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Frequently Asked Questions

How old is Dinelson Lamet?

Dinelson Lamet is 31 years old.

When was Dinelson Lamet born?

Dinelson Lamet was born on July 18, 1992.

Where was Dinelson Lamet born?

Dinelson Lamet was born in Santiago, Santiago.

How tall is Dinelson Lamet?

Dinelson Lamet is 6-3 (190 cm) tall.

How much does Dinelson Lamet weigh?

Dinelson Lamet weighs 228 lbs (103 kg).

How many seasons has Dinelson Lamet played?

Dinelson Lamet is in his 7th season.

What position does Dinelson Lamet play?

Dinelson Lamet is a Pitcher.

How many strikeouts does Dinelson Lamet have?

Dinelson Lamet has 3 strikeouts this season and has 474 strikeouts over his career.

How many teams has Dinelson Lamet played for?

Dinelson Lamet has played for 4 teams; the San Diego Padres, Colorado Rockies, Boston Red Sox and Los Angeles Dodgers.

What is Dinelson Lamet's Instagram account?

Dinelson Lamet is on Instagram at dinelson_lamet94.

What are Dinelson Lamet's nicknames?

El Flaco is a nickname for Dinelson Lamet.

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