Elizabethtown, PA

From BR Bullpen

Elizabethtown is located in central Pennsylvania, 15 miles southeast of Harrisburg, PA and 15 miles northwest of Lancaster, PA.

The town was the site of the Klein Chocolate Company which organized a semi-pro team in 1919 in order to publicize its products. The team was outstanding, playing a number of major league teams during the summer and coming out ahead, 7-4 against that level of competition while going 69-14 overall. A number of its players went on to play in the major leagues, including Russ Wrightstone, Art Decatur, Norman Plitt and Hinkey Haines.

Persons who died here[edit]

Educational institutions located here[edit]

Further Reading[edit]

  • Russ Walsh: "The Klein Chocolate Company Baseball Team's Remarkable 1919 Season", Baseball Research Journal, SABR, Volume 51, Number 2 (Fall 2022), pp. 31-38.