Standard Batting

Show Non‑Major
Standard Batting Table
1986 25 SDP NL 1.7 122 327 278 33 86 16 2 4 38 2 4 45 58 .309 .403 .424 .828 131 .378 136 118 11 0 2 2 0 7H/39 ROY-7
1987 26 SDP NL 3.8 138 527 447 72 140 14 2 20 91 18 10 73 93 .313 .406 .488 .894 140 .393 143 218 6 0 3 4 15 37H
1988 27 SDP NL 1.3 120 466 378 54 91 17 1 9 44 5 3 80 68 .241 .369 .362 .732 113 .340 114 137 7 0 3 5 12 379H
1989 28 2TM NL 0.6 112 406 357 53 107 13 6 8 44 3 0 44 53 .300 .374 .437 .811 132 .369 132 156 10 0 2 3 2 79H/3
1989 28 SDP NL -0.6 31 94 76 7 14 0 0 3 6 0 0 17 14 .184 .333 .303 .636 83 .306 85 23 5 0 1 0 0 9/H7
1989 28 PHI NL 1.2 81 312 281 46 93 13 6 5 38 3 0 27 39 .331 .386 .473 .859 146 .387 146 133 5 0 1 3 2 79/3H
1990 29 PHI NL 2.4 142 515 443 52 129 25 8 7 67 10 5 69 70 .291 .386 .431 .817 126 .369 128 191 11 0 2 1 16 739H
1991 30 PHI NL 4.7 152 615 538 84 158 27 6 21 92 7 0 67 100 .294 .367 .483 .851 139 .383 137 260 11 1 0 9 16 378H/9 AS,MVP-17
1992 31 PHI NL 4.3 144 607 507 86 164 30 4 10 70 3 5 92 88 .323 .423 .458 .881 150 .400 157 232 11 1 0 7 8 *39/7H AS,MVP-14
1993 32 PHI NL 4.7 150 651 535 100 169 33 5 14 85 6 2 111 87 .316 .430 .475 .905 145 .410 150 254 11 0 0 5 10 *3/H AS,MVP-16
1994 33 PHI NL 1.3 75 301 255 35 77 17 0 5 38 4 1 42 51 .302 .395 .427 .823 114 .372 115 109 9 0 0 4 4 3/H
1995 34 CHW AL 0.4 45 188 159 13 49 7 0 2 23 0 1 26 33 .308 .399 .390 .789 111 .364 116 62 5 0 0 3 0 D/H3
10 Yrs 25.1 1200 4603 3897 582 1170 199 34 100 592 58 31 649 701 .300 .397 .446 .842 134 .381 136 1737 92 2 12 43 83 37H9D8
162 Game Avg 3.4 162 621 526 79 158 27 5 13 80 8 4 88 95 .300 .397 .446 .842 134 .381 136 234 12 0 2 6 11
PHI (6 Yrs) 18.5 744 3001 2559 403 790 145 29 62 390 33 13 408 435 .309 .400 .461 .861 138 .390 141 1179 58 2 3 29 56 379H8
SDP (4 Yrs) 6.2 411 1414 1179 166 331 47 5 36 179 25 17 215 233 .281 .389 .421 .809 126 .366 129 496 29 0 9 11 27 37H9
CHW (1 Yr) 0.4 45 188 159 13 49 7 0 2 23 0 1 26 33 .308 .399 .390 .789 111 .364 116 62 5 0 0 3 0 D/H3
NL (9 Yrs) 24.8 1155 4415 3738 569 1121 192 34 98 569 58 30 623 668 .300 .397 .448 .845 135 .382 137 1675 87 2 12 40 83 37H98
AL (1 Yr) 0.4 45 188 159 13 49 7 0 2 23 0 1 26 33 .308 .399 .390 .789 111 .364 116 62 5 0 0 3 0 D/H3
Standard Batting Table
1993 32 PHI NL,WS 12 58 47 8 14 3 1 1 9 0 0 11 12 .298 .431 .468 .899 22 0 0 0 0 0 *3
1 Yr 12 58 47 8 14 3 1 1 9 0 0 11 12 .298 .431 .468 .899 22 0 0 0 0 0 *3
162 Game Avg 162 783 634 108 189 41 13 13 122 0 0 148 162 .298 .431 .468 .899 297 0 0 0 0 0
NL (1 Yr) 6 28 24 4 6 2 1 1 5 0 0 4 5 .250 .357 .542 .899 13 0 0 0 0 0 /*3
WS (1 Yr) 6 30 23 4 8 1 0 0 4 0 0 7 7 .348 .500 .391 .891 9 0 0 0 0 0 /*3

