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Ken Hendrickx

From BR Bullpen

Ken Hendrickx debuted in Belgium's First Division with the 1990 champion Luchtbal Greys, going 4 for 7 with 3 walks, a double, a steal, four runs and 3 RBI for a good debut. In 1991, he hit .325/.455/.403, fielding .933 as a regular for the Greys. In 1992, he batted .300/.354/.350 followed by .277/.338/.323 in 1993, fielding .911. Despite his declining production, he made Belgium's team for the 1993 European Championship. A teammate was Sven Hendrickx; it is unclear if they were related. He got into only one game, replacing Steve Janssen at catcher in a loss to Italy and going 0 for 2 with a RBI against Alessandro Parri.

In 1994, he hit .347/.434/.406 for the Greys and fielded .949. He had a big year in 1995 at .380/.492/.481, tying for 7th in walks (24) but not finishing among the average leaders in an aluminum-bat high-offense league. He was 0 for 5 with a run for Belgium in the 1995 European Championship. Moving to the Mortsel Stars in 1996, he hit .304/.438/.451 and led the league with 10 times plunked (3 ahead of Roberto De Boey). In 1997, he batted .315/.398/.380 then .284/.415/.349 in 1998. On the go again, he played for the Brasschaat Braves in '99, producing at a .358/.413/.506 clip for the champs. He tied for 4th in doubles (10).

Hendrickx was 2 for 3 with a double for Brasschaat in 2000. He then returned to the Greys in 2001 and hit .238/.351/.333. In 2002, he fell to .172/.302/.230 and fielded .989. He rebounded to .275/.330/.338 in 2003. He did not play in 2004 then returned to the Greys in 2005, going 2 for 16 with 3 walks as they won it all. In 2006, he was back to Brasschaat, hitting .273//.369/.327. His batting lines were .211/.312/.242 in 2007, .200/.224/.231 in 2008 and .255/.324/.286 in 2009. He had his third stint with the Greys in 2010, batting .217/.333/.239. He was 3 for 32 with two walks in '11 and batted .161/.333/.194 for the 2012 Greys. That appears to have been the end of his career.
