Standard Pitching

Show Non‑Major
Standard Pitching Table
1909 24 WSH AL 1.5 7 26 .212 2.87 44 31 9 17 1 0 260.2 218 114 83 2 105 131 13 0 10 1070 86 2.67 1.239 7.5 0.1 3.6 4.5 1.25
1910 25 WSH AL 0.4 12 17 .414 2.76 34 30 3 22 3 0 257.2 244 117 79 8 77 98 9 1 9 1024 91 2.96 1.246 8.5 0.3 2.7 3.4 1.27
1911 26 WSH AL 0.9 13 17 .433 3.82 37 32 4 20 2 2 254.2 280 148 108 9 67 135 8 0 8 1068 86 3.05 1.363 9.9 0.3 2.4 4.8 2.01
1912 27 WSH AL 4.2 24 13 .649 2.62 43 40 2 28 2 1 316.0 287 133 92 3 94 179 5 0 6 1266 129 2.78 1.206 8.2 0.1 2.7 5.1 1.90
1913 28 WSH AL 1.1 16 16 .500 3.23 37 36 1 17 4 0 264.1 258 118 95 8 81 156 5 0 9 1080 92 2.75 1.282 8.8 0.3 2.8 5.3 1.93
1914 29 SLM FL 1.7 13 20 .394 3.24 42 34 4 23 1 1 280.2 281 141 101 9 75 167 4 0 9 1153 102 2.51 1.268 9.0 0.3 2.4 5.4 2.23
1915 30 SLM FL 0.5 11 11 .500 3.27 37 26 6 11 4 2 209.0 200 93 76 6 73 111 2 0 4 841 97 2.80 1.306 8.6 0.3 3.1 4.8 1.52
1916 31 SLB AL 2.4 13 9 .591 2.57 41 26 8 8 1 4 217.1 174 82 62 1 98 92 3 0 2 872 106 2.92 1.252 7.2 0.0 4.1 3.8 0.94
1917 32 SLB AL 4.2 8 19 .296 2.94 38 28 6 11 4 3 232.2 193 80 76 3 95 82 5 0 2 929 88 3.01 1.238 7.5 0.1 3.7 3.2 0.86
1918 33 CLE AL -1.7 2 2 .500 7.06 14 5 4 0 0 0 43.1 70 42 34 0 18 8 1 0 0 203 43 3.18 2.031 14.5 0.0 3.7 1.7 0.44
10 Yrs 15.2 119 150 .442 3.10 367 288 47 157 22 13 2336.1 2205 1068 806 49 783 1159 55 1 59 9506 95 2.83 1.279 8.5 0.2 3.0 4.5 1.48
162 Game Avg 1.6 12 16 .442 3.10 38 30 5 16 2 1 243 229 111 84 5 81 120 6 0 6 987 95 2.83 1.279 8.5 0.2 3.0 4.5 1.48
WSH (5 Yrs) 8.1 72 89 .447 3.04 195 169 19 104 12 3 1353.1 1287 630 457 30 424 699 40 1 42 5508 96 2.84 1.264 8.6 0.2 2.8 4.6 1.65
SLB (2 Yrs) 6.6 21 28 .429 2.76 79 54 14 19 5 7 450.0 367 162 138 4 193 174 8 0 4 1801 96 2.97 1.244 7.3 0.1 3.9 3.5 0.90
SLM (2 Yrs) 2.2 24 31 .436 3.25 79 60 10 34 5 3 489.2 481 234 177 15 148 278 6 0 13 1994 100 2.63 1.285 8.8 0.3 2.7 5.1 1.88
CLE (1 Yr) -1.7 2 2 .500 7.06 14 5 4 0 0 0 43.1 70 42 34 0 18 8 1 0 0 203 43 3.18 2.031 14.5 0.0 3.7 1.7 0.44
AL (8 Yrs) 13.0 95 119 .444 3.07 288 228 37 123 17 10 1846.2 1724 834 629 34 635 881 49 1 46 7512 93 2.88 1.277 8.4 0.2 3.1 4.3 1.39
FL (2 Yrs) 2.2 24 31 .436 3.25 79 60 10 34 5 3 489.2 481 234 177 15 148 278 6 0 13 1994 100 2.63 1.285 8.8 0.3 2.7 5.1 1.88

