Standard Pitching

Show Non‑Major
Standard Pitching Table
1931 20 BRO NL 1.0 3 1 .750 2.32 5 4 1 2 1 0 31.0 27 9 8 0 13 0 12 1 0 0 126 167 3.72 1.290 7.8 0.0 3.8 3.5 0.92
1932 21 BRO NL 0.7 13 11 .542 4.43 39 33 2 11 1 2 223.1 224 120 110 9 115 4 107 6 0 5 986 86 3.99 1.518 9.0 0.4 4.6 4.3 0.93
1933 22 BRO NL 5.2 16 15 .516 2.72 41 28 8 18 3 0 248.0 223 89 75 7 84 4 110 0 0 7 1047 118 3.40 1.238 8.1 0.3 3.0 4.0 1.31
1934 23 BRO NL 4.7 18 16 .529 3.37 45 38 6 22 3 3 315.1 300 137 118 15 104 10 184 3 1 6 1329 116 3.65 1.281 8.6 0.4 3.0 5.3 1.77 AS,MVP-23
1935 24 BRO NL 2.5 16 10 .615 3.65 37 26 10 18 4 2 214.1 205 100 87 13 90 8 143 2 1 4 920 109 3.92 1.376 8.6 0.5 3.8 6.0 1.59 AS
1936 25 BRO NL 6.6 18 19 .486 3.35 45 37 8 22 2 3 311.2 275 137 116 8 118 3 238 3 0 10 1313 124 3.29 1.261 7.9 0.2 3.4 6.9 2.02 AS,MVP-14
1937 26 BRO NL 4.3 9 11 .450 2.91 25 21 4 14 0 3 161.0 136 65 52 3 56 3 122 3 2 2 665 139 3.03 1.193 7.6 0.2 3.1 6.8 2.18 AS
1938 27 BRO NL 0.5 4 11 .267 3.92 24 18 6 6 2 0 133.1 133 78 58 11 72 2 72 2 1 8 592 101 4.71 1.538 9.0 0.7 4.9 4.9 1.00
1939 28 BRO NL 1.2 4 5 .444 3.26 14 10 3 1 0 0 77.1 70 36 28 7 33 3 34 3 0 2 335 126 4.29 1.332 8.1 0.8 3.8 4.0 1.03
1940 29 BRO NL 0.8 1 0 1.000 2.45 7 0 2 0 0 1 22.0 24 6 6 1 10 0 9 0 0 0 96 167 4.13 1.545 9.8 0.4 4.1 3.7 0.90
1941 30 BRO NL 0.0 0 0 4.50 2 0 1 0 0 0 2.0 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 99 5.78 1.500 4.5 0.0 9.0 0.0 0.00
1942 31 NYG NL -1.3 1 2 .333 5.94 9 5 0 0 0 0 36.1 38 32 24 4 21 0 27 0 0 2 162 57 3.75 1.624 9.4 1.0 5.2 6.7 1.29
1943 32 NYG NL 1.5 3 7 .300 3.91 45 13 10 2 2 2 154.1 140 68 67 7 79 2 83 6 0 3 679 87 3.82 1.419 8.2 0.4 4.6 4.8 1.05
1944 Did not play - Military Service
1945 34 NYG NL 3.0 14 7 .667 3.20 26 26 0 7 2 0 183.0 161 77 65 4 71 6 101 4 0 3 771 121 3.11 1.268 7.9 0.2 3.5 5.0 1.42
14 Yrs 30.8 120 115 .511 3.47 364 259 61 123 20 16 2113.0 1957 955 815 89 868 45 1242 33 5 52 9030 110 3.65 1.337 8.3 0.4 3.7 5.3 1.43
162 Game Avg 3.4 13 13 .511 3.47 40 28 7 13 2 2 231 214 104 89 10 95 5 136 4 1 6 986 110 3.65 1.337 8.3 0.4 3.7 5.3 1.43
BRO (11 Yrs) 27.6 102 99 .507 3.41 284 215 51 114 16 14 1739.1 1618 778 659 74 697 37 1031 23 5 44 7418 114 3.69 1.331 8.4 0.4 3.6 5.3 1.48
NYG (3 Yrs) 3.2 18 16 .529 3.76 80 44 10 9 4 2 373.2 339 177 156 15 171 8 211 10 0 8 1612 97 3.47 1.365 8.2 0.4 4.1 5.1 1.23
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Value Pitching

