User talk:Auricle99

From BR Bullpen

My name is Ron Henry( I am 66 years old and currently live in Minneapolis MN. I am retired from the software development business in which I worked from 1953-2003. I am a lifelong baseball fan and longtime SABR member. Originally from Paris (Illinois, that is), I am a diehard St. Louis Cardinals fan but having been transplanted to Minnehopless MN, I also follow the Minnesota Twins (I still have nightmares about the 1987 World Series). I have an extensive library of baseball books and am most interested in contributing to BR Bullpen.


Did you used to have a website with bios of Sol White, Danny Ainge and a few dozen other players? If so, I remember visiting it several times in the past. Nice to have you on board.

BTW, I saw your talk on Chisoxfan regarding the blocking of your ISP All the entries under that ISP were vandalism entries, so it made sense. Is it possible somebody else had the same ISP (same dial-up line or something) and had malicious intent?

- --Mischa 21:17, 12 Mar 2006 (EST)

Yes, the Sol White, Danny Ainge et al. web site is (was (will be again)) mine. Thanks for the welcome. I come in over AOL which uses a proxy server, thus changing my IP whenever I log on, which is not often as I am on continously, so that is quite possible. Thanks for the heads up.

As to, I was brutally brought down a few months back by a malicious vandal myself. Said vandal had it in for my NSP and brought down the NSP and all his clients, getting around numerous hardware and software firewalls. I am in the final stages of recovery (in the earlier stages we were attacked four more times with decreasing levels of angst) and, once my new hardware is fully in place, will ride again.

Can you or anyone else clue me in as to how to send email using this system? Or perhaps that isn't even feasible with AOL.


Mr. Henry, would it be possible to add [[Category:World War II Veteran]] or whatever the case may be to the end of your veterans articles? Any way keep up the good work. MichaelEng 14:45, 13 Mar 2006 (EST)

Will do ----- thanks for the suggestion

Query: Can anyone tell me how to get the categories to alphabetize by surname instead of first name?

You can do this by adding "|Last Name, First Name" after the category name, like this: [[Category: World War II Veterans|LastName,FirstName]] MichaelEng 19:17, 13 Mar 2006 (EST)

Thank you MichaelEng

MichaelEng - we seemed to do the same things for Eddie Kazak(me) and Ray Poole(you) but it still lists by FirstNameLastName. What are we doing wrong?

The players are ordered by (Last Name) then by (First Name), even though displayed order is different; see Category:World War II Veterans. Also, for ease of editing, new categories are usually added on a new line at the end of the page. MichaelEng 20:25, 13 Mar 2006 (EST)

Thank you for your patience with a dumb pupil --- it's working for me in World War I

Michael - you might want to check out our file at or our SABRVets Egroup on We have identified and filed more than 2000 Veterans.


Make sure to also label minor leaguers (ex. Bauman), Negro Leaguers (ex. Sammy T. Hughes) and Japanese players (ex. Sawamura) as well as MLB players. You don't have to get all 2,000 at once - do 50 a day. I'm slowly going through bios of Jewish players, Mexican players, Japanese stars, Negro League stars, etc. - one day we'll be done but this is a project that will take a long time. No rush. -7 - --Mischa 20:56, 13 Mar 2006 (EST)

-- Would you like to have a template made for the 15 veterans categories, so that when a new source is added only one edit is needed? --MichaelEng 20:20, 20 Mar 2006 (EST)

That'd be cool --- teach me how to do it. --Ron 20:23, 20 Mar 2006 (EST)

A page called Template:VeteransHeader would be created with something this on it:

These folk were '''{{{VeteransofWar}}}''', as identified by the Baseball and the Armed Forces Committee of
the [[Society for American Baseball Research]] (SABR).  This information has been dug out of numerous sources
(citation notation) including newspaper obituaries (OB), VA Hospital Records (VA), Miltary Cemetery
websites (CM), the SABR BIOProject (BP), [[Baseball Necrology]] by [[Bill Lee (author)|Bill Lee]] (BN)
and others.  See also [ The Deadball Era], [ Society for
American Baseball Research], [ Veterans Affairs
Gravesite Locator], [ The Encyclopedia of Catchers] and [].

