Marcel De Saedeleer

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Biographical Information[edit]

Marcel De Saedeleer was on the Belgian national team that won the Bronze Medal in the 1977 European Championship, 1979 European Championship and 1985 European Championship. He was with Belgium for the 1978 Amateur World Series and 1986 Amateur World Series. In the 1978 Series, when Belgium made their debut in a global tournament, he was 0-2 with a 9.00 ERA but was still third on the staff in ERA behind Marc Arnouts and Marcel Vogels on a 0-10 team. He backed up Philippe Kleinjans in RF as well, going 1 for 6 with a walk.

De Saedeleer has been with the Berchem Cristals/Mortsel Stars for decades. He began as a batboy then played for them (they won titles from 1980-1982) and later was manager, coach and chair of the Board of Directors at various points. His son Steve De Saedeleer later played for Mortsel.