2001 Baseball World Cup (Rosters)
These were the rosters for the 2001 Baseball World Cup
- Jon Deeble, Manager
- Phil Dale, Coach
- Tony Harris, Coach
- Greg Jelks, Coach
- Craig Shipley, Coach
- Tom Becker, P
- P.J. Bevis, P
- Darren Fidge, P
- Craig Lewis, P
- Leigh Neuage, P
- Chris Oxspring, P
- Duane Rochford, P
- Ryan Rowland-Smith, P
- John Stephens, P
- Brendon Thomas, P
- Shane Tonkin, P
- Ben Foster, C
- Matthew Wilkinson, C
- Heath Wilson, C
- Trent Durrington, IF
- Gavin Fingleson, IF
- Brendan Kingman, IF
- Ben Risinger, IF
- Glenn Williams, IF
- Adam Burton, OF
- Jarrod Hodges, OF
- Brett Roneberg, OF
- Paul Gonzalez, UT
- Shane Hogan, UT
- Marty Lehn, Manager
- Tom Burgess, Coach
- Gord Gerlach, Coach
- Harold Northcott, Coach
- Jordy Alexander, P
- Phil Devey, P
- Brett Gray, P
- Ian Harvey, P
- Travis Hubbel, P
- Sean Jones, P
- Michael Keirstead, P
- Chris Mears, P
- Craig Mosher, P
- Mark Randall, P
- Justin Morneau, C
- Jamie Pogue, C
- Chris Unrat, C
- Todd Betts, IF
- Lee Delfino, IF
- Aaron Guiel, IF
- Matthew Logan, IF
- Geoff McCallum, IF
- Kevin Nicholson, IF
- Scott Thorman, IF
- Jason Bay, OF
- Rich Butler, OF
- Ryan Radmanovich, OF
- Jeremy Ware, OF
- Higinio Veles, Manager
- Miguel Valdes, Coach
- Luis González, Coach
- Luis Larduet, Coach
- Pedro Pérez, Coach
- José Contreras, P
- Lemay De La Rosa, P
- José Ibar, P
- Pedro Luis Lazo, P
- Ciro Silvino Licea, P
- Vicyohandri Odelín, P
- Maels Rodríguez, P
- Norge Luis Vera, P
- Rolando Meriño, C
- Ariel Pestano, C
- Yobal Dueñas, IF
- Michel Enríquez, IF
- Orestes Kindelan, IF
- Omar Linares, IF
- Óscar Macías, IF
- Germán Mesa, IF
- Antonio Pacheco, IF
- Eduardo Paret, IF
- Antonio Scull, IF
- Giorvis Duvergel, OF
- José Estrada, OF
- Yasser Gómez, OF
- Luis Ulacia, OF
- Osmani Urrutia, OF
Dominican Republic[edit]
- Alex Taveras, Manager
- Gustavo Llenas, Coach
- Rubén Rodríguez, Coach
- Jesus Silverio, Coach
- Bernardo Toribio, Coach
- Delvis Candelario, P
- Felipe Castillo, P
- Jose Colon, P
- Roberto Giron, P
- Ramon Morel, P
- Arnie Muñoz, P
- Leoncio Ramirez, P
- Santiago Ramirez, P
- Pedro Reinoso, P
- Orlando Rodríguez, P
- Wilson Sido, P
- Pedro Andujar, C
- Rodolfo Marichal, C
- Yohanny Valera, C
- Napoleón Calzado, IF
- Rafael Martinez, IF
- Teuris Olivares, IF
- Henry Pichardo, IF
- Ambiorix Reyes, IF
- Ramon Espinosa, OF
- Alejandro Fajardo, OF
- Victor Ramirez, OF
- Carlos Shaw, OF
- Jovanny Sosa, OF
- Guillaume Coste, Manager
- Brad Doss, Coach
- Stephane Dumont, Coach
- Andrew Sallee, Coach
- Jacques Colas, Coach
- Patrice Briones, P
- Patrick Carlson, P
- Alain Gadoua, P
- Guillaume Gisbert, P
- Maxime Leblanc, P
- Rémi Lejeune, P
- Jean-Michel Mayeur, P
- Samuel Meurant, P
- Jean-Philippe Miet, P
- Anthony Piquet, P
- Boris Rothermundt, P
- Pascal Sanvoisin, P
- Jamel Boutagra, C
- Pierrick Lemestre, C
- Boris Marche, C
- Christophe Goniot, IF
- Sébastien Hervé, IF
- Stephen Lesfargue, IF
- Jean-Baptiste Meunier, IF
- Jason Mullaly, IF
- Jérôme Rousseau, IF
- Gaspard Fessy, OF
- Fermin Neme, OF
- Fabien Proust, OF
- Giampiero Faraone, Manager
- Manuel Corina, Coach
- Sergio Morville, Coach
- Pedro Rodriguez, Coach
- Salvatore Varriale, Coach
- Ilo Bartolucci, P
- Marc Cerbone, P
