Maricela Aguillera

From BR Bullpen

Maricela Aguillera Reyes

  • Bats Right, Throws Right
  • Height 5' 6", Weight 154 lb.

Biographical Information[edit]

Maricela Aguillera was on the Mexican women's national team for their first Women's Baseball World Cup. In group A play of the 2023-2024 Women's Baseball World Cup, she made one appearance but it was a biggie as she closed out their win over Australia for their first WBWC win - a victory that was crucial to their advancing to the 2024 portion of the Cup. She relieved Flor Valerio in the 7th with a 8-6 lead, the bases loaded and one out. She got Jordan Richardson on a fly, but Ticara Geldenhuis hit a game-tying, two-run single. Aguillera then whiffed veteran Shae Lillywhite to escape further damage. After Mexico scored 8 times in the 8th, Australia began their frame with the two starting runners aboard for extra innings. She struck out Morgan Doty and Abbey McLellan then Kelsey Brennan singled, but a runner was out on the play for a 1-2-3 frame and the win. [1]
