Idaho Falls Braves

From BR Bullpen


In 1986 the co-op Idaho Falls Nuggets signed up with the Atlanta Braves to become the Idaho Falls Braves. Atlanta were replaced by the San Diego Padres in 1995 but the team carried on using the "Braves" nickname for a further five years until they finally became the Idaho Falls Padres.

Year-by-Year Record[edit]

Year Affiliation Record Finish Manager Playoffs Hitting Coach
1986 Atlanta Braves 32-38 4th Rod Gilbreath
1987 Atlanta Braves 36-34 2nd Rod Gilbreath
1988 Atlanta Braves 28-42 3rd Jim Procopio
1989 Atlanta Braves 27-40 4th Cloyd Boyer
1990 Atlanta Braves 39-31 4th Steve Curry
1991 Atlanta Braves 39-30 4th Steve Curry
1992 Atlanta Braves 27-49 6th Dave Hilton
1993 Atlanta Braves 36-40 6th Paul Runge
1994 Atlanta Braves 30-42 3rd Max Venable
1995 San Diego Padres 42-29 3rd Mike Basso Lost in 1st round
1996 San Diego Padres 38-34 4th Don Werner
1997 San Diego Padres 39-33 3rd (t) Don Werner Lost in 1st round
1998 San Diego Padres 47-29 2nd Don Werner League Champs Gary Kendall
1999 San Diego Padres 48-27 1st Don Werner Lost in 1st round Gary Kendall