Minor League No-Hitters 1910-1919

From BR Bullpen

Additional data on each game available here.

Games that were no-hitters for at least 9 innings are included (indicated by an *)


Date Pitcher(s) Team League Opposition Score Inn.
1910-04-17 Wally Yeazell Napa Central California St. Helena 6-0 9
1910-04-28 Al Demaree Chattanooga Southern Association Memphis 1-0 7
1910-04-29 H. Trigg Corpus Christi Southwest Texas Brownsville 1-0
1910-05-01 William Sorrells Jackson Cotton States Vicksburg 10-1 9
1910-05-02 Hank Chelette Oklahoma City Texas Waco 7-0 9
1910-05-05 Jeff Pfeffer Ft. Wayne Central Zanesville 0-1 9
1910-05-10 Bill Cristall Evansville Central Grand Rapids 0-1 11*
1910-05-11 Henry Hinrichs Brandon Western Canada Winnipeg 3-0 9
1910-05-12 Henry Miller Lancaster Tri-State League Harrisburg 1-0 9
1910-05-12 Sam Beer Fairmont West Virginia Clarksburg 10-0
1910-05-13 Cy Boothby Elgin Northern Association Freeport 7-2 9
1910-05-19 Joseph Jenkins Pekin Illinois-Missouri Canton 8-0 9
1910-05-20 Levy Williams Newton Kansas State Great Bend 2-0 9 (P)
1910-05-25 J. Lane Wilson Eastern Carolina Wilmington 2-0 9
1910-05-26 Paul Stokesberry Clay Center Central Kansas Salina 0-1 6
1910-05-26 George Craig Trenton Tri-State Harrisburg 0-0 5
1910-05-27 Harry Schantz Akron Ohio-Pennsylvania Mansfield 4-0 9
1910-05-28 Si Platzer Bay City Southwest Texas Corpus Christi 2-0 9
1910-05-30 Lester Cornell Frankfort Blue Grass Shelbyville 1-0 6
1910-05-30 Earl Wilson Elgin Northern Association Freeport 3-0 9
1910-05-30 Tex Pruiett New Bedford New England Fall River 1-0 9
1910-06-03 Rube Brown Abilene Central Kansas Junction City 7-0 9
1910-06-04 Frank Sterling Kalamazoo Southern Michigan Bay City 2-0 9
1910-06-04 Harvey Brooks Wilmington Eastern Carolina Raleigh 3-0 9
1910-06-04 Jack Jorstad Hutchinson Kansas State Arkansas City 3-1 9
1910-06-07 Ross Helms Jacksonville South Atlantic Macon 2-0 6
1910-06-07 Louis Listen Guthrie Western Association El Reno 7-0 9
1910-06-08 Harry Wormwood Fall River New England Worcester 1-0 11
1910-06-08 Ross Pennybaker Lima Ohio State Newark 1-0 9
1910-06-09 Arthur Abbott Lynn New England Brockton 6-0 9
1910-06-11 Larry Hannafin Portsmouth Virginia Roanoke 0-0 5 (P)
1910-06-13 Harry Ables San Antonio Texas Dallas 1-0 14*
1910-06-13 William Derby Terre Haute Central Zanesville 1-0 7
1910-06-15 Dutch Wahl Eldorado Southern Illinois Harrisburg
1910-06-15 Fred Olmstead Denver Western St. Joseph 3-0 9
1910-06-15 Fred Wehrell Anderson Carolina Association Greensboro 0-0 8 (P)
1910-06-16 Henry Hinrichs Brandon Western Canada Edmonton 2-0 9
1910-06-18 Karl Robinson Toledo American Association Kansas City 8-0 9
1910-06-20 C. Douglas Morristown Southeastern Rome 6-0
1910-06-20 George Hendrichson Galveston Texas Dallas 1-0 7
1910-06-20 George Kaiserling Great Bend Kansas State McPherson 1-0 10
1910-06-21 Ralph Bell Joplin Western Association Enid 1-0 9
1910-06-22 Harvey Brooks Wilmington Eastern Carolina Goldsboro 2-0 9
1910-06-22 J.W. Schultz Galesburg Central Association Monmouth 2-1
1910-06-23 Humes Galbraith Muskogee Western Association Guthrie 4-2 9
1910-06-24 Leo Lahey Abilene Central Kansas Beloit 3-1 9
1910-06-24 Dode Brindle Adrian Southern Michigan Jackson 15-0 9
1910-06-26 John Taff Brownsville Southwest Texas Corpus Christi 1-0 9
1910-06-28 Charles Gibson Superior Nebraska State Fremont 3-0 9
1910-06-28 Harry Miller Clinton Illinois-Missouri Pekin 2-1 9
1910-06-30 Leon Webb Goldsboro Eastern Carolina Wilmington 6-0 9
1910-07-01 Joe Connolly Zanesville Central Wheeling 4-0 9
1910-07-04 William Luyster Fayetteville Eastern Carolina Wilmington 5-0 9
1910-07-04 Ed Zmich Marion Ohio State Newark 6-2 9
1910-07-04 John McCloskey (3rd) Wilkes-Barre New York State Scranton 4-2 9
1910-07-06 Jimmy Wiggs Montreal Eastern Rochester 3-0 9
1910-07-08 Ralph Shimeall Sabetha Eastern Kansas Horton 2-0 9
1910-07-08 Hank Robinson El Reno Western Association Guthrie 12-0 9
1910-07-09 Win Noyes Kearney Nebraska State Superiors 4-0 9
1910-07-09 Harry Walker Seward Nebraska Columbus 0-1 9
1910-07-09 Bull Wagner Winona Minnesota-Wisconsin Wausau 2-0 9
1910-07-11 Eustis McManus Yazoo City Cotton States Hattiesburg 1-0 9
1910-07-12 Boardwalk Brown New Britain Connecticut State Springfield 4-0 9
1910-07-12 Ivor Swanson Hartford Connecticut State Bridgeport 4-0 9
1910-07-14 Ted Corbett South Bend Central Zanesville 0-0 11
1910-07-14 John Taff Brownsville Southwest Texas Beeville 5-0 9
1910-07-16 Elmer Ruth Clinton Illinois-Missouri Pekin 2-0 9
1910-07-17 Harry Coveleski Birmingham Southern Association Memphis 0-1 10*
1910-07-22 Charles Eaton Hattiesburg Cotton States Jackson 2-1 9
1910-07-24 Gene Dale Dallas Texas Houston 6-1 9
1910-07-26 Maury Kent Ottumwa Central Association Kewanee 2-0 9
1910-07-27 Louis Leroy St. Paul American Association Indianapolis 4-2 9
1910-07-27 Roy Eberly Racine Wisconsin-Illinois Oshkosh 2-0 9
1910-07-30 Desiderio Hernandez Laredo Southwest Texas Corpus Christi 2-3 9
