George Wetzell

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(Redirected from Shorty Wetzel)

George B. Wetzell

  • Bats Unknown, Throws Unknown

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Biographical Information[edit]

George "Shorty" Wetzell was considered the second youngest player in baseball in 1885, behind only Ed Knouff, although this was based on a wrong birth year of 1868.

Not much is known about Wetzell. His exact date of birth, height, weight, throwing arm, place of death and date of death were all unknown for years. He was known to be from Philadelphia, PA, however, in a city and state where access to old birth and death records is very difficult, it was hard to find out more. The documents that are publicly available, however, do mention a George B. Wetzell living in the city, born in 1865 and who died there in 1903. There is enough circumstantial evidence to consider this person is the ballplayer.

Related Sites[edit]

  • "George Wetzel", in Bill Carle, ed.: Biographical Research Committee Report, SABR, January/February 2011, pp. 1-2.