Value Pitching

Value Pitching Table
Season Age Team Lg IP G GS R RA9 RA9opp RA9def RA9role PPFp RA9avg RAA WAA gmLI WAAadj WAR RAR waaWL% 162WL% Awards
1909 24 WSH AL 260.2 44 31 114 3.94 3.53 -0.12 0.00 99 3.62 -9 -0.8 1.00 -0.3 1.5 10 .481 .495
1910 25 WSH AL 257.2 34 30 117 4.09 3.62 0.15 0.00 99 3.43 -19 -1.9 1.00 -0.2 0.4 3 .444 .488
1911 26 WSH AL 254.2 37 32 148 5.23 4.70 -0.10 0.00 99 4.74 -14 -1.5 1.00 -0.2 0.9 13 .459 .491
1912 27 WSH AL 316.0 43 40 133 3.79 4.49 0.36 0.00 101 4.18 14 1.4 1.65 -0.4 4.2 47 .532 .508
1913 28 WSH AL 264.1 37 36 118 4.02 3.89 0.33 0.00 101 3.60 -12 -1.3 2.25 -0.3 1.1 12 .466 .492
1914 29 SLM FL 280.2 42 34 141 4.52 4.21 -0.40 0.00 104 4.78 8 0.6 1.00 -0.2 1.7 19 .513 .503
1915 30 SLM FL 209.0 37 26 93 4.00 3.92 0.11 0.00 104 3.95 -1 -0.3 1.00 -0.1 0.5 6 .492 .498
1916 31 SLB AL 217.1 41 26 82 3.40 3.58 0.03 0.00 98 3.49 2 0.4 1.14 -0.2 2.4 20 .509 .502
1917 32 SLB AL 232.2 38 28 80 3.09 3.63 -0.17 0.00 98 3.73 16 2.0 1.56 -0.2 4.2 36 .554 .513
1918 33 CLE AL 43.1 14 5 42 8.72 3.62 -0.22 0.00 109 4.16 -22 -2.3 0.50 0.2 -1.7 -18 .338 .486
10 Yrs 2336.1 367 288 1068 4.11 3.97 0.02 0.00 100 3.97 -37 -3.8 1.08 -1.9 15.2 148 .490 .499
162 Game Avg 243 38 30 111 4.11 3.97 0.02 0.00 100 3.97 -4 -0.4 1.08 -0.2 1.6 15 .490 .499
WSH (5 Yrs) 1353.1 195 169 630 4.19 4.06 0.13 0.00 100 3.92 -40 -4.2 1.12 -1.4 8.1 85 .479 .495
SLB (2 Yrs) 450.0 79 54 162 3.24 3.61 -0.07 0.00 98 3.61 19 2.4 1.31 -0.4 6.6 56 .531 .507
SLM (2 Yrs) 489.2 79 60 234 4.30 4.08 -0.19 0.00 104 4.43 7 0.3 1.00 -0.3 2.2 25 .503 .501
CLE (1 Yr) 43.1 14 5 42 8.72 3.62 -0.22 0.00 109 4.16 -22 -2.3 0.50 0.2 -1.7 -18 .338 .486
AL (8 Yrs) 1846.2 288 228 834 4.06 3.94 0.07 0.00 100 3.85 -44 -4.0 1.11 -1.6 13.0 123 .486 .498
FL (2 Yrs) 489.2 79 60 234 4.30 4.08 -0.19 0.00 104 4.43 7 0.3 1.00 -0.3 2.2 25 .503 .501

Batting Against -- Pitching *

Win Probability *

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Starting Pitching *

  • Data only available back to 1901

Reliever Pitching *

  • Data only available back to 1901

Ratio Pitching *

Baserunning & Situational Stats *

Cumulative Pitching

Neutralized Pitching

Advanced Pitching

Advanced Pitching Table
Batting Against Pitching Ratios Win Probability
Season Age Team Lg IP BA OBP SLG OPS BAbip HR% K% BB% WPA cWPA RE24 Awards
1909 24 WSH AL 260.2 0.2 12.2 9.8
1910 25 WSH AL 257.2 0.8 9.6 7.5
1911 26 WSH AL 254.2 0.8 12.6 6.3
1912 27 WSH AL 316.0 .246 .303 .335 .639 .286 0.2 14.1 7.4 3.7 3.2% 24.29
1913 28 WSH AL 264.1 .262 .321 .341 .662 .305 0.7 14.4 7.5 -1.4 -0.1% -7.15
1914 29 SLM FL 280.2 .266 .316 .360 .676 .308 0.8 14.5 6.5
1915 30 SLM FL 209.0 .257 .321 .337 .658 .292 0.7 13.2 8.7
1916 31 SLB AL 217.1 .226 .315 .256 .571 .255 0.1 10.6 11.2 -0.4 -0.8% -5.73
1917 32 SLB AL 232.2 .238 .320 .322 .642 .260 0.3 8.8 10.2 0.2 1.6% 6.70
1918 33 CLE AL 43.1 .387 .441 .486 .927 .400 0.0 3.9 8.9 -1.9 -3.8% -24.60
10 Yrs 2336.1 .384 .481 .333 .814 .436 0.5 12.2 8.2 0.2 0.1% -6.48
MLB Average .350 .440 .326 .765 .386 0.4 10.3 8.0

* - Disclaimer & Completeness Note

Appearances on Leaderboards, Awards, and Honors

Hall of Fame Statistics

Frequently Asked Questions

When was Bob Groom born?

Bob Groom was born on September 12, 1884.

Where was Bob Groom born?

Bob Groom was born in Belleville, IL.

How tall was Bob Groom?

Bob Groom was 6-2 (188 cm) tall.

How much did Bob Groom weigh when playing?

Bob Groom weighed 175 lbs (79 kg) when playing.

How many seasons did Bob Groom play?

Bob Groom played 10 seasons.

Is Bob Groom in the Hall of Fame?

Bob Groom has not been elected into the Hall of Fame.

What position did Bob Groom play?

Bob Groom was a Pitcher.

How many strikeouts did Bob Groom have?

Bob Groom had 1,159 strikeouts over his career.

How many teams has Bob Groom played for?

Bob Groom played for 4 teams; the Washington Nationals, St. Louis Terriers, St. Louis Browns and Cleveland Indians.

When did Bob Groom retire?

Bob Groom last played in 1918.

What are Bob Groom's nicknames?

The Toothpick Twirler is a nickname for Bob Groom.

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