Percy Chavez

From BR Bullpen

Percy chavez newspaper.png

Harold Percy Chavez

BR Minors page

Biographical Information[edit]

Percy Chavez played in the minors from 1922 to 1925.

From a newspaper article on his life:

"Hal" as he is known to his friends, is a native of California, having been born in Fruitvale August 30, 1904. His mother and father live in San Leandro, also two brothers. It was in 1913 and 1914 that "Hal" took it upon himself to be a pitcher while attending the Garfield grammar school in Twenty-third Avenue, Oakland. That the kid met with success is evidenced from the fact that he pitched his team to the championships over both the Longfellow and Washington teams. While attending the Fremont high school, Oakland, Chavez turned from a pitcher into an infielder, but was not allowed to participate in any of the championship games at the school because of his having previously accepted money for his playing. He played in practice games, however, but left that institution when a high sophomore. His fielding and heavy hitting soon attracted the attention of the fast amateur teams in and around Oakland, but "Hal's" baseball ability was also heard of at St. Mary's college. He attended the institution while Louis Guisto was acting coach and participated in several games at shortstop. Guisto was greatly impressed with the kid's clever fielding and timely hitting, but Harold did not attend school for a lengthy period." See [1]

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