Alexander Nevin

From BR Bullpen

Alexander Brown Nevin

  • Bats Unknown, Throws Unknown

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Biographical Information[edit]

Alexander Nevin played third base for the Elizabeth Resolutes of 1873, whose team record was 2-21. He also appeared once in the outfield.

Nevin seems to have attended Yale University, in which case he would be the first professional ballplayer from Yale.

A biography of Nevin [1] states that he was the son of a wealthy banker and business owner. He went to high school at Phillips Academy and then came to Yale. He played baseball for four years at Yale and also was on the track team at least one year. He played for the Resolutes for a couple months and then went to work at his father's bank. After a while, he moved over to his father's other business, and later came back to be in the bank again. At some point he moved to California, abandoned his family, and worked in Florida.

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