Canadian League

From BR Bullpen

The first Canadian League played in 1885, then again from 1896-1900 before becoming the International League in 1900. In 1905 there was a four-team class D loop known as the Canadian League. Another league using that title ran from 1911 through 1915 - it was originally ranked a D league as well, moved to a C rating a year later and in 1914 got a B classification. Frank Shaughnessy managed the Ottawa team from 1913-1915

Cities Represented, Teams & Statistics[edit]


1885 Canadian League

Team Standings W L PCT GB Managers
Hamilton Clippers 34 10 .773 - George Stroud
London Cockneys 27 12 .692 4.5 Fred Goldsmith
Toronto Torontos 24 20 .545 10 Harry Spence
Guelph Maple Leafs 8 28 .222 22 Haver
Hamilton Primrose 8 31 .205 23.5 Jimmy Henigan

Player Statistics

Player Team Stat Tot Player Team Stat Tot
John Paul Rainey Hamilton BA .405 Joe Knight London W 22
John Paul Rainey Hamilton Runs 58 Elton Chamberlain SO 189
John Paul Rainey Hamilton Hits 66 John Hendricks Clippers PCT 1.000 10-0
Edward Stapleton Hamilton HR 5


1896 Canadian League

Team Standings W L PCT GB Managers
Guelph Maple Leafs 24 12 .667 - James Hewer
Hamilton Hams 16 18 .471 7 Arthur Richardson
London Tecumsehs 14 18 .438 8 A.D. Holman
Galt Galts # 10 16 .385 9 Chub Collins

# Galt disbanded early

Player Statistics

Player Team Stat Tot Player Team Stat Tot
Mike Morrison Hamilton BA .434 George Bradford Guelph W 16
Bill Roberts Guelph Runs 48 Charles McGinnis Galt/Hamilton SO 84
Bill Baker Hamilton Hits 61 George Bradford Guelph PCT .800 16-4
John Lyons Galt HR 4

1897 Canadian League

Team Standings W L PCT GB Managers
Hamilton Blackbirds 34 22 .607 - William Stroud
London Cockneys 26 27 .491 6.5 A.D. Holman
Guelph Maple Leafs 21 32 .396 11.5 James Hewer
Toronto Canucks .500 NA Charles Maddock

Player Statistics

Player Team Stat Tot Player Team Stat Tot
Gus Lauer Hamilton BA .355 John Cochran Hamilton W 24
Jim Dean Hamilton Runs 59 Lute Johnson London SO 100
Marr Phillips Hamilton Hits 86 David Hardy Toronto/Hamilton ERA 0.87
Jim Dean Hamilton SB 56 John Cochran Hamilton PCT .727 24-9

1898 Canadian League

Team Standings W L PCT GB Managers
Hamilton Blackbirds 35 22 .614 - Chub Collins
St. Thomas Saints 35 23 .603 0.5 Bill Kuehne / Frank Pears
London Cockneys 30 28 .517 5.5 A.D. Holman (6/13) / Pop Smith (7/12) / Samuel LaRocque
Chatham Babes 16 43 .271 20 Dan Lowney

Player Statistics

Player Team Stat Tot Player Team Stat Tot
James McKevitt Hamilton BA .375 Emil Frisk Hamilton W 14
Kid Mohler London Runs 58 George Bradford Hamilton SO 74
James McKevitt Hamilton Hits 83 Emil Frisk Hamilton PCT .824 14-3
Charles Jones Chatham HR 6

1899 Canadian League
Secretary: Cal Davis

Team Standings W L PCT GB Managers
London Cockneys 64 28 .696 0 George Lohman
Hamilton Blackbirds 49 43 .533 15 Chub Collins
Guelph Maple Leafs 42 48 .467 21 George Black
Stratford Poets / Woodstock Bains # 34 53 .391 27.5 Fred Popkay / Jim Davis
Chatham Reds ## 19 23 .452 NA Leslie Snyder
St. Thomas Saints ## 11 24 .314 NA Joe Knight

# Stratford (5-20) moved to Woodstock June 8.
## Chatham and St. Thomas disbanded July 4.

Player Statistics
Player Team Stat Tot Player Team Stat Tot
Bunk Congalton Hamilton BA .391 Thomas Cooper London W 23
Kid Mohler London Runs 73 Thomas Cooper London SO 103
Billy Reed London Hits 99 Thomas Cooper London Pct .885 23-3
Kid Mohler London SB 43

Home Runs, four players tied with 5.

