- Ira Thomas, catcher
- Tom Tinney, outfielder
- Allan Travers, pitcher
- George Trenwith, infielder
- Tink Turner, pitcher
- Bob Vail, pitcher
- Joe Vernon, pitcher
- John Vukovich, infielder, manager
- Marty Walker, pitcher
- George Walton, umpire
- Joe Ward, infielder
- Pete Washington, outfielder
- Ted Waters, outfielder
- Johnie Watson, outfielder
- Jim West, infielder
- George Wetzell, pitcher
- Chaney White, outfielder
- Sam White, catcher
- Jesse Whiting, pitcher
- Joseph Wiley, infielder
- Cotton Williams, pitcher/outfielder
- Al Wilmore, pitcher
- Abe Wolstenholme, catcher/outfielder
- John Wood, pitcher
- Willie Woods, outfielder
- Zollie Wright, outfielder
- Zeke Wrigley, infielder
- Bert Yeabsley, pinch-hitter
- Ralph Young, infielder
- Henry Zeiher, catcher
- Frank Zinn, catcher
Educational institutions located here[edit]
- Abraham Lincoln High School
- Archbishop Ryan High School
- Benjamin Franklin High School
- Brown Prep School
- Central High School
- Central Manual Training School
- Chestnut Hill Academy
- Chestnut Hill College
- Community College of Philadelphia
- Drexel University
- Edison High School
- Father Judge High School
- Frankford High School
- Germantown Friends School
- Germantown High School
- Girard College
- Holy Family University
- Institute for Colored Youth
- John Bartram High School
- LaSalle University
- North Catholic High School
- Northeast High School
- Olney High School
- Overbrook High School
- Philadelphia College of Osteopathy
- Philadelphia High School for Girls
- Philadelphia University
- Polytechnic College of Pennsylvania
- Rittenhouse Grammar School
- Roman Catholic High School
- Roxborough High School
- St. John Neumann High School
- Saint Joseph's University
- Simon Gratz High School
- South Philadelphia High School
- Spring Garden College (closed)
- Temple University
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of the Sciences in Philadelphia
- West Philadelphia High School
- William Penn Charter School
Further Reading[edit]
- Paul Browne: "Mundell's Solar Tips: The Intersection of Amateur, Trade, Professional and Major League Baseball in Philadelphia", in Morris Levin, ed.: From Swampoodle to South Philly: Baseball in Philadelphia and the Delaware Valley, The National Pastime, SABR, 2013, pp. 28-31.
- Steven Glassman: "Philadelphia’s Other Hall of Famers", in Morris Levin, ed.: From Swampoodle to South Philly: Baseball in Philadelphia and the Delaware Valley, The National Pastime, SABR, 2013, pp. 241-248.
- Mark Kanter: "Philadelphia Area Teams that Have Participated in the Little League World Series", in Morris Levin, ed.: From Swampoodle to South Philly: Baseball in Philadelphia and the Delaware Valley, The National Pastime, SABR, 2013, pp. 227-229.
- Bruce Kuklick: To Every Thing a Season: Shibe Park and Urban Philadelphia, 1909-1976, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1991.
- Jeff Laing: "Philadelphia — October 1866: The Center of the Baseball Universe", in Morris Levin, ed.: From Swampoodle to South Philly: Baseball in Philadelphia and the Delaware Valley, The National Pastime, SABR, 2013, pp. 19-21.
- Jen McGovern: "Fan Perspectives on Race and Baseball in the City of Brotherly Love", in Morris Levin, ed.: From Swampoodle to South Philly: Baseball in Philadelphia and the Delaware Valley, The National Pastime, SABR, 2013, pp. 116-122.
- Peter Morris et al.: Base Ball Founders: The Clubs, Players and Cities of the Northeast That Established the Game, McFarland, Jefferson, NC, 2013. ISBN 978-0-7864-7430-1
- John Shiffert: Base Ball in Philadelphia: A History of the Early Game, 1831-1900, McFarland, Jefferson, NC, 2006.
- Courtney Michelle Smith: Ed Bolden and Black Baseball in Philadelphia, McFarland, Jefferson, NC, 2017. ISBN 978-0-7864-7849-1
- Robert D. Warrington: "Philadelphia in the 1881 Eastern Championship Association", Baseball Research Journal, SABR, Vol. 48, Nr. 1, Spring 2019, pp. 78-85.
- Rich Westcott: Philadelphia's Top 50 Baseball Players, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NE, 2013. ISBN 978-0-8032-4340-8
- Rich Westcott: "The Early Years of Philadelphia Baseball", in Morris Levin, ed.: From Swampoodle to South Philly: Baseball in Philadelphia and the Delaware Valley, The National Pastime, SABR, 2013, pp. 136-140.
- Rich Westcott: The Champions of Philadelphia: The Greatest Eagles, Phillies, Sixers, and Flyers Teams, Sports Publishing LLC, New York, NY, 2016. ISBN 9781613218044
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