Standard Pitching

Show Non‑Major
Standard Pitching Table
1907 19 SLB AL 0.9 4 1 .800 2.42 6 5 1 3 0 0 48.1 39 16 13 0 15 17 4 0 0 194 104 2.66 1.117 7.3 0.0 2.8 3.2 1.13
1908 20 SLB AL -0.9 3 5 .375 3.04 22 12 8 7 0 0 106.2 85 53 36 2 50 42 3 0 5 439 78 3.05 1.266 7.2 0.2 4.2 3.5 0.84
1909 21 SLB AL 3.2 9 10 .474 2.44 32 20 12 17 1 0 199.0 174 71 54 2 75 114 6 0 9 784 99 2.42 1.251 7.9 0.1 3.4 5.2 1.52
1910 22 SLB AL -3.0 3 18 .143 3.32 34 20 9 13 0 0 192.1 186 133 71 2 97 90 10 0 8 816 74 3.18 1.471 8.7 0.1 4.5 4.2 0.93
1911 23 SLB AL -0.5 0 3 .000 4.55 7 2 3 2 0 0 31.2 42 26 16 1 16 8 2 0 0 142 74 4.38 1.832 11.9 0.3 4.5 2.3 0.50
1912 24 SLB AL -0.4 0 1 .000 9.28 3 2 1 0 0 0 10.2 15 12 11 0 10 2 0 0 3 54 38 5.29 2.344 12.7 0.0 8.4 1.7 0.20
1914 26 BAL FL 0.9 7 9 .438 3.08 19 18 0 10 1 0 128.2 106 58 44 2 68 131 7 1 9 536 109 2.35 1.352 7.4 0.1 4.8 9.2 1.93
1915 27 2TM FL -1.1 9 20 .310 4.27 41 28 12 14 5 0 223.2 202 127 106 9 125 122 9 0 3 951 74 3.64 1.462 8.1 0.4 5.0 4.9 0.98
1915 27 BAL FL -1.8 6 19 .240 4.63 36 23 12 11 2 0 190.1 179 118 98 8 115 98 9 0 3 827 70 3.88 1.545 8.5 0.4 5.4 4.6 0.85
1915 27 CHI FL 0.6 3 1 .750 2.16 5 5 0 3 3 0 33.1 23 9 8 1 10 24 0 0 0 124 133 2.26 0.990 6.2 0.3 2.7 6.5 2.40
1918 30 DET AL -1.3 1 2 .333 5.97 8 4 2 1 0 0 37.2 53 34 25 0 26 13 1 0 0 178 45 3.69 2.097 12.7 0.0 6.2 3.1 0.50
1921 33 STL NL 0.2 2 5 .286 4.26 19 6 3 3 1 0 74.0 95 41 35 1 22 20 2 1 4 330 86 3.74 1.581 11.6 0.1 2.7 2.4 0.91
1922 34 STL NL -0.1 0 2 .000 5.40 12 0 5 0 0 0 31.2 38 22 19 1 23 11 0 0 2 149 72 5.05 1.926 10.8 0.3 6.5 3.1 0.48
11 Yrs -2.2 38 76 .333 3.57 203 117 56 70 8 0 1084.1 1035 593 430 20 527 570 44 2 43 4573 80 3.17 1.441 8.6 0.2 4.4 4.7 1.08
162 Game Avg -0.5 8 16 .333 3.57 43 25 12 15 2 0 230 220 126 91 4 112 121 9 0 9 972 80 3.17 1.441 8.6 0.2 4.4 4.7 1.08
SLB (6 Yrs) -0.8 19 38 .333 3.07 104 61 34 42 1 0 588.2 541 311 201 7 263 273 25 0 25 2429 82 2.96 1.366 8.3 0.1 4.0 4.2 1.04
BAL (2 Yrs) -0.8 13 28 .317 4.01 55 41 12 21 3 0 319.0 285 176 142 10 183 229 16 1 12 1363 82 3.26 1.467 8.0 0.3 5.2 6.5 1.25
STL (2 Yrs) 0.1 2 7 .222 4.60 31 6 8 3 1 0 105.2 133 63 54 2 45 31 2 1 6 479 81 4.13 1.685 11.3 0.2 3.8 2.6 0.69
DET (1 Yr) -1.3 1 2 .333 5.97 8 4 2 1 0 0 37.2 53 34 25 0 26 13 1 0 0 178 45 3.69 2.097 12.7 0.0 6.2 3.1 0.50
CHI (1 Yr) 0.6 3 1 .750 2.16 5 5 0 3 3 0 33.1 23 9 8 1 10 24 0 0 0 124 133 2.26 0.990 6.2 0.3 2.7 6.5 2.40
AL (7 Yrs) -2.1 20 40 .333 3.25 112 65 36 43 1 0 626.1 594 345 226 7 289 286 26 0 25 2607 78 3.00 1.410 8.5 0.1 4.2 4.1 0.99
FL (2 Yrs) -0.2 16 29 .356 3.83 60 46 12 24 6 0 352.1 308 185 150 11 193 253 16 1 12 1487 84 3.17 1.422 7.9 0.3 4.9 6.5 1.31
NL (2 Yrs) 0.1 2 7 .222 4.60 31 6 8 3 1 0 105.2 133 63 54 2 45 31 2 1 6 479 81 4.13 1.685 11.3 0.2 3.8 2.6 0.69
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Value Pitching