- Walter Cossutta, P
- Riccardo De Santis, P
- Seth La Fera, P
- Michael Marchesano, P
- Luca Martignoni, P
- Fabio Milano, P
- Matteo Nava, P
- Angelo Palazzetti, P
- Pierpaolo Illuminati, C
- Chris Madonna, C
- Marco Sforza, C
- Andrea Castri, IF
- Davide Dallospedale, IF
- Francesco Imperiali, IF
- Claudio Liverziani, IF
- Giovanni Pantaleoni, IF
- Dean Rovinelli, IF
- Igor Schiavetti, IF
- Filippo Crociati, OF
- Michail Marchiano, OF
- Leonardo Mazzanti, OF
- Alessandro Paoletti, OF
- Toshihiko Goto, Manager
- Atsuyoshi Otake, Coach
- Daisuke Araki, Coach
- Daisuke Yamashita, Coach
- Hayato Terahara, P
- Yoshiteru Suda, P
- Takayuki Shinohara, P
- Yuya Kubo, P
- Shohei Tateyama, P
- Shugo Fujii, P
- Kosuke Kato, P
- Yuya Ando, P
- Hayato Nakamura, P
- Susumu Nakanowatari, P
- Shinnosuke Abe, C
- Takashi Kurosu, C
- Akihiro Higashide, IF
- Hirokazu Ibata, IF
- Shingo Maeda, IF
- Yasuyuki Saigo, IF
- Tadahito Iguchi, IF
- Taketoshi Goto, IF
- Yoshinobu Takahashi, OF
- Fumitoshi Takano, OF
- Tomoaki Sato, OF
- Takao Kinugawa, OF
- Ikuro Katsuragi, OF
- Taichiro Kamisaka, OF
- Robert Eenhoorn, Manager
- Eric de Bruin, Coach
- Brian Farley, Coach
- Ben Thijssen, Coach
- Patrick Beljaards, P
- Rob Cordemans, P
- Patrick De Lange, P
- Eric De Rijcke, P
- Radhames Dykhoff, P
- Dave Draijer, P
- Ferenc Jongejan, P
- Erik Remmerswaal, P
- Michiel van Kampen, P
- Lester Victoria, P
- Johnny Balentina, C
- Chairon Isenia, C
- Evert-Jan 't Hoen, IF
- Percy Isenia, IF
- Jurjan Koenen, IF
- Raily Legito, IF
- Ralph Milliard, IF
- Vince Rooi, IF
- Sharnol Adriana, OF
- Remy Maduro, OF
- Hensley Meulens, OF
- Harvey Monte, OF
- Danny Rombley, OF
- Dirk van 't Klooster, OF
- Julio César Sánchez, Manager
- Omar Cisneros, Coach
- Davis Hodgson, Coach
- Rigoberto Martinez, Coach
- Ramiro Toruño, Coach
- Asdrudes Flores, P
- Diego Garcia, P
- Alvaro López, P
- Cairo Murillo, P
- Mario Peña, P
- Julio Ráudez, P
- Julio Rivas, P
- Olman Rostrán, P
- Segundo Salgado, P
- Oscar Torres, P
- Adolfo Matamoros, C
- Julio Osejo, C
- Jorge Avellán, IF
- Prospero Baca, IF
- Jimmy González, IF
- Edgard López, IF
- Sandor Guido, IF
- Jenrry Roa, IF
- Yader Hodgson, OF
- Reymundo Leytón, OF
- Sandy Moreno, OF
- José Ramon Padilla, OF
- Eduardo Romero, OF
- Danilo Sotelo, OF
- Karl Heron, Manager
- Alberto Macre, Coach
- Alberto Osorio, Coach
- Anibal Reluz, Coach
- Enrique Burgos Sr., P
- Bienvenido Cedeño, P
- Jorge Cortes, P
- Roger Deago, P
- Diogenes Gomez, P
- Miguel Gómez, P
- Jose Gonzalez, P
- Alvaro Hernandez, P
- Gilberto Méndez, P
- Elias Saenz, P
- Vigri Vega, P
- Julio Mosquera, C
- Dimerson Núñez, C
- Juan Vega, C
- Eric Gonzalez, IF
- Roberto Gutierrez, IF
- Luis Iglesias, IF
- Orlando Miller, IF
- José Rodríguez, IF
- Earl Agnoly, OF
- Rodolfo Aparicio, OF
- Alfonso Brown, OF
- Freddy Herrera, OF
- Jonathan Vega, OF
- Eladio Baras, Manager
- Emanuel Angeles, Coach
- Edgar Delos Reyes, Coach
- Catalino Leron III, Coach
- Roberto Rondez, Coach
- Roy Baclay, P
- Fernando Badrina, P
- Ernesto Binarao, P
- Manolito Binarao, P
- Orlando Binarao, P
- Christian Canlas, P
- Roel Empacis, P
- Joey Guerrero, P
- Ramil Placides, P
- Marlon Caspillo, C
- Wilfredo Hidalgo, C
- Junnifer Pinero, C