1910-07-30 Harry Coveleski Birmingham Southern Association Chattanooga 7-3 9
1910-08-01 Melvin Speake Newton Kansas State McPherson 2-1 9
1910-08-02 Edward Asher Dayton Central Terre Haute 1-0 7 (P)
1910-08-05 Pat Folbre Hattiesburg Cotton States Meridian 1-2 5
1910-08-05 James Ward Hartford Connecticut State New Haven 6-0 9
1910-08-06 Monte Prieste Clarksville Kitty Vincennes 2-1 7
1910-08-06 Harry Smith Fremont Nebraska State Grand Island 6-0 9
1910-08-07 Brownley Horton Eastern Kansas Marysville 2-1 9
1910-08-08 Ed Siever Chattanooga Southern Association Nashville 3-0 7
1910-08-08 George Farthing Lincoln Western Topeka 1-0 9
1910-08-09 Chet Carmichael Buffalo Eastern Jersey City 1-0 9 (P)
1910-08-09 George Hendrichson Galveston Texas Ft. Worth 2-0 9
1910-08-12 Peter Sheerin Salina Central Kansas Manhattan 1-0 12*
1910-08-12 Henry Grohs Wellington Kansas State Larned 1-0 9
1910-08-12 [[Rankin Johnson(johnsra01)|Rankin Johnson Dallas Texas Galveston 2-0 9
1910-08-13 Clarence Kraft McLeansboro Kitty Harrisburg Merchants 3-1 9
1910-08-13 Sam Fletcher Wilmington Eastern Carolina Raleigh 2-1 9
1910-08-13 Duke Kenworthy Zanesville Central Grand Rapids 1-0 5 (P)
1910-08-13 Lefty George York Tri-State Harrisburg 1-0 9
1910-08-14 George Baumgardner Huntington Virginia Valley Ashland-Catlettsburg 3-0 9
1910-08-14 Otto Dye Visalia San Joaquin Valley Tulare 9-0 9
1910-08-17 Bob Mitchell Des Moines Western Topeka 3-0 9
1910-08-18 Red Faber Dubuque Three-I Davenport 3-0 9 (P)
1910-08-19 Harry Watson Larned Kansas State Great Bend 2-0 7
1910-08-19 Walt Doan Roanoke Virginia Petersburg 5-0 9
1910-08-20 Frank Miller San Francisco Pacific Coast Vernon 3-1 9
1910-08-20 Red Waller (3rd) Bridgeport Connecticut State Hartford 1-0 9
1910-08-20 Pat Paige New Orleans Southern Association Mobile 1-0 7
1910-08-20 Pat Riley Lima Ohio State Marion 4-1 9
1910-08-21 Bill Lattimore Ft. Worth Texas Oklahoma City 1-0 9
1910-08-21 Elmer Moffitt Grand Rapids Central Zanesville 6-0 9
1910-08-25 Floyd Mauger Lancaster Ohio State Marion 0-2 9
1910-08-27 Harry Smith Fremont Nebraska State Hastings 14-0 9
1910-08-27 Fred Wehrell Anderson Carolina Association Greensboro 3-0 9
1910-08-29 Bill McCorry Lynn New England Brockton 6-2 9
1910-08-29 Jack Killilay Spokane Northwestern Vancouver 1-0 9
1910-08-29 Pearl Stanley Montgomery Virginia Valley Parkersburg 3-0
1910-08-30 Bill Schardt Milwaukee American Association Indianapolis 3-0 9
1910-08-30 William Riley Green Bay Wisconsin-Illinois Aurora 4-0 9
1910-09-02 Vean Gregg Portland Pacific Coast Los Angeles Angels 2-0 9
1910-09-03 Louis Tretter Quincy Central Association Keokuk 3-0 9
1910-09-04 Sullivan Campbell Fremont Nebraska State Seward Statesmen 5-0 9
1910-09-04 Ben Congdon Santa Cruz Central Coast Counties Monterey 3-0 9
1910-09-04 Harry Ables San Antonio Texas Waco 1-0 7
1910-09-05 Monte Prieste Clarksville Kitty Vincennes 3-0 7
1910-09-05 Charles Wentz Huntington Northern State of Indiana Wabash 0-0 6
1910-09-05 Walter Scott Wabash Northern State of Indiana Huntington 0-0 6
1910-09-05 George McConnell Rochester Eastern Toronto 5-0 9
1910-09-06 John Nicholson Eau Claire Minnesota-Wisconsin Winona 9-0 9
1910-09-06 Carl Johnson Vincennes Kitty Clarksville 1-0 9
1910-09-07 Bates Archer Davenport Three-I Danville 2-0 9
1910-09-07 William Ellis Superior Nebraska State Hastings 2-0 9
1910-09-08 Culver Sabetha Eastern Kansas Blue Rapids 4-0 7
1910-09-10 Pat Riley Lima Ohio State Portsmouth 6-0 5
1910-09-11 Edward Asher Dayton Central Zanesville 7-0 9
1910-09-12 Dick Rudolph Toronto Eastern Montreal 0-1 12
1910-09-12 John Fisher Mobile Southern Association Chattanooga 0-0 8
1910-09-13 John Scheneberg Paris Blue Grass Richmond 1-0 9
1910-09-15 Jap Guhl Bluffton Northern State of Indiana Logansport 6-2
1910-09-15 George Beck McLeansboro Kitty Vincennes 1-0
1910-09-18 Charles Swalm Hannibal Central Association Burlington 6-0 7
1910-09-18 Joe Willis Springfield Three-I Bloomington 2-0 9
1910-09-20 Ewing Harris Clarksville Kitty McLeansboro 0-0 5
1910-09-21 John Baker St. Joseph Western Topeka 11-0 9
1910-10-16 Frank Arellanes Sacramento Pacific Coast Vernon 0-2 8
1911-04-18 Melvin Lake/George Sage Victoria Northwestern Tacoma 3-0 9
1911-04-19 Sid Granley Suffolk Tidewater Elizabeth City 1-0 9
1911-04-21 Chief Johnson St. Joseph Western Sioux City 7-0 9
1911-04-23 George Boehler Springfield Ohio State Lima 7-1 9
1911-04-23 Clarence Nelson Davenport Three I Rock Island 4-0 9
1911-04-25 James Ward Brockton New England Haverhill 1-0 9
1911-04-25 Harry Suter San Francisco Pacific Coast Oakland 1-0 9
1911-04-29 Roswell Hildebrand Great Falls Union Association Helena 2-1 9
1911-05-04 Ralph Davie Newport News Tidewater Norfolk 12-0 9
1911-05-16 Lefty Tonneson Portland Northwestern Spokane 0-0 5
1911-05-18 Earl Daniels Aurora Wisconsin-Illinois Green Bay 2-0 9
1911-05-19 Frank Morrissey (2nd) Greensboro Carolina Association Winston-Salem 4-1 9
1911-05-20 John Beltz Kewanee Central Association Muscatine 6-0 8
1911-05-21 Robert R. Brown Winchester Blue Grass Richmond 10-0 9
