BR Bullpen:Naming Conventions

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This page is a Bullpen policy that is currently being discussed.
You should edit this policy only to add new proposals (where there is a list of proposed policies) or to reflect a consensus developed during discussion. Please discuss this proposal with others on the associated talk page.

Naming conventions is a list of guidelines on how to appropriately create and name pages.

General Conventions[edit]

Lowercase second and subsequent words[edit]

Convention: Do not capitalize second and subsequent words unless the title is a proper noun (such as a name) or is otherwise almost always capitalized (ex. Bill Freehan, Muncie Reds, Kootenay and Washington League)

Prefer singular nouns[edit]

Convention: In general only create page titles that are in the singular, unless that noun is always in a plural form in English.

Use English words[edit]

Convention: Name your pages in English and place the native transliteration on the first line of the article unless the native form is more commonly used in English than the English form.

Use common names of persons and things[edit]

Convention: Use the most common name of a person or thing that does not conflict with the names of other people or things.

Be precise when necessary[edit]

Convention: Please, do not write or put an article on a page with an ambiguously named title as though that title had no other meanings. If all possible words have multiple meanings, go with the rule of thumb of naming guidelines and use the more popular term.

Avoid the definite article ("the") and the indefinite article ("a"/"an") at the beginning of the page name[edit]

Convention: If the definite or indefinite article would be capitalized in running text, then include it at the beginning of the page name. This would be the case for the title of a work such as a novel. Otherwise, do not include it at the beginning of the page name.

Proposed conventions[edit]


Proposal A[edit]

  • Use the person's name in the format, <First name> <Last name>.
  • If there is more than one person with that name, use the format <First name> <Last name> (id), where id is the first five letters of the person's last name, followed by the first two letters of the person's first name and two numbers unique to the player. If a person has less than five letters in their last name or two in their first spaces should not be added. All letters should be in lowercase. Spaces a not to be considered, but any other characters (apostrophes, hyphens) are to be. Sequential numbers are preffered.
  • Maintain diacritics in names.


Proposal A[edit]

  • Use the place's common short name.
  • Use the spelling used by the local populace.
  • For nations and first-order subnational entity (state, province, prefecture, etc.) use just the name with no extra precision unless necessary.
  • For all smaller places use the format:
    • if located in the United States, Canada, or Puerto Rico; use PLACE, STATE (Two letter ISO code)
    • if located anywhere else; use PLACE, STATE (short)


Proposal A[edit]


Proposal B[edit]

As in Proposal A above, but with the following changes:

  • If there is more than one team with that name in different places, use the format Place (division) Team Name, where division is the team's first-order subnational entity (state, province, etc.) using standard abbreviations, place is the place name used in the team's ordinary name (city, town, multi-city area, etc.), and team name is the team's nickname.
  • If there is a conflict in both name and league, use Place (division) Team Name (league).

Schools (including universities, colleges, and high schools)[edit]

Proposal A[edit]


Japanese High Schools[edit]

Proposal A[edit]

Kanji Kana Romanized English
The following kanji are transliterated according to Hepburn romanization, with a few possible exceptions (below).
商業 しょうぎょう sh(ou)gy(ou) commerce/business/trade [school]
学院 がくいん gakuin institute/academy
学園 がくえん gakuen academy
工業 こうぎょう kougy(ou) (manufacturing) industry - technical
工大 こうだい k(ou)dai technical college
商大 しょうだい sh(ou)dai commercial college
商工 しょうこう sh(ou)k(ou) commerce and industry - commercial and technical
The following should be translated into their English equivalents:
高等学校 こうとうがっこう koutougakkou senior high school > High School
高校 こうこう koukou senior high school (abbreviation) > High School
The following should not be included:
県立 けんりつ kenritsu prefectural (and prefecture name if given)
  • For the long vowels of o and u, we could either use macrons (ō and ū), single vowels, or doubled vowels.
  • For doubled vowels of (i.e ou), we could only use the leading vowel; Teikyou becomes Teikyo.
  • For gakuin and gakuen, don't include high school.

Proposal B[edit]

Translate all kanji. For gakuin and gakuen, don't include high school. Offically used English names by the school supercede any romanization.


Here are some examples (using short vowels):

Kanji Kana Transliteration Proposal A (with macrons) Proposal B (no macrons)
福岡工業大学附属城東高等学校 ふくおかこうぎょうだいがくふぞく じょうとうこうとうがっこう Fukuoka Kougyou Daigaku Fuzoku Jyoutou Koutougakkou Fukuoka Institute of Technology - Jyōtō High School Fukuoka Institute of Technology - Jyoto High School
佐賀県立佐賀商業高等学校 さかけんりつさかしょうぎょうこうとうがっこう Saga Kenritsu Saga Shougyou Koutougakkou Saga Shōgyō High School Saga Commercial High School
長崎県立清峰高等学校 ながさきけんりつ せいほうこうとうがっこう Nagasaki Kenritsu Seihou Koutougakkou Seihō High School Seiho High School
県立熊本工業高等学校 くまもとけんりつ くまもとこうぎょうこうこう Kenritsu Kumamoto Kougyou Koutougakkou Kumamoto Kōgyō High School Kumamoto Technical High School
県立鶴崎工業高等学校 おおいたけんりつつるさきこうぎょうこうとうがっこう Kenritsu Tsurusaki Kougyou Koutougakkou Tsurusaki Kōgyō High School Tsurusaki Technical High School
延岡学園高等学校 のべおかがくえん こうとうがっこう Nobeoka Gakuen Koutougakkou Nobeoka Gakuen Nobeoka Gakuen
鹿児島県立鹿児島工業高等学校 かごしまけんりつかごしまこうぎょうこうとうがっこう Kagoshima Kenritsu Kagoshima Kougyou Koutougakkou Kagoshima Kōgyō High School Kagoshima Technical High School
沖縄県立八重山商工高等学校 おきなわけんりつ やえやましょうこうこうとうがっこう Okinawa Kenritsu Yaeyama Shoukou Koutougakkou Yaeyama Shōkō High School Yaeyama Commercial and Technical High School
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