Cities Represented, Teams & Statistics[edit]


1905 D Canadian League
President: NA

Team Standings W L PCT GB Managers
Woodstock Maroons 48 32 .600 0 Will Roche
Ingersoll 45 38 .542 4.5 Weldon
St. Thomas Saints 39 39 .500 8 Ponsford
Brantford Indians 31 38 .449 11.5 Watty Lee
Guelph Biltmores 22 41 .349 12.5 ??
Simcoe # 10 27 .270 NA Barwell(6/28) ___?___

#Simcoe disbanded around July 15.

data is from Woodstock "Sentinel-Review". Paper skips from June 30 to July 17. Simcoe disbanded around that time. Won-loss stats are from June 30th paper and are unbalanced. (195-216)

No Individual Statistics Available.

Cities Represented, Teams & Statistics[edit]


1911 D Canadian League
President: Donald Ferguson

Team Standings W L PCT GB Managers
Berlin Green Sox 70 40 .637 0 George Deneau
London Cockneys 59 51 .536 11 Lou Bierbauer / Joe Keenan
Hamilton Kolts 58 52 .527 12 Knotty Lee
Brantford Red Sox 53 58 .477 17.5 Ambrose Kane
Guelph Maple Leafs 45 62 .421 23.5 Abbie Johnson / William Lane / Hugh Shannon
St. Thomas Saints 43 65 .398 26 Edwin Elliott

No Playoffs Scheduled.

Player Statistics
Player Team Stat Tot Player Team Stat Tot
Lou Bierbauer London BA .367 Shad Barry Brantford Hits 141
Jack Cameron Berlin Runs 89 Harry Kane Brantford HR 7

1912 C Canadian League
President: J. P. Fitzgerald

Team Standings W L PCT GB Managers
Ottawa Senators 63 35 .643 0 Louis Cook
Brantford Red Sox 54 44 .551 9 Ambrose Kane
Hamilton Kolts 51 46 .526 11.5 Knotty Lee
London Tecumsehs 48 49 .495 14.5 Frank Bowerman / Albert Barrett
St. Thomas Saints 46 50 .479 16 Carlton Stewart
Berlin Busy Bees 42 50 .457 18 George Deneau
Guelph Maple Leafs 39 51 .433 20 George Needham / Fred Applegate
Peterborough Whitecaps 40 58 .408 23 Curtis Templin / Dave Rowan

No Playoffs Scheduled.

Player Statistics
Player Team Stat Tot Player Team Stat Tot
Jack Fryer Guelph BA .372 Pat Hynes London W 19
Frank Burke Ottawa Runs 79 Tom Donovan Brantford SO 138
Harry Corns Hamilton Hits 113 Joe McManus Ottawa Pct .875; 14-2

1913 C Canadian League
President: J. P. Fitzgerald

Team Standings W L PCT GB Managers
Ottawa Senators 66 39 .629 0 Frank Shaughnessy
London Tecumsehs 64 39 .621 1 George Deneau
St. Thomas Saints 56 48 .538 9.5 George Orth
Peterborough Petes 55 48 .534 10 John Barthold
Guelph Maple Leafs 54 49 .524 11 Louis Cook
Hamilton Hams 52 52 .500 13.5 Knotty Lee
Berlin Busy Bees 38 66 .365 27.5 Joe Keenan
Brantford Red Sox 30 74 .288 35.5 Ambrose Kane / Red Rowe / Clarence Wagner

No Playoffs Scheduled.