- Ruben Angeles, IF
- Joel Binarao, IF
- Andro Cuyugan, IF
- Lorenzo Icban, IF
- Christopher Jimenez, IF
- Francisco Ramos, IF
- Virgilio Roxas, IF
- Alejandro Velasquez, IF
- Marlon Cabrera, OF
- Gary Ejercito, OF
- Ricardo Jimenez, OF
- Ferdinand Recto, OF
- Nikolai Guervassov, Manager
- Vladimir Belyaev, Coach
- Dmitri Chliapnikov, Coach
- Robert Protexter, Coach
- Leonid Raff, Coach
- Artour Donetski, P
- Jouri Jirov, P
- Oleg Korneev, P
- Nikolai Petrov, P
- Vladimir Petrov, P
- Anton Shirokyi, P
- Alexei Valialine, P
- Stanislav Lemtyuzhnikov, C
- Andrei Sazonov, C
- Andrei Selivanov, C
- Serguei Soloviev, C
- Andrei Bolotine, IF
- Alexandre Fedorov, IF
- Alexander Koutun, IF
- Dmitri Likhine, IF
- Dmitri Loukine, IF
- Rouslan Nabiev, IF
- Alexander Nizov, IF
- Valeri Platonov, IF
- Andrei Kripotchine, OF
South Africa[edit]
- Raymond Tew, Manager
- José Luis Alemán, Coach
- Caren Fleishman, Coach
- William Holmberg, Coach
- Alan Liebenberg, Coach
- Barry Armitage, P
- Braydon Bartle, P
- Darren Colby, P
- Ashley Dove, P
- Ruan Klink, P
- Liall Mauritz, P
- Carl Michaels, P
- Glen Morris, P
- Darryn Smith, P
- Mark Van Noordwyk, P
- Willem Kemp, C
- Martin Le Roux, C
- Francisco Alfino, IF
- Paul Bell, IF
- Kevin Johnson, IF
- Adrian Langeveldt, IF
- Mark Olivier, IF
- Gareth Scott, IF
- Clint Alfino, OF
- Jason Cook, OF
- Damien Davids, OF
- Robert Greeff, OF
- Marvin Jonathan, OF
- Patrick Naude, OF
South Korea[edit]
- Jung-taek Kim, Manager
- Dae-hwa Han, Coach
- Bo-yun Kim, Coach
- Byung-sun Yoon, Coach
- Kyu-soo Cho, P
- Jin-woong Kim, P
- Dae-hwan Lee, P
- Dong-hyon Lee, P
- Hei-chun Lee, P
- Il-young Ma, P
- Sang-min Oh, P
- Chul-in Shin, P
- Yoon-ho Shin, P
- Yong-hoon Lee, P
- Sang-hoon Kim, C
- Kwang-ho Shim, C
- Se-wan Hong, IF
- Joo-chan Kim, IF
- Min-woo Kim, IF
- Tae-kyun Kim, IF
- Hyun-gon Lee, IF
- Young-woo Lee, IF
- Hae-young Ma, IF
- Jong-bum Chae, OF
- Soo-keun Jung, OF
- Byung-kyu Lee, OF
- Chong-soo Shim, OF
- Jae-woong Yoo, OF
- Hua-Wei Lin, Manager
- Chih-Hsien Yeh, Coach
- Wen-Sheng Hsiao, Coach
- Jung-Tang Kang, Coach
- Mitsujiro Sakai, Coach
- Chao-Huang Lin, P
- Ming-Chieh Hsu, P
- Chao-Chi Sung, P
- Chien-Fu Yang, P
- Cheng-Hsun Hsieh, P
- Chung-Nan Tsai, P
- Chih-Chia Chang, P
- Chien-Fu Kuo Lee, P
- Jung-Tsao Chen, P
- I-Chung Hong, C
- Chun-Chang Yeh, C
- Chih-Kang Kao, C
- Yasuaki Taiho, IF
- Min-Ching Lo, IF
- Chung-Yi Huang, IF
- Tai-Shan Chang, IF
- Sheng-Chieh Hsu, IF
- Chang-Ming Cheng, IF
- Sen Yang, IF
- Chin-Feng Chen, OF
- Chih-Yuan Chen, OF
- Sung-Hsien Yang, OF
- Kan-Lin Huang, OF
- Chuan-Chia Wang, OF
- Terry Francona, Manager
- Mike Barnett, Coach
- Kirk Champion, Coach
- Scott Johnson, Coach
- Brad Mills, Coach
- Kirk Bullinger, P
- Chris Capuano, P
- Scott Cassidy, P
- Robbie Crabtree, P
- Chris Enochs, P
- Barry Johnson, P
- Shane Nance, P
- Jason Phillips, P
- Tom Shearn, P
- Jason Stanford, P
- Ed Vosberg, P
- Jeremy Ward, P
- Josh Bard, C
- Ken Huckaby, C
- Ben Broussard, IF
- Matt Erickson, IF
- Orlando Hudson, IF
- Marty Malloy, IF
- Chris Snopek, IF
- Zach Sorensen, IF
- Joe Borchard, OF
- Mark Budzinski, OF
- Carl Crawford, OF
- Jeff Deardorff, OF
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