Then add this to the top of each page:

{{VeteransHeader|VeteransofWar=NAME OF CONFLICT}}}

where conflict would be something like "Veterans of World War II" creating something that looks like this:

These folk were Veterans of World War II, as identified by the Baseball and the Armed Forces Committee of the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR). This information has been dug out of numerous sources (citation notation) including newspaper obituaries (OB), VA Hospital Records (VA), Miltary Cemetery websites (CM), the SABR BIOProject (BP), Baseball Necrology by Bill Lee (BN) and others. See also The Deadball Era, Society for American Baseball Research, Veterans Affairs Gravesite Locator, The Encyclopedia of Catchers and

The only problem would be that it would list every source even if not used, i.e. World War II books would show up on the Civil War page. This cannot be changed at the moment. --MichaelEng 20:48, 20 Mar 2006 (EST)

It appeals to my inate sense of extra work due to laziness in anticipation of a future labor saving device. TYVM --Ron 20:56, 20 Mar 2006 (EST)


Some things that I have noticed with COBBLE bios:

  • Extra spaces at the end of paragraphs
  • Dates could be wikified
  • Longer bios (Dick Higham for example) could have sections within the bios
  • Related sites should be a bullet list
  • Teams played for listing for post-1871 MLB, probably is not needed, since its in the bio and BR page
  • High School and School (University) probably should not be included if blank

Still they are great. --MichaelEng 10:51, 20 Apr 2006 (EDT)

re COBBLE Bios:

  • The extra spaces (I assume you mean extra lines) are a case of my missing something in my manual proofreading - will try to do better
  • Wikified dates taken care of
  • Longer bio sections probably better not done automatically as I would end up with extra sections on shorter bios - so I'll watch out for it in the manual phase
  • Bullets for related sites - taken care of
  • Teams played for list also includes minor leagues and puts them into proper order with respect to the BR list -- I think I'll stay with it unless there are further objections
  • academia blanks - taken care of

And thank you for the suggestions

--Ron 12:19, 20 Apr 2006 (EDT)

Spam Alerts[edit]

Mr. Henry, rather than flag the spammed pages could you instead flag the spammer, it makes it easier to revert the edits. --MichaelEng 01:07, 14 May 2006 (EDT)

Will do - just need help in doing these things -- TYVM --Ron 01:53, 14 May 2006 (EDT)

For the next several days, I will be concentrating on a SABR Project releasing the latest version of the SABRVets (Military Veterans) Data Base (over 3000 so far and counting). It will be available to anybody who wants it. --Ron 16:51, 26 May 2006 (EDT)


Mr. Henry, Could you post 10 examples of each of the following:

  • existing pages that need additional categories here
  • existing pages that need categories and additional information (bios, schools, etc.) here,
  • non-existant pages for which you have information here, and
  • five Joe Smith bios(or some other very common name) here


More Info Later. --MichaelEng 08:15, 22 June 2006 (EDT)

Please call me Ron. Mr. Henry is my father who has been dead five years. Ideally the wiki could take a list like that below (all these lists show up better in 'edit' mode) and ignore the guys already categorized (AC), categorize the ones not categorized (NC) and create a categorized page for the new guys (NE).

Altizer, Dave	 	altizda01	AC	BR	Army	 	
Allison, Doug	 	allisdo01	AC	CW	Army	192nd Reg.
Austin, Henry	 	austihe01	NC/AI	CW		82nd NY & 59th 
Bancroft, Frank	 	BancrFr99	NC/AI	CW			
Bass, John	 	bassjo01	NC/AI	CW	Army	1st NY Lincoln 
Bauer, Al	 	baueral01	NC	CW			
Berry, Tom	 	berryto01	NC	CW			
Berthrong, Harry	berthha01	AC	CW	Army	140th 
Bielaski, Oscar	 	bielaos01	AI	CW	Army	CO A 11TH NY 
Bulkeley, Morgan	BulkeMo99	NC	CW	Army		
Carl, Lew	 	carlle01	NC/AI	CW	Army	1st MD Regiment
Coughlin, Dennis	coughde01	AC	CW	Army	140TH NY INF
Craver, Bill	 	cravebi01	AC	CW	Army	13th Heavy Art 
Farrington, James	 		NE	CW			
Ferguson, Bob	I	fergubo01	NC	CW			
Fulmer, Chick	 	fulmech01	AC	CW			
Greenig, John	 	greenjo01	AC	CW		K 132 	
Hastings, Scott	 	hastisc01	AC	CW	Army	145th Infantry 
Hicks, Nat	 	hicksna01	NC	CW			
Johnson, Caleb	 	johnsca01	NC	CW			
Ledwith, Mike	 	ledwimi01	AC	CW	Army	100th Infantry 
Magner, John	 	magnejo01	NC	CW			
Malone, Martin	 	malonma01	NC	CW			
Martin, Phonney	 	martiph01	NC/AI	CW		D 9TH NY VOL 
Mills, A. G.		NP	        NE	CW	Army	165th New York 
Parks, Bill	 	parksbi01	NC	CW			
Pearsall, A.T.	 		        NE	CW	Army	General and
Pinkham, Ed	 	pinkhed01	NC	CW			
Pratt, Al	 	prattal01	NC	CW			
Stearns, Bill	 	stearbi01	NC/AI	CW			
Studley, Seem	 	studlse01	NC/AI	CW	Army	54th NY Inf.
Thompson, Andrew 	thompan01	NC/AI	CW	Army	134 Illinois 
White, Warren	 	whitewa01	NC/AI	CW	Army	14th Heavy  
Zettlein, George	zettlge01	NC/AI	CW	Navy		