Value Pitching Table
Season Age Team Lg IP G GS R RA9 RA9opp RA9def RA9role PPFp RA9avg RAA WAA gmLI WAAadj WAR RAR waaWL% 162WL% Awards
1907 19 SLB AL 48.1 6 5 16 2.98 3.81 0.09 0.00 98 3.64 4 0.4 1.00 0.0 0.9 7 .572 .503
1908 20 SLB AL 106.2 22 12 53 4.47 3.54 0.30 0.00 97 3.14 -16 -1.9 1.00 -0.1 -0.9 -8 .414 .488
1909 21 SLB AL 199.0 32 20 71 3.21 3.53 -0.11 0.00 99 3.61 9 1.4 1.00 -0.2 3.2 24 .544 .509
1910 22 SLB AL 192.1 34 20 133 6.22 3.86 -0.25 0.00 98 4.02 -47 -4.8 1.00 -0.2 -3.0 -31 .360 .471
1911 23 SLB AL 31.2 7 2 26 7.39 4.83 -0.15 0.00 103 5.11 -8 -0.8 1.00 0.0 -0.5 -5 .391 .495
1912 24 SLB AL 10.2 3 2 12 10.13 4.85 -0.17 0.00 98 4.92 -6 -0.5 0.57 0.0 -0.4 -5 .321 .497
1914 26 BAL FL 128.2 19 18 58 4.06 4.21 -0.13 0.00 103 4.45 6 0.4 1.76 -0.1 0.9 10 .523 .503
1915 27 2TM FL 223.2 41 28 127 5.11 4.07 -0.29 0.00 101 4.41 -17 -2.0 0.78 -0.2 -1.1 -9 .451 .487
1915 27 BAL FL 190.1 36 23 118 5.58 4.07 -0.35 0.00 103 4.56 -22 -2.5 0.78 -0.1 -1.8 -15 .430 .485
1915 27 CHI FL 33.1 5 5 9 2.43 4.10 0.03 0.00 88 3.57 4 0.5 0.0 0.6 5 .598 .503
1918 30 DET AL 37.2 8 4 34 8.12 3.59 -0.49 0.00 100 4.07 -17 -1.7 0.58 0.0 -1.3 -14 .294 .490
1921 33 STL NL 74.0 19 6 41 4.99 4.81 0.06 0.00 95 4.50 -4 -0.4 1.11 -0.1 0.2 2 .480 .498
1922 34 STL NL 31.2 12 0 22 6.25 4.64 -0.38 0.00 95 4.77 -5 -0.5 0.43 0.1 -0.1 -2 .458 .497
11 Yrs 1084.1 203 117 593 4.92 3.97 -0.14 0.00 99 4.07 -103 -10.3 0.89 -0.7 -2.2 -30 .450 .492
162 Game Avg 230 43 25 126 4.92 3.97 -0.14 0.00 99 4.07 -22 -2.2 0.89 -0.2 -0.5 -6 .450 .492
SLB (6 Yrs) 588.2 104 61 311 4.75 3.76 -0.07 0.00 98 3.76 -65 -6.1 0.99 -0.5 -0.8 -17 .441 .490
BAL (2 Yrs) 319.0 55 41 176 4.97 4.12 -0.26 0.00 103 4.51 -16 -2.1 0.85 -0.2 -0.8 -4 .462 .491
STL (2 Yrs) 105.2 31 6 63 5.37 4.76 -0.07 0.00 95 4.58 -9 -0.9 0.78 0.1 0.1 0 .471 .497
DET (1 Yr) 37.2 8 4 34 8.12 3.59 -0.49 0.00 100 4.07 -17 -1.7 0.58 0.0 -1.3 -14 .294 .490
CHI (1 Yr) 33.1 5 5 9 2.43 4.10 0.03 0.00 88 3.57 4 0.5 0.0 0.6 5 .598 .503
AL (7 Yrs) 626.1 112 65 345 4.96 3.75 -0.09 0.00 99 3.78 -82 -7.8 0.95 -0.5 -2.1 -31 .430 .490
FL (2 Yrs) 352.1 60 46 185 4.73 4.12 -0.23 0.00 102 4.42 -12 -1.6 0.85 -0.2 -0.2 1 .474 .492
NL (2 Yrs) 105.2 31 6 63 5.37 4.76 -0.07 0.00 95 4.58 -9 -0.9 0.78 0.1 0.1 0 .471 .497