Value Pitching Table
Season Age Team Lg IP G GS R RA9 RA9opp RA9def RA9role PPFp RA9avg RAA WAA gmLI WAAadj WAR RAR waaWL% 162WL% Awards
1931 20 BRO NL 31.0 5 4 9 2.61 4.51 -0.14 0.00 99 4.60 7 0.8 0.53 0.0 1.0 9 .658 .505
1932 21 BRO NL 223.1 39 33 120 4.84 4.54 0.07 0.00 99 4.41 -11 -1.1 3.03 -0.2 0.7 8 .473 .493
1933 22 BRO NL 248.0 41 28 89 3.23 4.03 -0.35 0.00 94 4.13 25 3.1 2.21 0.0 5.2 43 .574 .519
1934 23 BRO NL 315.1 45 38 137 3.91 4.69 -0.12 0.00 94 4.55 22 2.2 3.04 -0.1 4.7 50 .549 .513 AS,MVP-23
1935 24 BRO NL 214.1 37 26 100 4.20 4.69 0.01 0.00 99 4.61 10 0.9 1.78 -0.1 2.5 29 .523 .505 AS
1936 25 BRO NL 311.2 45 37 137 3.96 4.84 -0.14 0.00 101 5.03 37 3.9 2.64 0.1 6.6 66 .586 .524 AS,MVP-14
1937 26 BRO NL 161.0 25 21 65 3.63 4.73 -0.25 0.00 101 5.05 25 2.9 2.44 0.0 4.3 40 .614 .518 AS
1938 27 BRO NL 133.1 24 18 78 5.27 4.51 -0.14 0.00 104 4.84 -6 -0.6 0.61 -0.1 0.5 5 .476 .496
1939 28 BRO NL 77.1 14 10 36 4.19 4.63 0.16 0.00 106 4.74 5 0.6 0.74 -0.1 1.2 12 .540 .503
1940 29 BRO NL 22.0 7 0 6 2.45 4.49 -0.11 0.00 107 4.91 6 0.7 0.56 -0.1 0.8 8 .598 .504
1941 30 BRO NL 2.0 2 0 1 4.50 4.23 0.39 0.00 104 3.99 0 0.0 0.93 0.0 0.0 0 .494 .500
1942 31 NYG NL 36.1 9 5 32 7.93 4.09 0.12 0.00 101 3.99 -16 -1.5 1.55 -0.1 -1.3 -13 .332 .491
1943 32 NYG NL 154.1 45 13 68 3.97 3.84 -0.27 0.00 101 4.13 3 0.3 1.06 -0.2 1.5 14 .508 .502
1944 Did not play - Military Service
1945 34 NYG NL 183.0 26 26 77 3.79 4.46 0.01 0.00 102 4.53 15 1.5 -0.1 3.0 31 .558 .509
14 Yrs 2113.0 364 259 955 4.07 4.51 -0.11 0.00 99 4.59 122 13.5 1.64 -0.9 30.8 303 .537 .509
162 Game Avg 231 40 28 104 4.07 4.51 -0.11 0.00 99 4.59 13 1.5 1.64 -0.1 3.4 33 .537 .509
BRO (11 Yrs) 1739.1 284 215 778 4.03 4.58 -0.12 0.00 99 4.65 120 13.2 1.91 -0.5 27.6 271 .546 .510
NYG (3 Yrs) 373.2 80 44 177 4.26 4.17 -0.09 0.00 101 4.31 2 0.3 1.12 -0.4 3.2 32 .504 .503

