Nicaraguan Amateur League

From BR Bullpen

After the Liga Nicaragüense de Béisbol Profesional folded in 1967, an amateur summer league emerged in 1970. Carlos García, one of the great organizers in Nicaraguan baseball history, was responsible.

With Major League Commissioner Bowie Kuhn watching, Bob Feller threw out the first ball with Joe DiMaggio in the batter’s box. The whole league was on hand in Managua’s National Stadium.

In 1973, there was a split in the top amateur ranks that would last through 1977. Two leagues evolved under rival federations: the Roberto Clemente League and the Hope and Reconstruction League.

After reunification, this league continued play through 2004, but eventually became a casualty of economic problems (an age-old story in this nation). That year, the LNBP was also revived.

Several major-leaguers got their start in Nicaraguan amateur ball:

  • Tony Chevez started with León as a 16-year-old in 1970. He led León to the Clemente League championship in 1973 with his dominant pitching.
  • Dennis Martinez helped his hometown of Granada to the championship in 1972 as a skinny 17-year-old.
  • Porfi Altamirano and Albert Williams pitched for Estelí in the mid-70s.
  • David Green starred in the outfield for Bóer in 1978.