1911-05-22 Erskine Mayer Albany South Atlantic Augusta 2-0 9
1911-05-23 Jim Park Richmond Blue Grass Maysville 13-0 9
1911-05-27 Michael Kramer Duluth Minnesota-Wisconsin Rochester 3-2 9
1911-05-27 Will Wehrman Bay City Southwest Texas Laredo 6-0 9
1911-05-27 McKee Durant Texas-Oklahoma Gainesville 2-0 5
1911-05-30 Paul Gossage Paducah Kitty Hopkinsville 3-1 9
1911-06-01 D.F. Byrd Helena Union Association Boise 2-1 9
1911-06-03 Erwin Renfer Saginaw Southern Michigan Adrian 10-2 9
1911-06-03 Paul Stowers Waterloo Three-I Davenport 3-2 9
1911-06-05 Art Johnson Madison Wisconsin-Illinois Fond du Lac 4-0 9
1911-06-06 Gene Woodburn Duluth Minnesota-Wisconsin Winona 5-0 9
1911-06-07 Fred Reiger Fall River New England Haverhill 7-2 9
1911-06-08 George Baumgardner Huntington Mountain States Charleston 0-1 11*
1911-06-08 Dick Niehaus Charleston Mountain States Huntington 1-0 11
1911-06-09 Phifer Fullenwider Independence Western Association Tulsa 1-0 9
1911-06-10 Hayes Lawton Texas-Oklahoma Altus 6-0 9
1911-06-12 Harvey Hayes Anderson Carolina Association Winston-Salem 6-0 7
1911-06-13 Harry Ables Oakland Pacific Coast Los Angeles Angels 2-1 9
1911-06-14 Jake Northrop Reading Tri-State Lancaster 8-0 9 (P)
1911-06-15 Baxter Sparks Vicksburg Cotton States Greenwood 2-0 7
1911-06-24 Gomer Krause Helena Northeast Arkansas Blytheville 0-1 7
1911-06-25 Ad Brennan Buffalo Eastern Jersey City 1-0 9
1911-06-27 Fred Applegate Clarksville Kitty Fulton 9-0 9
1911-06-28 T.J. Hill Anniston Southeastern Selma 4-0 9
1911-06-29 Harry Camnitz Youngstown Ohio-Pennsylvania Steubenville 9-0 9
1911-07-01 Frosty Thomas Montgomery Southern Association Mobile 6-0 7
1911-07-01 Ralph Comstock (2nd) Vicksburg Cotton States Meridian 2-0 9
1911-07-03 Manning Smith Hattiesburg Cotton States Greenwood 5-0 6
1911-07-04 George Robbins Lexington Blue Grass Frankfort 0-0 5 (P)
1911-07-04 Buck O'Brien Denver Western Lincoln 5-1 9
1911-07-05 M. Hinkle Marion Northern State of Indiana Lafayette 1-0 9
1911-07-05 Ferdinand Henkel Portland Pacific Coast Sacramento 1-0 9
1911-07-08 Rasmussen Vancouver Northwestern Tacoma 4-0 9
1911-07-10 Peg Bemis Newark Central Terre Haute 2-0 9
1911-07-13 Ahlstrom Ashland-Catlettsburg Mountain States Montgomery 2-0 9
1911-07-13 Dutch Wagner Columbia South Atlantic Jacksonville 2-0 9
1911-07-15 Hook Huntington Northern State of Indiana Marion 8-1 9
1911-07-16 Charlie Grover Ironton Mountain States Ashland-Catlettsburg 8-0 9
1911-07-16 Clarence Fitzwater Youngstown Ohio-Pennsylvania Steubenville 8-0 9
1911-07-18 Louis Leroy Bay City Southern Michigan Jackson 1-0 9
1911-07-18 Mike Dickinson Edmonton Western Canada Saskatoon 3-0 9
1911-07-22 Roy Green Lansing Southern Michigan Flint 5-0 9
1911-07-22 Harry Syfert Winnipeg Western Canada Brandon 3-1 9
1911-07-30 Mathues Theisen Lancaster Ohio State Hamilton 2-0 9
1911-07-31 Fred Blum Fall River New England Lawrence 4-0 7
1911-08-02 James Cleary Erie Ohio-Pennsylvania New Castle 10-0 7
1911-08-03 James Hauser Paris Blue Grass Lexington 9-0 9
1911-08-04 Len Madden Aurora Wisconsin-Illinois Green Bay 3-0 9
1911-08-05 August Masters Mansfield Ohio-Pennsylvania New Castle 3-0 7 (P)
1911-08-05 Floyd Mauger Akron Ohio-Pennsylvania East Liverpool 3-0 7
1911-08-08 Earl Woodruff Anniston Southeastern Decatur 5-0 9
1911-08-09 Joe Sindelar Hastings Nebraska State Grand Island 1-0 9
1911-08-10 Ben Pattison Terre Haute Central Grand Rapids 0-1 9
1911-08-10 Bill Foxen Birmingham Southern Association Chattanooga 1-0 9
1911-08-10 George Crable Savannah South Atlantic Jacksonville 0-4 11*
1911-08-14 Otto Brazell Wilmington Tri-State Johnstown 2-1 9
1911-08-22 Fred Blum Fall River New England Lawrence 2-0 9
1911-08-23 Cy Dahlgren Superior Minnesota-Wisconsin Rochester 1-0 9 (P)
1911-08-24 Joe Miller Saskatoon Western Canada Moose Jaw 1-0 9
1911-08-25 Roy Brown Hannibal Central Association Monmouth 3-0 9
1911-08-26 A.J. Lee Johnson City Appalachian Morristown 2-0 9
1911-08-26 Ad Brennan Buffalo Eastern Jersey City 0-1 10*
1911-08-27 Erwin Renfer Saginaw Southern Michigan Adrian 2-0 5
1911-08-28 Ernest Calbert Jackson Kitty Hopkinsville 0-1
1911-08-28 Harry Wormwood Fall River New England Lawrence 0-0 13*
1911-08-28 James Coleman Fulton Kitty Paducah 1-0 7 (P)
1911-08-28 Murray Parker New Britain Connecticut State Waterbury 1-0 9
1911-08-29 Clarence Dunbar Superior Minnesota-Wisconsin Winona 6-0 9
1911-08-30 Sam Beer Maysville Blue Grass Lexington 12-0 7
1911-08-30 Jim Moroney Utica New York State Wilkes-Barre 2-0 7
1911-08-30 Joe Houser Sharon Ohio-Pennsylvania Mansfield 8-0 9
1911-08-31 Phifer Fullenwider Columbia South Atlantic Savannah 2-0 9
1911-09-01 Grover Brant Galveston Texas Houston 3-0 6
1911-09-05 Joe Sindelar Hastings Nebraska State Fremont 12-0 9
1911-09-05 Roy Irvin Superior Nebraska State Grand Island 4-0 9
1911-09-12 Jefferson Clarke Sioux City Western Des Moines 1-0 9
1911-09-12 Joe Willis Decatur Three-I Peoria 4-1 9
1911-09-17 Heinie Steiger Sioux City Western Denver 4-0 9