Advanced Pitching

Advanced Pitching Table
Batting Against Pitching Ratios Win Probability
Season Age Team Lg IP BA OBP SLG OPS BAbip HR% K% BB% WPA cWPA RE24 Awards
1907 19 SLB AL 48.1 0.0 8.8 7.7
1908 20 SLB AL 106.2 0.5 9.6 11.4
1909 21 SLB AL 199.0 0.3 14.5 9.6
1910 22 SLB AL 192.1 0.2 11.0 11.9
1911 23 SLB AL 31.2 0.7 5.6 11.3
1912 24 SLB AL 10.2 .341 .446 .455 .901 .341 0.0 3.7 18.5 -0.2 -0.2% -7.89
1914 26 BAL FL 128.2 .232 .337 .317 .654 .316 0.4 24.4 12.7 0.1 1.4% 0.84
1915 27 2TM FL 223.2 .254 .359 .355 .714 .287 0.9 12.8 13.1 -2.9 12.2% -29.19
1915 27 BAL FL 190.1 .263 .373 .368 .740 .293 1.0 11.9 13.9 -3.3 -2.0% -34.34
1915 27 CHI FL 33.1 .202 .266 .281 .547 .247 0.8 19.4 8.1 0.4 14.2% 5.15
1918 30 DET AL 37.2 .366 .457 .434 .892 .393 0.0 7.3 14.6 -1.0 0.0% -19.87
1921 33 STL NL 74.0 .330 .375 .444 .820 .346 0.3 6.1 6.7 -0.9 -0.3% -5.68
1922 34 STL NL 31.2 .325 .430 .462 .891 .346 0.7 7.4 15.4 0.1 0.2% -4.50
11 Yrs 1084.1 .561 .742 .375 1.117 .651 0.4 12.5 11.5 -4.8 13.2% -66.30
MLB Average .464 .575 .357 .932 .505 0.5 9.8 7.8

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Advanced Batting

Advanced Batting Table
Batting Batting Ratios Win Probability Baserunning
Season Age Team Lg PA rOBA Rbat+ BAbip ISO HR% SO% BB% WPA cWPA RE24 RS% XBT% Pos Awards
1907 19 SLB AL 21 .118 -30 .333 .000 0.0 52.4 0.0 100.0 /1
1908 20 SLB AL 38 .107 -33 .143 .000 0.0 34.2 5.3 60.0 1
1909 21 SLB AL 84 .300 100 .386 .039 0.0 23.8 3.6 4.0 1/H9
1910 22 SLB AL 76 .214 34 .317 .000 0.0 28.9 5.3 35.3 1
1911 23 SLB AL 11 -0.016 -121 .000 .000 0.0 36.4 0.0 /1
1912 24 SLB AL 4 .587 303 .500 .000 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0.0% -0.37 50.0 /1
1914 26 BAL FL 49 .221 18 .212 .023 0.0 20.4 10.2 -0.5 -1.2% -5.07 33.3 42.9 1/H
1915 27 2TM FL 86 .248 34 .304 .014 0.0 20.9 4.7 -0.9 -3.3% -7.30 23.8 0.0 1
1915 27 BAL FL 75 .245 31 .306 .015 0.0 21.3 4.0 -0.7 -0.2% -5.33 27.8 0.0 1
1915 27 CHI FL 11 .275 53 .286 .000 0.0 18.2 9.1 -0.1 -3.1% -1.97 0.0 /1
1918 30 DET AL 13 .101 -54 .111 .077 0.0 30.8 0.0 -0.3 0.0% -2.72 0.0 /1
1921 33 STL NL 23 .107 -58 .118 .000 0.0 21.7 4.3 -0.5 -0.2% -5.02 0.0 0.0 1
1922 34 STL NL 7 .266 43 .333 .000 0.0 14.3 0.0 -0.1 -0.2% -1.69 0.0 1
11 Yrs 412 .212 24 .275 .016 0.0 26.2 4.9 -2.3 -4.9% -22.17 25.3 23.1 1/H9
MLB Average .324 100 .285 .084 0.5 9.2 7.6 33.6 44.8

