Roy Flaskamper

From BR Bullpen

Roy Flaskamper.jpg

Raymond Harold Flaskamper

  • Bats Both, Throws Right
  • Height 5' 7", Weight 140 lb.

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Biographical Information[edit]

Roy Flaskamper played shortstop for the Chicago White Sox toward the end of the 127 season. His fielding was good but his hitting was a bit weak.

The regular shortstop that year was Bill Hunnefield, and Roger Peckinpaugh finished out his career that year with the White Sox. Hunnefield was in 79 games at the position, Peckinpaugh at 60 games, and Flaskamper at 25 games. The young Moe Berg was in six games at shortstop while mostly playing other positions, and Jim Battle, mostly a third baseman, got into a couple games at shortstop near the end of the season. The following year, 1928, none of them was the regular shortstop as rookie Bill Cissell won the job while Hunnefield was moved to second. For his part, Flaskamper went back to the minor leagues, playing for the San Antonio Bears of the Texas League.

Paul Waner claimed that he was discovered by a scout who had gone to Muskogee, OK to scout Flaskamper and heard about Waner from the conductor on the train back.

He played for San Antonio from 1926-1928 and again in 1931 and 1932, leading the Texas League in stolen bases in 1926 and 1928, and serving as manager during part of 1927. While with the Memphis Chickashaws in 1930, Flaskamper led the Southern Association in stolen bases.

He managed Longview for part of 1934 and Henderson in 1935.

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