1911-09-22 Bud Nichols Paducah Kitty Jackson 8-0 7
1912-04-30 Powell Burnett Okmulgee Oklahoma State Muskogee 5-0 9
1912-04-30 Wingo Anderson Bonham Texas-Oklahoma McKinney 9-0 9
1912-05-04 Clayton Clark Dubuque Three-I Peoria 5-2 9
1912-05-10 Paul Trammell Longview South Central Cleburne 2-3 9
1912-05-18 Frank Leroy Jackson Southern Michigan Association Kalamazoo 4-1 9
1912-05-18 Harry Kane Marshall South Central Longview 4-0 9
1912-05-21 Red Toner San Francisco Pacific Coast Portland 2-0 9
1912-05-25 Reb Russell Bonham Texas-Oklahoma Durant 9-1 9
1912-05-25 Paul Trammell Longview South Central Texarkana 6-0 9
1912-05-25 Ray Keating Lawrence New England Worcester 1-0 9
1912-05-29 Harry Wormwood Fall River New England Worcester 2-2 12
1912-05-30 Erskine Mayer Portsmouth Virginia Norfolk 6-0 7
1912-05-31 Grover Brant Beaumont Texas Ft. Worth 2-1 12
1912-06-08 Phillips Longview South Central Paris Boosters 12-0 9
1912-06-08 Frank Johnson Davenport Three-I Bloomington 4-0 9
1912-06-10 Buck Ramsey Anderson Carolina Association Greenville 1-0 7
1912-06-11 Cy Watson Houston Texas Ft. Worth 5-0 9
1912-06-14 Stanley Seward Nebraska State Kearney 5-0 5
1912-06-14 Roy Walker Bristol Appalachian Asheville 4-0 7
1912-06-14 F.L. Delotel Ashland-Catlettsburg Mountain States Williamson 12-0 9
1912-06-17 Walt Herrell Johnson City Appalachian Asheville 3-0 7
1912-06-18 Tom Kane Gadsden Southeastern Rome 2-0 9
1912-06-18 Earl Moseley Youngstown Central Dayton 3-0 6
1912-06-21 Clarence Marshall Rockford Wisconsin-Illinois Wausau 5-0 9
1912-06-22 Bill Upham Brockton New England New Bedford 4-0
1912-06-24 Charlie Pickett Bloomington Three-I Davenport 4-0 7
1912-06-25 Hatton Ogle Waco Texas Galveston 11-0 9
1912-06-27 Ralph Bell Burlington Central Association Monmouth 12-0
1912-06-27 Brad Hogg New Bedford New England Brockton 11-0 9
1912-06-30 Bill Malarkey Oakland Pacific Coast San Francisco 0-0 10*
1912-07-03 Reb Russell Bonham Texas-Oklahoma Sherman 3-1 9
1912-07-04 Ed Finch Falls City MINK Hiawatha 7-0 9
1912-07-04 Johnson Racine Wisconsin-Illinois Aurora 8-0 7
1912-07-05 Frank Moore Ironton Mountain States Williamson 6-0 9
1912-07-06 John Frill Jersey City International Providence 4-0 7 (P)
1912-07-06 Cox Junction City Central Kansas Salina 2-0 9
1912-07-13 William Smith Spartanburg Carolina Association Greensboro 10-0 7
1912-07-14 Walker Beach Galesburg Central Association Muscatine 1-0 9
1912-07-19 R.M. Paine Columbus Cotton States Greenwood 1-1 10
1912-07-20 Abe Bowman Muskegon Michigan State Traverse City 1-2 9
1912-07-21 Fred Ostendorf Henderson Kitty Cairo 2-0
1912-07-23 George Taylor Spartanburg Carolina Association Winston-Salem 10-3 9
1912-07-23 Wheezer Dell Butte Union Association Ogden 1-0 9
1912-08-02 Paul Fittery Anderson Carolina Association Charlotte 1-2 9
1912-08-02 Bill Lelivelt Minneapolis American Association Toledo 4-0 9
1912-08-05 Rube Merchant Johnson City Appalachian Bristol 5-1 9
1912-08-06 Albert Leake Junction City Central Kansas Manhattan 7-0 9
1912-08-13 Williams Bridgeport Ohio-Pennsylvania Steubenville-Follansbee 2-0 9 (P)
1912-08-14 Roger Salmon Holyoke Connecticut State Hartford 1-0 6
1912-08-14 Thomas Caesar Mt. Clemens Border Myrtle 12-0 9
1912-08-15 Bill Essick Grand Rapids Central Canton 4-1 9
1912-08-15 Charlie Pickett Bloomington Three-I Peoria 4-0 9
1912-08-15 Lou North Mt. Clemens Border Myrtle 5-0 9
1912-08-18 Red Toner Spokane Northwestern Portland 9-0 9
1912-08-20 Ed Hovlik Milwaukee American Association Louisville 2-0 9
1912-08-21 James Gudger Cleveland Appalachian Johnson City 2-0 9
1912-08-22 Fin Wilson Knoxville Appalachian Johnson City 5-0 7
1912-08-29 Tom Drohan Kewanee Central Association Hannibal 4-0 9
1912-09-06 Karl Horten Jacksonville South Atlantic Columbus 4-0 7
1912-09-06 Mellie Wolfgang Lowell New England Lynn 1-0 12*
1912-09-14 Harry Moore Springfield Connecticut State Holyoke 1-0 10
1912-09-16 Gene Cocreham Topeka Western Omaha 1-0 9
1912-09-20 Bill Cadreau Spokane Northwestern Tacoma 2-0 9
1913-04-22 Percy South Meridian Cotton States Clarksdale 3-0 9
1913-04-24 Sid Myers Wichita Falls Texas-Oklahoma Texarkana 2-0 9
1913-04-26 Clarence Kraft Clarksdale Cotton States Selma 8-2 7
1913-04-26 Matthew Hynes Portland Northwestern Vancouver 6-0 9
1913-04-26 Frank Wells Grand Forks Northern St. Paul 3-0 9
1913-04-27 Bill Hopper New Haven Eastern Association Pittsfield 1-0 9
1913-04-27 Harry Smith Lincoln Western Wichita 7-0 9
1913-04-28 Carl Ray Winston-Salem North Carolina State Durham 6-0 9
1913-05-05 Ross Helms Waco Texas Houston 3-1 7
1913-05-11 Fred Marks Bloomington Three-I Dubuque 1-0 7
1913-05-13 William Baker St. Thomas Canadian Berlin 10-1 9
1913-05-14 Bill Hopper New Haven Eastern Association Pittsfield 3-0 9
1913-05-16 Russell Northrup Moose Jaw Western Canada Medicine Hat 2-0 9
1913-05-16 Chief Rehmer St. Louis Federal Pittsburgh 7-0 9
1913-05-17 Bud Moe Winnipeg Northern Minneapolis 2-0 9
1913-05-18 Jack Ryan Los Angeles Angels Pacific Coast Portland 6-0 9