Advanced Pitching

Advanced Pitching Table
Batting Against Pitching Ratios Win Probability
Season Age Team Lg IP BA OBP SLG OPS BAbip HR% K% BB% WPA cWPA RE24 Awards
1931 20 BRO NL 31.0 .241 .325 .295 .620 .270 0.0 9.5 10.3 1.1 0.0% 7.87
1932 21 BRO NL 223.1 .260 .351 .358 .709 .289 0.9 10.9 11.7 -0.1 0.4% -3.05
1933 22 BRO NL 248.0 .236 .298 .322 .620 .261 0.7 10.5 8.0 0.8 -0.2% 18.45
1934 23 BRO NL 315.1 .250 .312 .364 .676 .285 1.1 13.8 7.8 3.4 0.7% 22.16 AS,MVP-23
1935 24 BRO NL 214.1 .252 .328 .357 .685 .292 1.4 15.5 9.8 1.5 2.4% 9.84 AS
1936 25 BRO NL 311.2 .234 .305 .306 .611 .287 0.6 18.1 9.0 3.5 0.4% 23.94 AS,MVP-14
1937 26 BRO NL 161.0 .228 .298 .319 .617 .282 0.5 18.3 8.4 2.4 2.9% 18.88 AS
1938 27 BRO NL 133.1 .259 .353 .384 .737 .284 1.9 12.2 12.2 -1.5 -0.7% -8.55
1939 28 BRO NL 77.1 .239 .321 .375 .697 .249 2.1 10.1 9.9 0.5 0.6% 6.48
1940 29 BRO NL 22.0 .282 .358 .353 .711 .307 1.0 9.4 10.4 0.5 1.3% 5.69
1941 30 BRO NL 2.0 .143 .333 .286 .619 .143 0.0 0.0 22.2 -0.1 -0.2% -0.40
1942 31 NYG NL 36.1 .273 .369 .453 .822 .315 2.5 16.7 13.0 -0.9 0.0% -9.87
1943 32 NYG NL 154.1 .245 .343 .338 .681 .277 1.0 12.2 11.6 0.2 -0.4% -9.98
1944 Did not play - Military Service
1945 34 NYG NL 183.0 .239 .315 .289 .604 .275 0.5 13.1 9.2 2.1 3.2% 14.40
14 Yrs 2113.0 .245 .322 .340 .661 .281 1.0 13.8 9.6 13.4 10.4% 95.87
MLB Average .313 .389 .384 .773 .325 1.3

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Advanced Batting

Advanced Batting Table
Batting Batting Ratios Win Probability Baserunning
Season Age Team Lg PA rOBA Rbat+ BAbip ISO HR% SO% BB% WPA cWPA RE24 RS% SB% XBT% Pos Awards
1931 20 BRO NL 12 .292 65 .300 .167 0.0 16.7 0.0 0.0 0.0% 0.37 33.3 0.0 /1
1932 21 BRO NL 86 .207 11 .271 .025 0.0 23.3 3.5 -0.4 -0.8% -8.03 15.8 14.3 1
1933 22 BRO NL 90 .191 8 .208 .036 0.0 13.3 2.2 -0.8 -0.1% -7.58 11.8 0.0 1
1934 23 BRO NL 126 .254 48 .316 .041 0.0 20.6 3.2 -0.2 -0.1% -3.69 29.4 27.3 1/H AS,MVP-23
1935 24 BRO NL 92 .283 65 .325 .033 0.0 10.9 1.1 -0.5 0.1% 2.18 33.3 45.5 1/H AS
1936 25 BRO NL 128 .173 -15 .227 .016 0.0 20.3 0.8 -1.7 -0.5% -11.11 47.8 27.3 1/H9 AS,MVP-14
1937 26 BRO NL 67 .258 51 .333 .047 0.0 23.9 4.5 0.5 0.6% -2.19 21.1 0.0 42.9 1/H AS
1938 27 BRO NL 58 .253 34 .273 .021 0.0 24.1 12.1 -0.4 -0.4% -3.61 31.3 100.0 60.0 1/H
1939 28 BRO NL 33 .387 126 .476 .103 0.0 24.2 9.1 -0.1 -0.2% -0.09 38.5 40.0 H1/7
1940 29 BRO NL 7 .000 -129 .000 .000 0.0 14.3 0.0 -0.1 -0.4% -2.07 0.0 /1H
1941 30 BRO NL 0 /1
1942 31 NYG NL 14 .191 7 .333 .000 0.0 35.7 0.0 -0.1 0.0% -1.77 33.3 50.0 /1
1943 32 NYG NL 47 .165 -19 .233 .023 0.0 29.8 2.1 -0.5 -0.2% -3.91 12.5 50.0 1/H
1944 Did not play - Military Service
1945 34 NYG NL 78 .286 65 .270 .096 0.0 12.8 5.1 -1.2 -1.5% -8.39 18.2 11.1 1/H
14 Yrs 838 .235 31 .279 .041 0.0 19.6 3.5 -5.5 -3.4% -49.88 27.5 50.0 29.9 1H/79
MLB Average .333 100 .284 .112 1.3 7.5 8.5 34.5 56.5 47.9

