Eddie Glinnen

From BR Bullpen


Eddie Daniel Glinnen

Biographical Information[edit]

Eddie Glinnen played briefly in the minor leagues for the San Francisco Giants and served in the Army's CO.B, 2ND BN (Mech), 2nd INF, 1st INFANTRY DIVISION. He died at age 20 in hospital in South Vietnam from illness. His name is recorded on the Vietnam Wall in Washington DC.

Eddie died from wounds sustained (Non hostile/Line of duty) on January 1, 1970, on the bunker line at Dau Tieng, Binh Duong Prov. RVN. He died at the 3d Field Hospital on 11 January 1970.

He was previously wounded on December 25, 1969 when the Armored Personnel Carrier on which he was riding hit a 20 pound mine. January 1, 1970 was his first day back with "light duty" status

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