1913-05-19 Robert Steele Moose Jaw Western Canada Calgary 2-0 9
1913-05-23 Carter Wilson Grand Forks Northern Virginia 6-0 9
1913-06-02 Slim Love Selma Cotton States Jackson 2-0 9
1913-06-08 Earl Moseley Youngstown Inter-State Wheeling 1-0 9
1913-06-11 Bernie Duffy Great Falls Union Association Helena 2-0 9
1913-06-15 Bill James Portland Pacific Coast Los Angeles Angels 0-0 6
1913-06-16 Jack Fox Harrisburg Tri-State York 1-0 7
1913-06-17 Red Ainsworth Youngstown Inter-State Zanesville 9-0 6
1913-06-18 Carl Grover Jacksonville South Atlantic Charleston 4-0 7
1913-06-22 Louis Corbat Port Huron Border Mt. Clemens 3-0 9
1913-06-22 Ralph Comstock Minneapolis Northern Superior 6-0 9
1913-06-23 Hippo Vaughn Kansas City American Association Toldeo 2-0 9
1913-06-23 Roger Salmon Hartford Eastern Association New London 5-0 9
1913-06-25 Harry Griffin Richmond Virginia Roanoke 4-0 6
1913-06-28 Robert Heck London Canadian Hamilton 7
1913-06-29 John Loomis Adrian Southern Michigan Bay City 3-0 9
1913-07-02 Dixie Davis Columbus American Association Indianapolis 4-0 9
1913-07-03 Skip Dowd Utica New York State Syracuse 5-0 9
1913-07-04 Karl Adams Savannah South Atlantic Charleston 8-0 9
1913-07-05 Will Blount Long Beach Southern California San Diego 4-0 9
1913-07-05 Jimmy Lavender Huntington Ohio State Hamilton 2-0 9
1913-07-06 Ed Appleton Sherman Texas-Oklahoma Denison 4-0 9
1913-07-06 Homer Miller Long Beach Southern California San Diego 2-0 7
1913-07-12 Harry Coveleski Chattanooga Southern Association Montgomery 0-1 7
1913-07-13 Jim Baskette Toledo American Association Minneapolis 0-1 9
1913-07-13 Louis Tretter Quincy Three-I Danville 4-0 7
1913-07-15 King Cole Columbus American Association Milwaukee 3-1 9
1913-07-18 Charles Malloy Peoria Three-I Bloomington 2-0 7
1913-07-19 Duke Hollenbeck Waterloo Central Association Keokuk 2-0 9
1913-07-22 Roy Bentley Monmouth Central Association Ottumwa 3-0 9
1913-07-23 Dana Fillingim Cordele Empire State Waycross 4-0 9
1913-07-23 Cleo Wilder Cordele Empire State Waycross 5-0 7
1913-07-25 John Cameron Danbury New York-New Jersey Poughkeepsie 10-0 9
1913-07-26 Manchester Waycross Empire State Cordele 0-0 5
1913-07-26 Cleo Wilder Cordele Empire State Waycross 0-0 5
1913-07-27 Harold Hinkley Fremont Nebraska State Beatrice 12-0 9
1913-07-28 Bernesser Middletown New York-New Jersey Newburgh 9-0
1913-07-29 Harry Chapman Danville Three-I Bloomington 5-0 9
1913-07-30 Clarence Burmeister Jacksonville South Atlantic Savannah 3-1 7
1913-07-30 Wall Muskegon Michigan State Cadillac 5-0 9
1913-07-31 Carl Sitton Troy New York State Wilkes-Barre 4-0 9
1913-08-02 Harry Hedgpeth Petersburg Virginia Roanoke 4-0 9
1913-08-05 Al Gould Muscatine Central Association Ottumwa 3-0 9
1913-08-05 Herrold Woods Boise Western Tri-State Pendleton 4-2 9
1913-08-05 Irving Smith Pittsfield Eastern Association Waterbury 3-0 9
1913-08-05 Harry Watson Asheville North Carolina State Winston-Salem 7-0 9
1913-08-06 Matthew Kirley Guelph Canadian St. Thomas 5-2 9
1913-08-06 Paul Fittery Evansville Central Terre Haute 5-0 9
1913-08-10 Hal Black Sherman Texas-Oklahoma Texarkana 5-0 7
1913-08-12 Fred House Kewanee Central Association Muscatine 6-0 7
1913-08-13 Harry Hedgepeth Petersburg Virginia Richmond 10-0 9
1913-08-16 Cecil Battson Anniston Georgia-Alabama La Grange 8-0
1913-08-16 Harry Swan Beaumont Texas Waco 4-0 9
1913-08-17 Cy Dahlgren Superior Northern Grand Forks 9-0 9
1913-08-20 Frank Caporal Racine Wisconsin-Illinois Rockford 2-0 9
1913-08-21 Cliff Markle Morristown Appalachian Knoxville 3-0 9
1913-08-31 John Kull Danbury New York-New Jersey Poughkeepsie 2-0 9
1913-09-01 Frank Dye Portsmouth Virginia Norfolk 1-0 9
1913-09-02 Thomas Sindler Newburgh New York-New Jersey Kingston 7-2 9
1913-09-05 Charles Humphrey Clarksville Kitty Hopkinsville 2-1 7
1913-09-07 Tom Rogers Henderson Kitty Owensboro 1-0 7
1913-09-12 Walter Miller Topeka Western St. Joseph 1-0 9
1914-04-10 Grover Brant Beaumont Texas Galveston 2-0 11*
1914-04-13 Frank Johnson Jacksonville South Atlantic Albany 6-0 9
1914-04-14 George Martin Macon South Atlantic Columbus 2-0 7
1914-04-26 Hatton Ogle Waco Texas Austin 6-0 9
1914-04-30 Festus Higgins Binghamton New York State Utica 1-0 9
1914-05-05 Howard Cochran Charleston South Atlantic Columbus 1-0 7
1914-05-10 Harry Grover Omaha Western Sioux City 7-0 9
1914-05-14 Carl Ray Winston-Salem North Carolina State Charlotte 2-0 9
1914-05-22 Carl Scull Middletown Atlantic Newburgh 10-0 9
1914-05-23 John McIlvaine Chillicothe Ohio State Charleston 4-1 9
1914-05-27 Grover Brant Beaumont Texas Galveston 7-0 9
1914-05-31 Harry Benz Green Bay Wisconsin-Illinois Appleton 4-1 9
1914-06-01 John Peters Grand Forks Northern Fargo-Moorhead 5-1
1914-06-01 Louis Reidland Belton Middle Texas Brenham 2-0
1914-06-01 Walter Scott Saginaw Southern Michigan South Bend 1-0 9
1914-06-02 Floyd Clunn Reading Tri-State Trenton 7-0 9
1914-06-04 Vance McDonald Beatrice Nebraska State York 8-0 9
1914-06-07 Rick Adams Denison Texas-Oklahoma Durant 8-1 9