Player Statistics
Player Team Stat Tot Player Team Stat Tot
Bill Wright Guelph BA .396 Bob Heck London W 24
Merlin Kopp St. Thomas Runs 104 Erwin Renfer Ottawa SO 185
Bill Wright Guelph Hits 152 Bob Heck London Pct .800; 24-6
Bill Wright Guelph HR 10

1914 B Canadian League - schedule
President: J. P. Fitzgerald

Team Standings W L PCT GB Managers
Ottawa Senators 76 45 .628 0 Frank Shaughnessy
London Tecumsehs 71 43 .623 1.5 Doc Reisling
Erie Yankees 64 57 .529 12 Heinie Smith / Frank Gygli
Toronto Beavers 55 55 .500 15.5 Joe Keenan / Knotty Lee
St. Thomas Saints 48 60 .444 21.5 George Orth / Midge Craven
Peterborough Petes 49 62 .441 22 John Barthold / Curley Blount
Hamilton Hams 47 66 .416 25 Robert Yates / John White
Brantford Red Sox 46 68 .404 26.5 Clarence Wagner / George Deneau

No Playoffs Scheduled.

Player Statistics
Player Team Stat Tot Player Team Stat Tot
J. Trout Toronto BA .349 Urban Shocker Ottawa W 20
Rex Dawson Erie Runs 90 Lou Schettler Peterborough W 20
Owen Harris Erie Hits 138 Lou Schettler Peterborough SO 174
George Deneau Brantford HR 7 Joe McManus Ottawa Pct .875; 14-2

1915 B Canadian League
President: J. P. Fitzgerald

Team Standings W L PCT GB Managers
Ottawa Senators 72 39 .649 0 Frank Shaughnessy
Guelph Maple Leafs 59 51 .537 12.5 Knotty Lee
Hamilton Hams 55 48 .534 13 Bill Cristall / Gus Ziemer
Brantford Red Sox 52 55 .485 18 George Deneau / John Warner
London Tecumsehs 50 58 .463 20.5 Doc Reisling / Walter Hartwell
St. Thomas Saints 38 75 .337 35 Carlton Stewart / Lou Bierbauer

No Playoffs Scheduled.

Player Statistics
Player Team Stat Tot Player Team Stat Tot
Ralph Burrill Brantford BA .344 Urban Shocker Ottawa W 19
Buzz Murphy Guelph Runs 66 Urban Shocker Ottawa SO 186
D.J. Bullock Ottawa Hits 130 Tom Caesar London Pct .727; 8-3

League Records 1911-1915[edit]

Player Team Stat Tot Yr Player Team Stat Tot Yr
Frank Dolan Ottawa GA 125 14 Bill Wright Guelph BA .396 13
Frank Shaughnessy Ottawa AB 446 14 Merlin Kopp St. Thomas RUNS 104 13
Bill Wright Guelph HITS 152 13 Hackenbush Hamilton 2B 28 11
E.T. Rogers Ottawa 3B 16 13 Bill Wright Guelph HR 10 13
Bill Wright Guelph EBH 44 13 Bill Wright Guelph TB 231 13
Matty Matteson London SAC 36 13 A.E. Schwind Ottawa SAC 36 12
Merlin Kopp St. Thomas SB 63 13 Merlin Kopp St. Thomas BB 83 13
George Deneau London SO 71 13

Player Team Stat Tot Yr Player Team Stat Tot Yr
Urban Shocker Ottawa GA 36 14 Ernest Chase Brantford CG 26 14
Ray Keating Hamilton W 25 13 Howick St. Thomas L 20 15
Bob Heck London PCT .800 13 Urban Shocker Ottawa IP 303 15
Joe McManus Ottawa WS 14 12 Urban Shocker Ottawa SO 186 15
Joe Lill Ottawa/Brantford BB 140 13

Hall of Fame Alumni[edit]


The Encyclopedia of Minor League Baseball: Second and Third Editions.