Lucy Monroe

From BR Bullpen

Lucy Monroe (1906-1987) was an American soprano singer, actress and dancer who was most famous for performing the "Star-Spangled Banner" at various events, including baseball games. By the end of her career, she estimated that she had performed the National Anthem some 5,000 times, including on the 130th anniversary of the Battle of Fort McHenry in 1944, and at the inauguration of President Harry Truman in 1949. She also was a regular performer on USO tours during World War II and the Korean War.

In baseball, she was the Opening Day National Anthem performer at Yankee Stadium from 1945 to 1960, and at all World Series games played at the ballpark and at Ebbets Field, the home of the Brooklyn Dodgers, during that timespan. She performed for the official unveiling of the Babe Ruth memorial in Monument Park in 1949, singing Auld Lang Syne. She sang at the funeral of New York Yankees President Ed Barrow in 1953 (although a song other than the National Anthem), and at the ceremony for the demolition of Ebbets Field in Brooklyn, NY on February 23, 1960.

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