1914-06-08 William Schnelle Sherman Texas-Oklahoma Hugo 4-1 9
1914-06-10 D.L. Gage Calgary Western Canada Regina 4-3 9
1914-06-10 Grover Baichley Champaign Illinois-Missouri Lincoln 4-0 9
1914-06-11 John Fitzpatrick Owensboro Kitty Paducah 5-0 9
1914-06-14 John Beltz Emporia Kansas State Great Bend 3-0 5
1914-06-16 Guy Morton Waterbury Eastern Association New Haven 2-0 9
1914-06-16 Ross Reynolds Manistee Michigan State Muskegon 1-0 9
1914-06-20 William Donohue Hamilton Canadian St. Thomas 3-0 7
1914-06-20 Dode Criss Houston Texas Dallas 3-1 9
1914-06-22 Fritz Redford Bonham Texas-Oklahoma Sherman 7-0
1914-06-25 Stan Dougan Winnipeg Northern Fargo-Moorhead 8-0 9
1914-06-26 Al Gould Muscatine Central Association Cedar Rapids 7-0 9
1914-07-02 Joe McManus Durham North Carolina State Raleigh 1-0 7
1914-07-03 William Haley Fall River Colonial Taunton 1-0 9
1914-07-04 Goldkamp Clarksville Kitty Hopkinsville 6-0 9
1914-07-06 George Cunningham Duluth Northern Ft. William 3-0 9
1914-07-08 Frank Oberlin Utica New York State Elmira 3-0 7
1914-07-09 Buck Hopkins Bartlett Middle Texas Georgetown 2-0 9
1914-07-09 Healey Olean Inter-State Bradford 3-1 7
1914-07-10 Roy Mellinger Cedar Rapids Central Association Burlington 2-0 9
1914-07-11 Carl Sitton Troy New York State Scranton 1-0 7
1914-07-11 Howard Cochran Charleston South Atlantic Jacksonville 5-0 9
1914-07-11 Goat Cochran Norfolk Virginia Newport News 0-0 5
1914-07-15 Frank Oberlin Utica New York State Troy 4-0 7
1914-07-17 James Withers Duluth Northern Virginia 3-0 9
1914-07-18 Harry Camnitz Columbus South Atlantic Charleston 1-0 9
1914-07-19 Frank Harter Marshalltown Central Association Clinton 1-0 7
1914-07-19 Roy Hitt Venice Pacific Coast San Francisco 2-0 9
1914-07-21 Jesse Woolf Savannah South Atlantic Jacksonville 0-1 7
1914-07-21 Joseph Doyle Elmira New York State Syracuse 6-0 9
1914-07-23 George Crable San Antonio Texas Dallas 2-1 9
1914-07-24 Shafer Hornell Inter-State Olean 3-0 9
1914-07-25 Dickey Kerr Paris Texas-Oklahoma Denison 12-0
1914-07-25 Fred Herbert Toronto International Baltimore 15-0 7
1914-07-26 Fred Carrow Ottawa Illinois-Missouri Champaign 1-0 7
1914-08-02 Ed Scott Flint Southern Michigan Kalamazoo 4-0 7
1914-08-03 Collis Spencer Cedar Rapids Central Association Keokuk 10-0 9
1914-08-06 Clarence Yon Raleigh North Carolina State Asheville 4-0 9
1914-08-10 Davis Talladega Georgia-Alabama Gadsden 3-0 8
1914-08-11 Al Watkins Portland New England Haverhill 5-1 6
1914-08-11 Bill Upham Rochester International Jersey City 0-0 5
1914-08-12 Al Gould Muscatine Central Association Clinton 2-0 7
1914-08-13 Ray Brown Regina Western Canada Saskatoon 3-0 8
1914-08-14 Frank Horn Wellsville Inter-State Jamestown 5-0 9
1914-08-14 Charlie Case Montgomery Southern Association New Orleans 0-2 7
1914-08-14 Clay Blancke Duluth Northern Ft. William 3-0 9
1914-08-15 Elmer Myers Raleigh North Carolina State Winston-Salem 0-1 9
1914-08-17 H. Methvin Newnan Georgia-Alabama Anniston 5-2 9
1914-08-17 James Ryan Regina Western Canada Saskatoon 9-0 9
1914-08-19 Robert Curtis Kalamazoo Southern Michigan Mt. Clemens 4-0 9
1914-08-21 Gunder Bravener Mount Clemens Southern Michigan Battle Creek 1-0 11
1914-08-21 Dwight Stone Augusta South Atlantic Charleston 0-1
1914-08-21 Russell Robbins Saginaw Southern Michigan Jackson 6-0 9
1914-08-23 Deacon Jones Clinton Central Association Marshalltown 1-0 7
1914-08-26 Carroll Barton Newport News Virginia Petersburg 11-0 9
1914-08-29 James Leach Henderson Kitty Cairo 1-0 7 (P)
1914-08-31 Jesse Watkins Muskegon Michigan State Traverse City 8-0 7
1914-09-02 Lefty Miller Burlington Central Association Keokuk 4-0 9
1914-09-03 Alva Gipe Seattle Northwestern Ballard 1-0 9
1914-09-03 Stan Dougan Winnipeg Northern Virginia 4-0 9
1914-09-03 Jack Harper Greensboro North Carolina State Charlotte 2-0 9
1914-09-05 Harry Bisonette Adrian Southern Michigan Kalamazoo 5-0 9
1914-09-05 Tom Drohan Waterloo Central Association Keokuk 6-0 9
1914-09-06 Neil Donley Grand Forks Northern Winona 2-0 7
1914-09-06 Richard Cantwell Oshkosh Wisconsin-Illinois Racine 4-0 9
1914-09-07 Joe Page Oklahoma City Western Association Muskogee 9-2 7
1914-09-07 Joel Berger Regina Western Canada Moose Jaw 5-0 7
1914-09-20 Johnny Lush Portland Pacific Coast Venice 0-1 9
1914-10-16 Rube Evans Portland Pacific Coast Oakland 3-0 9
1914-10-25 Charles Fanning San Francisco Pacific Coast Portland 7-0 9
1915-04-16 Lefty Neil Austin Middle Texas Bartlett 1-0 9
1915-04-19 Dode Criss Houston Texas San Antonio 3-0 5
1915-05-01 Matt Zieser Lowell New England Worcester 4-0 9
1915-05-05 Dode Criss Houston Texas Dallas 9-0 5
1915-05-06 Hank Chelette Shreveport Texas Galveston 0-0 5
1915-05-08 Ray Fagan Taylor Middle Texas Schulenburg 0-1 10*
1915-05-08 Tim McCabe Decatur Three-I Moline 4-0 9
1915-05-09 Spec Harkness Aberdeen Northwestern Seattle 4-0 5
1915-05-18 Lynn McDonald Jackson Southern Michigan Battle Creek 3-0 7
1915-05-19 Harry Harper Minneapolis American Association St. Paul 4-0 9