Standard Fielding

Standard Fielding Table
Standard Range Factor Baserunners
Season Age Team Lg Pos G GS CG Inn Ch PO A E DP Fld% lgFld% RF/9 lgRF9 RF/G lgRFG SB CS CS% lgCS% Pick Awards
1907 19 SLB AL P 6 5 3 48.0 14 2 11 1 0 .929 .946 2.44 3.28 2.17 3.25
1908 20 SLB AL P 22 12 7 107.0 29 0 26 3 0 .897 .946 2.19 3.20 1.18 3.19
1909 21 SLB AL P 32 20 17 199.0 58 4 52 2 1 .966 .942 2.53 3.19 1.75 3.15
1909 21 SLB AL OF 3 0 0 8.0 1 1 0 0 0 1.000 .950 1.13 1.91 0.33 1.87
1909 21 SLB AL RF 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1.000 .950 0.50 1.40
1910 22 SLB AL P 34 20 13 192.0 70 7 57 6 0 .914 .942 3.00 3.29 1.88 3.28
1911 23 SLB AL P 7 2 2 32.0 14 2 11 1 1 .929 .938 3.66 2.87 1.86 2.86
1912 24 SLB AL P 3 2 0 11.0 1 0 1 0 0 1.000 .940 0.82 2.95 0.33 2.90 4 1 20.0 41.8 0
1914 26 BAL FL P 19 18 10 129.0 52 5 45 2 0 .962 .947 3.49 3.04 2.63 3.00
1915 27 2TM FL P 41 28 14 223.0 77 9 61 7 2 .909 .956 2.83 3.08 1.71 3.05
1915 27 BAL FL P 36 23 11 190.0 65 9 49 7 1 .892 .956 2.75 3.08 1.61 3.05
1915 27 CHI FL P 5 5 3 33.0 12 0 12 0 1 1.000 .956 3.27 3.08 2.40 3.06
1918 30 DET AL P 8 4 1 38.0 15 1 14 0 0 1.000 .952 3.55 2.82 1.88 2.84 7 4 36.4 5
1921 33 STL NL P 19 6 3 74.0 31 2 26 3 1 .903 .953 3.41 2.68 1.47 2.66 12 3 20.0 48.3 1
1922 34 STL NL P 12 0 0 32.0 14 2 11 1 0 .929 .957 3.66 2.39 1.08 2.36 3 2 40.0 45.0 0
11 Yrs 206 117 70 1093.0 376 35 315 26 5 .931 .948 2.88 3.08 1.70 3.01 26 10 27.8 32.2 6
P (11 Yrs) P 203 117 70 1085.0 375 34 315 26 5 .931 .948 2.89 3.09 1.72 3.03 26 10 27.8 32.2 6
OF (1 Yr) OF 3 0 0 8.0 1 1 0 0 0 1.000 .950 1.13 1.91 0.33 1.87
RF (1 Yr) RF 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1.000 .950 0.50 1.40

Appearances on Leaderboards, Awards, and Honors

Hall of Fame Statistics



  • Salaries may not be complete (especially pre-1985) and may not include some earned bonuses

Frequently Asked Questions

When was Bill Bailey born?

Bill Bailey was born on April 12, 1888.

Where was Bill Bailey born?

Bill Bailey was born in Fort Smith, AR.

How tall was Bill Bailey?

Bill Bailey was 5-11 (180 cm) tall.

How much did Bill Bailey weigh when playing?

Bill Bailey weighed 165 lbs (74 kg) when playing.

How many seasons did Bill Bailey play?

Bill Bailey played 11 seasons.

Is Bill Bailey in the Hall of Fame?

Bill Bailey has not been elected into the Hall of Fame.

What position did Bill Bailey play?

Bill Bailey was a Pitcher.

How many strikeouts did Bill Bailey have?

Bill Bailey had 570 strikeouts over his career.

How many teams has Bill Bailey played for?

Bill Bailey played for 5 teams; the St. Louis Browns, Baltimore Terrapins, Chicago Whales, Detroit Tigers and St. Louis Cardinals.

When did Bill Bailey retire?

Bill Bailey last played in 1922.

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