Jack Wigley

From BR Bullpen

John Wigley

Jack Wigley began his professional baseball career with the Maryville-Alcoa Twins in 1953, hitting .289. Moving up to the St. Cloud Rox the next year, he hit .283. Returning to St. Cloud in 1955, he fell to .235, with a career-high five home runs. He also was briefly with the Sioux City Soos that year and finished his career that season.

Personal Remembrance[edit]

Jack Wigley (or "Wiggley" ?) played 2nd base for the 1954 St. Cloud Rox of the Northern League, a Class C circuit. This probably was his second year in professional baseball. I also was on the same team as a pitcher. We were part of the New York Giants Minor League system. Jack was a good dependable player and basically a contact hitter, as I remember. He may also have played on the St. Cloud team the next year, 1955, although I'm not sure. Jack was a likeable teammate and got along well with everyone on the team. I'm sure Jack continued in his pro baseball career after St. Cloud, but I don't know what other teams he played for.

--Submitted by Bill O'Donnell