1915-05-20 Jack Frey Durham North Carolina State Asheville 3-0 9
1915-05-20 Spec Harkness Aberdeen Northwestern Victoria 1-0 9
1915-05-26 Sidney Ross Muscatine Central Association Cedar Rapids 5-0 9
1915-05-27 W. Erwin Corsicana Central Texas Kaufman 2-0 9
1915-05-30 Clark Rockford Three I Peoria 1-0 9
1915-05-30 Dazzy Vance St. Joseph Western Wichita 2-1 9
1915-05-31 Doug Smith Springfield Colonial Hartford 6-0 9
1915-06-01 Ed Donalds Waco Texas Shreveport 11-0 9
1915-06-01 Joe Antley Waycross F.L.A.G. Valdosta 0-1 8
1915-06-01 J. Sellman Brenham Middle Texas Bartlett 0-3 11*
1915-06-02 Jakie May Macon South Atlantic Albany 2-0 9
1915-06-05 William Sline Manchester New England Fitchburg 2-0 9
1915-06-05 Herb Hall Phoenix Rio Grande Association El Paso Mackmen 3-0 9
1915-06-07 Thurmond Veasey Beaumont Texas Shreveport 6-0 9
1915-06-14 Jake Smith Brenham Middle Texas Temple 3-0 9
1915-06-15 Jack Nabors Newnan Georgia-Alabama Talladega 1-0 13
1915-06-17 Everett Hornsby Ft. Smith Western Association Paris 3-0 9
1915-06-18 Merdic McLeod Fall River Colonial Springfield 3-0 9
1915-06-19 George Dumont Fargo Northern Ft. William 1-0 9
1915-06-19 Joe Page Corsicana Central Texas Ennis 2-1 9
1915-06-21 Ted Bowen Mexia Central Texas Ennis 2-1 11
1915-06-23 Warren Harned Binghamton New York State Wilkes-Barre 1-0 7
1915-06-25 Dan Tipple Indianapolis American Association Cleveland 6-0 9
1915-06-27 Tex Covington Mobile Southern Association Atlanta 1-0 7
1915-06-30 Bill Terry Newnan Georgia-Alabama Anniston 2-0 9
1915-07-02 Marty O'Toole Columbus American Association Cleveland 1-0 9
1915-07-05 William F. Hart Newark Buckeye Findlay 6-0
1915-07-07 Buck Weaver New Orleans Southern Association Nashville 1-0 9
1915-07-09 Win Noyes Spokane Northwestern Vancouver 11-1 9
1915-07-12 Hi Poole Dothan F.L.A.G. Waycross 1-0 9
1915-07-14 Joe Oeschger Providence International Toronto 1-0 9
1915-07-15 Albert Cummings Quincy Three-I Rockford 0-1 11*
1915-07-15 Josh Billings Kaufman Central Texas Ennis 4-0 9
1915-07-19 Scott Perry Atlanta Southern Association Nashville 2-1 9
1915-07-24 Art Nehf Terre Haute Central Erie 1-0 9
1915-07-25 Bill Piercy Vernon Pacific Coast Oakland 3-0 9
1915-07-27 Tom Dougherty Hamilton Canadian London 2-1 9
1915-08-03 Edward Stricker Chambersburg Blue Ridge Gettysburg 1-0 9
1915-08-05 Socks Seibold Cedar Rapids Central Association Clinton 0-0 5
1915-08-07 Jess Buckles Troy New York State Scranton 8-0 7
1915-08-07 Guy Milliman Olean Inter-State Wellsville 3-1 9
1915-08-07 Oscar Tuero Lewiston New England Lowell 5-0 9
1915-08-07 Otto Rettig Lewiston New England Lowell 1-1 5
1915-08-10 Marty Beretski Wilkes-Barre New York State Troy 2-0 7
1915-08-12 Carl Ray Greensboro North Carolina State Raleigh 9-0 9
1915-08-18 Fred Beebe Buffalo International Montreal 5-0 9
1915-08-19 George Cunningham Chattanooga Southern Association Birmingham 1-1 9
1915-08-20 Tommy Thompson Atlanta Southern Association Little Rock 5-0 7
1915-08-21 Bob Ingersoll Omaha Western Topeka 7-0 9
1915-08-25 Lawrence Henderson Charleston Ohio State Ironton 5-0 9
1915-08-25 Joseph Myers Wilkes-Barre New York State Albany 5-0 9
1915-08-28 Charles Humphrey Norfolk Virginia Petersburg 3-0 9
1915-08-31 Oscar Tuero Lewiston New England Portland 2-3 10*
1915-09-10 Fred Winchell Toronto International Harrisburg 5-1 7
1915-09-18 Kenneth Clarke Chattanooga Southern Association Atlanta 7-0 7
1916-05-11 Dana Fillingim Charleston South Atlantic Montgomery 5-1 9
1916-05-11 Harry Stewart San Antonio Texas Waco 2-0 9
1916-05-14 Elmer Koestner Wichita Western Topeka 5-0 9
1916-05-19 C. F. Jeter Quitman Dixie Bainbridge 9-0 9
1916-05-20 Rufus Gilbert Terre Haute Central Springfield 2-0 9
1916-05-24 J. Lenning Eufala Dixie Quitman 1-0 7
1916-05-27 Ernie Alten Portsmouth Virginia Newport News 1-0 9
1916-05-29 John Howard Greensboro North Carolina State Raleigh 3-0 9
1916-06-01 Frank Johnson Virginia Northern Superior 2-0 9
1916-06-02 Dick Lowery Newnan Georgia-Alabama Talladega 1-0
1916-06-04 Frank Horn Wellsville Inter-State Johnsonburg 0-2 9
1916-06-04 Bill Prough Oakland Pacific Coast San Francisco 1-0 18*
1916-06-05 Jesse James Columbia South Atlantic Albany 6-0 9
1916-06-05 Walter Norris Charleston South Atlantic Macon 3-0 9
1916-06-08 Jack Scott Macon South Atlantic Charleston 3-1 7
1916-06-09 Joe Wood Portsmouth Virginia Norfolk 2-0 9
1916-06-09 Richardson Erie Inter-State Bradford 2-0 7
1916-06-16 Ed Porray Norfolk Virginia Hopewell 3-0 5 (P)
1916-06-16 Roy Bussell Anniston Georgia-Alabama Griffin 3-0
1916-06-18 Pop-Boy Smith New Orleans Southern Association Little Rock 1-0 7
1916-06-19 Abe Applegate Rocky Mount Virginia Newport News 1-0 5 (P)
1916-06-20 Charlie Harding San Antonio Texas Shreveport 2-0 9
1916-06-23 Charles Fanning San Francisco Pacific Coast Vernon 4-1 9
1916-06-26 Otis Lambeth Topeka Western St. Joseph 4-0 9
1916-06-28 Wick Winslow Hagerstown Blue Ridge Chambersburg 5-0 9
1916-07-11 Ben Davenport Mexia Central Texas Terrell 8-0 7