Standard Fielding

Standard Fielding Table
Standard Range Factor Baserunners
Season Age Team Lg Pos G GS CG Inn Ch PO A E DP Fld% lgFld% RF/9 lgRF9 RF/G lgRFG SB CS CS% lgCS% Pick Awards
1931 20 BRO NL P 5 4 2 31.0 5 1 4 0 0 1.000 .958 1.45 2.24 1.00 2.20 1 2 66.7 51.3 0
1932 21 BRO NL P 39 33 11 223.0 65 15 48 2 4 .969 .957 2.54 2.29 1.62 2.29 10 8 44.4 47.5 0
1933 22 BRO NL P 41 28 18 248.0 73 15 55 3 1 .959 .964 2.54 2.36 1.71 2.33 10 9 47.4 48.5 0
1934 23 BRO NL P 45 38 22 315.0 84 14 67 3 3 .964 .960 2.31 2.27 1.80 2.24 8 12 60.0 48.6 0 AS,MVP-23
1935 24 BRO NL P 37 26 18 214.0 57 10 45 2 1 .965 .959 2.31 2.31 1.49 2.28 8 9 52.9 48.6 0 AS
1936 25 BRO NL P 45 37 22 312.0 86 11 67 8 7 .907 .950 2.25 2.32 1.73 2.31 10 12 54.5 51.2 0 AS,MVP-14
1936 25 BRO NL OF 1 0 0 4.0 1 1 0 0 0 1.000 .970 2.25 2.48 1.00 2.40 AS,MVP-14
1936 25 BRO NL RF 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1.000 .960 1.00 2.00 AS,MVP-14
1937 26 BRO NL P 25 21 14 161.0 53 12 41 0 0 1.000 .958 2.96 2.39 2.12 2.36 4 8 66.7 51.5 0 AS
1938 27 BRO NL P 24 18 6 133.0 35 4 31 0 2 1.000 .964 2.37 2.21 1.46 2.19 5 8 61.5 49.7 0
1939 28 BRO NL P 14 10 1 77.0 14 4 10 0 0 1.000 .960 1.64 2.19 1.00 2.16 3 3 50.0 47.0 1
1939 28 BRO NL LF 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 1.80
1939 28 BRO NL OF 1 0 0 2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 2.25 0.00 2.30
1940 29 BRO NL P 7 0 0 22.0 3 0 3 0 0 1.000 .963 1.23 2.21 0.43 2.21 0 3 100.0 45.7 0
1941 30 BRO NL P 2 0 0 2.0 1 0 1 0 0 1.000 .960 4.50 2.25 0.50 2.20 0 0 0
1942 31 NYG NL P 9 5 0 36.0 8 2 6 0 2 1.000 .968 2.00 2.35 0.89 2.36 1 1 50.0 45.0 0
1943 32 NYG NL P 45 13 2 154.0 41 5 36 0 1 1.000 .961 2.40 2.25 0.91 2.25 8 4 33.3 46.1 0
1944 Did not play - Military Service
1945 34 NYG NL P 26 26 7 183.0 45 6 34 5 1 .889 .963 1.97 2.18 1.54 2.17 6 6 50.0 37.5 0
14 Yrs 366 259 123 2117.0 571 100 448 23 22 .960 .959 2.33 2.29 1.50 2.27 74 85 53.5 48.0 1
P (14 Yrs) P 364 259 123 2111.0 570 99 448 23 22 .960 .959 2.33 2.29 1.50 2.27 74 85 53.5 48.0 1
OF (2 Yrs) OF 2 0 0 6.0 1 1 0 0 0 1.000 .970 1.50 2.40 0.50 2.35
LF (1 Yr) LF 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 1.80
RF (1 Yr) RF 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1.000 .960 1.00 2.00

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Frequently Asked Questions

When was Van Mungo born?

Van Mungo was born on June 8, 1911.

Where was Van Mungo born?

Van Mungo was born in Pageland, SC.

How tall was Van Mungo?

Van Mungo was 6-2 (188 cm) tall.

How much did Van Mungo weigh when playing?

Van Mungo weighed 185 lbs (83 kg) when playing.

How many seasons did Van Mungo play?

Van Mungo played 14 seasons.

Is Van Mungo in the Hall of Fame?

Van Mungo has not been elected into the Hall of Fame.

What position did Van Mungo play?

Van Mungo was a Pitcher.

How many strikeouts did Van Mungo have?

Van Mungo had 1,242 strikeouts over his career.

How many teams has Van Mungo played for?

Van Mungo played for 3 teams; the Brooklyn Robins, Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants.

How many World Series has Van Mungo won?

Van Mungo never won a World Series.

When did Van Mungo retire?

Van Mungo last played in 1945.

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