A.J. Johnson

From BR Bullpen

Anthony Andre Johnson

  • Height 5' 9", Weight 192 lb.

Biographical Information[edit]

A.J. Johnson umpired his first major league game on April 12, 2014. It was the only game he worked that season, and he came back for 5 games in 2015. He was on the major league call-up roster for 2016 but did not appear in any game as he spent the season working in the Pacific Coast League. He was dropped from the MLB roster the following year.

He was an instructor at the Jim Evans umpire school, but resigned in 2012 over an incident in which students at the school dressed in KKK garb for a bowling party. As the sole African-American instructor at the school, he complained about the incident to Evans, and submitted his resignation shortly afterwards. When the incident became public, the school lost its accreditation with Major League Baseball.

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