--Ron 00:40, 23 June 2006 (EDT)

I'm having some problems logging in using a python script as MEBot so I have not been able to do anything yet which your info. --MichaelEng 17:51, 25 June 2006 (EDT)

Image Tags[edit]


As part of the BR Bullpen's proposed Image use policy the following images that you have uploaded should be tagged with appropriate image tags.


Image:Jerry McCarthy.jpg
Image:Baseball in World War II Europe.jpg
Image:Rowdy Elliott.gif
Image:Jim Lemon.jpg
Image:Arlington National Cemetery.jpg
Image:Baseball Necrology.jpg
Image:Grieve, William Umpire Card.jpg
Image:Dorothy Jane Mills II.jpg
Image:Grieve, Bill.jpg
Image:Doctor Harold Seymour.jpg
Image:Stars & Stripes I.jpg
Image:Don Lenhardt.jpg
Image:Whitey Lockman.jpg
Image:Dario Lodigiani cartoon.jpg
Image:Joe Gonzales in WW II.jpg
Image:Johnny Lanning.gif
Image:Buck Leonard.jpg
Image:Buddy Lewis.jpg
Image:Frenchy Uhalt in WW II.jpg
Image:Paddy Livingston II.jpg
Image:Hub Kittle.jpg
Image:Stars & Stripes II.jpg
Image:George Scherger.jpg
Image:Arlie Latham 2.jpg
Image:Arlie Latham 4.jpg
Image:Jim Lester.jpg
Image:Bob Harmon.gif
Image:Cookie Lavagetto.jpg
Image:Frank Russo.jpg
Image:Bill Pertica.jpg
Image:Letendre, Mark.jpg
Image:Jackie Price.jpg
Image:Harry Lord.jpg

Your files uploaded

--MichaelEng 00:42, 22 July 2006 (EDT)

Finally found the old Emails on a service that no longer provides search capabilities (AOL), and the agreements I have with baseball-library, baseball-almanac et al. all have wording such as "may be posted free of charge at or any other sites of my choosing". Commercialization, however, is specifically excluded. Given the combination of factors possible commercialization in the future, I don't want to jeopardize any relationships I have established and that there is little value in the few images thus posted, I think it best to delete them all. --Ron 08:43, 28 July 2006 (EDT)

The terms under which these images are released may be as open or restrictive as required (of course assuming the person in question holds the copyright to the image). Could you at least indicate the source of each of the images? Could you also post the above mentioned correspondances (both the request and response)? --MichaelEng 13:16, 29 July 2006 (EDT)

This will take a little time to dig out and put together - please be patient. --Ron 03:37, 30 July 2006 (EDT)

Ron: I found this line on John Greening's page: CW;5/18/64,K 132 IN;E,11US;B,24US Inf. I figure the beginning means Civil War, enlisted May 18, 1864, and the inf must stand for infantry, but I can't figure the rest out. Could you translate it into plain English for the rest of us unenlightened folks ? --Philippe 11:42, 4 September 2006 (EDT)

Image Tags (February 2007)[edit]

Greetings Auricle99.

Thank you for uploading following images to the BR Bullpen. However, these images are missing source and/or copyright information as required by the image use policy. For ease of identification, image tags are often used to indicate sourcing, license status, or both. If the required information for images is not added within 7 days it will be deleted.

This is a semi-automated message from MichaelEng (talk) at 14:09, 18 February 2007 (EST).