1916-07-11 Charlie Boardman Fargo Northern Duluth 0-0 9
1916-07-11 Tom Rogers Nashville Southern Association Chattanooga 2-0 9 (P)
1916-07-14 Ray Burns Harrisburg New York State Albany 2-0 9
1916-07-15 Tom Knowlson Chattanooga Southern Association Memphis 1-0 7
1916-07-16 Clyde Barfoot Galveston Texas San Antonio 2-0 7
1916-07-20 Harry Juul Newnan Georgia-Alabama Griffin 1-0 5
1916-07-20 Dixie McArthur Grand Rapids Central South Bend 2-0 9
1916-07-21 Ed Wright Macon South Atlantic Charleston 1-0 7
1916-07-22 Urban Shocker Toronto International Rochester 1-0 11
1916-08-03 Frank Winchell Evansville Central Springfield 1-0 9
1916-08-07 Socks Seibold Wheeling Central Muskegon 4-0 9
1916-08-18 Clarence Burmeister Jacksonville South Atlantic Columbia 2-0 9
1916-08-25 Earl Howard Hagerstown Blue Ridge Gettysburg 4-0 9
1916-08-26 James Flowers Tulsa Western Association Muskogee 2-0 9
1916-09-02 Carl Ray Newport News Virginia Norfolk 3-0 9
1916-09-02 Vic Aldridge Indianapolis American Association Columbus 3-0 9
1916-09-04 Reid Zellars Macon South Atlantic Columbus 1-0 9
1917-04-14 Tom Phillips/George Baumgardner Little Rock Southern Association Memphis 3-2 10
1917-04-15 Chief Johnson Vernon Pacific Coast Portland 6-0 9
1917-04-19 Jimmy Zinn Waco Texas Ft. Worth 4-0 9
1917-04-25 Joseph Thornburn Durham North Carolina State Winston-Salem 4-0 9
1917-05-08 Suds Sutherland Tacoma Northwestern Great Falls 3-0 9
1917-05-12 Bob Couchman Galveston Texas Ft. Worth 1-0 7
1917-05-13 Paul Strand Seattle Northwestern Spokane 1-0 9 (P)
1917-05-13 Tom Karnaghan Evansville Central South Bend 1-0 9
1917-05-26 Frank Graham St. Joseph Western Wichita 4-0 9
1917-06-07 Bill Voll Muskogee Western Association Tulsa 1-0 5
1917-06-15 Ralph Comstock Birmingham Southern Association Nashville 1-0 9
1917-06-18 Ben Tincup Little Rock Southern Association Birmingham 3-0 9 (P)
1917-06-24 Pat Eastley Seattle Northwestern Great Falls 6-0 9
1917-06-24 Snipe Conley Dallas Texas Ft. Worth 4-0 9
1917-07-02 John Fitzpatrick Mason City Central Association Clinton 4-0 9
1917-07-04 Don Brown Harrisburg New York State Reading 5-0 9
1917-07-07 Ted Turner Ft. Dodge Central Association Charles City 0-1 9
1917-07-15 Mike Flanagan Waterloo Central Association Ft. Dodge 1-0 9
1917-07-22 Jack Nabors Denver Western Sioux City 1-0 9
1917-07-27 Roy Johnson McAlester Western Association Ft. Smith 3-0 9
1917-07-30 Carmen Hill Birmingham Southern Association Little Rock 12-0 9
1917-07-31 Tom Kennedy Hartford Eastern New London 2-0 7
1917-08-09 Marcus Milligan Birmingham Southern Association Atlanta 2-0 7
1917-08-11 Hugh McQuillan Worcester Eastern New Haven 1-0 9
1917-08-20 Pat Martin New London Eastern Springfield 2-0 9
1917-08-22 Roy Johnson McAlester Western Association Muskogee 3-0 7
1917-08-24 Jesse Winters Denison Western Association Ardmore 7-0 9
1917-08-26 Paul Wachtel Muskegon Central Richmond 2-0 9
1917-09-02 Harry Polson Denison Western Association Oklahoma City 2-0 5
1917-09-03 Dick Robertson New Orleans Southern Association Birmingham 0-0 6
1918-05-18 Paul Wachtel Ft. Worth Texas Dallas 2-0 9
1918-06-04 Paddy Green Springfield Eastern Hartford 8-0 9
1918-06-10 Doc Waldbauer Wichita Western Omaha 4-0 9
1918-06-23 Charley Hall St. Paul American Association Columbus 2-0 9
1918-07-06 E. Tomlin Newport News Virginia Norfolk 2-0 7
1919-05-02 Fair Crews Birmingham Southern Association Mobile 14-0 9
1919-05-12 Eddie Rommel Newark International Toronto 1-0 9
1919-05-14 Rip Jordan Buffalo International Jersey City 3-0 9
1919-05-20 Winn Taylor Waterbury Eastern New Haven 1-0 9
1919-05-27 Tim Murchison Peoria Three-I Moline 6-0 9
1919-06-05 John Glasier Hamilton Michigan-Ontario Battle Creek 5-0 6
1919-06-11 Gus Donovan Saskatoon Western Canada Regina 9-0 9
1919-06-13 Frank Colley Worcester Eastern Providence 3-0 9
1919-06-15 Ray Sparks Tulsa Western Joplin 6-0 9
1919-06-15 William Pierson Suffolk Virginia Portsmouth 3-2 9
1919-06-28 Rip Jordan Buffalo International Toronto 0-3 7
1919-07-19 Gus Bono Shreveport Texas San Antonio 2-1 9
1919-07-20 Ray Roberts Atlanta Southern Association Nashville 2-0 9
1919-07-25 Suds Sutherland Portland Pacific Coast San Francisco 11-0 9
1919-07-31 Glenn Meadows Oklahoma City Western Tulsa 3-2 9
1919-08-01 John Glasier Hamilton Michigan-Ontario Brantford 4-0 9
1919-08-02 Sam Hall Lakeland Florida State Tampa 2-1 9
1919-08-08 Rosy Ryan Buffalo International Reading 7-0 7
1919-08-19 Cy Falkenberg Oakland Pacific Coast Seattle 6-0 9
1919-08-19 John Smithson Galveston Texas Dallas 3-0 7
1919-08-20 Bill Morrisette Hamilton Michigan-Ontario Bay City 4-0 9
1919-08-22 Frank Winchell Evansville Three-I Moline 2-0 9
1919-08-30 Earl Moseley Beaumont Texas San Antonio 1-0 5
1919-08-31 Howie Gregory Wichita Western Joplin 5-1 9
1919-09-07 Barney Burch San Antonio Texas Galveston 4-0 7

Minor League No-Hitters

1900-1909 | 1910-1919 | 1920-1929 | 1930-1939 | 1940-1949
1950-1959 | 1960-1969 | 1970-1979 | 1980-1989 | 1990-1999
2000-2009 | 2010-2019 | 2020-2029
Minor League Perfect Games