Value Batting

Value Batting Table
Season Age Team Lg PA Rbat Rbaser Rdp Rfield Rpos RAA WAA Rrep RAR WAR waaWL% 162WL% oWAR dWAR oRAR Pos Awards
1986 25 SDP NL 327 13 -2 -1 -1 -3 5 0.6 11 17 1.7 .505 .504 1.8 -0.5 18 7H/39 ROY-7
1987 26 SDP NL 527 25 -1 1 1 -7 20 2.0 18 38 3.8 .515 .512 3.7 -0.6 37 37H
1988 27 SDP NL 466 6 -3 0 0 -6 -2 -0.3 16 14 1.3 .498 .499 1.4 -0.7 14 379H
1989 28 2TM NL 406 13 1 0 -15 -4 -5 -0.7 13 8 0.6 .495 .500 2.3 -2.2 23 79H/3
1989 28 SDP NL 94 -1 0 0 -4 -1 -7 -0.9 3 -4 -0.6 .473 .495 -0.1 -0.6 0 9/H7
1989 28 PHI NL 312 14 1 1 -10 -3 2 0.2 10 12 1.2 .503 .502 2.4 -1.6 23 79/3H
1990 29 PHI NL 515 15 -3 -1 2 -7 7 0.8 17 23 2.4 .505 .504 2.0 -0.5 21 739H
1991 30 PHI NL 615 24 0 0 9 -7 26 2.8 20 46 4.7 .519 .518 3.7 0.2 37 378H/9 AS,MVP-17
1992 31 PHI NL 607 34 0 0 -4 -8 22 2.4 18 40 4.3 .517 .515 4.7 -1.5 44 *39/7H AS,MVP-14
1993 32 PHI NL 651 37 -2 1 -2 -8 27 2.8 20 46 4.7 .518 .517 4.7 -0.9 48 *3/H AS,MVP-16
1994 33 PHI NL 301 5 0 0 2 -4 4 0.4 9 13 1.3 .506 .503 1.1 -0.2 11 3/H
1995 34 CHW AL 188 4 -2 0 -1 -4 -3 -0.3 7 4 0.4 .493 .498 0.4 -0.4 4 D/H3
10 Yrs 4603 175 -11 1 -9 -56 100 10.3 149 249 25.1 .509 .508 25.6 -7.3 257 37H9D8
162 Game Avg 621 24 -1 0 -1 -8 13 1.4 20 34 3.4 .509 .508 3.5 -1.0 35
PHI (6 Yrs) 3001 129 -3 1 -3 -36 87 9.2 94 181 18.5 .513 .511 18.4 -4.4 184 379H8
SDP (4 Yrs) 1414 43 -5 0 -5 -16 16 1.4 48 64 6.2 .504 .504 6.8 -2.5 69 37H9
CHW (1 Yr) 188 4 -2 0 -1 -4 -3 -0.3 7 4 0.4 .493 .498 0.4 -0.4 4 D/H3
NL (9 Yrs) 4415 171 -9 1 -9 -52 103 10.6 142 245 24.8 .509 .509 25.1 -6.9 253 37H98
AL (1 Yr) 188 4 -2 0 -1 -4 -3 -0.3 7 4 0.4 .493 .498 0.4 -0.4 4 D/H3

Advanced Batting

Advanced Batting Table
Batting Batting Ratios Batted Ball Win Probability Baserunning
Season Age Team Lg PA rOBA Rbat+ BAbip ISO HR% SO% BB% LD% GB% FB% GB/FB Pull% Cent% Oppo% WPA cWPA RE24 RS% SB% XBT% Pos Awards
1986 25 SDP NL 327 .378 136 .376 .115 1.2 17.7 13.8 2.6 1.3% 19.11 22.8 33.3 30.3 7H/39 ROY-7
1987 26 SDP NL 527 .393 143 .355 .174 3.8 17.6 13.9 4.0 0.1% 35.66 26.9 64.3 39.3 37H
1988 27 SDP NL 466 .340 114 .268 .122 1.9 14.6 17.2 17.3 52.2 25.8 1.18 21.9 54.4 23.7 0.9 0.4% 13.74 27.8 62.5 40.7 379H
1989 28 2TM NL 406 .369 132 .331 .137 2.0 13.1 10.8 24.3 50.8 23.0 1.06 15.5 51.9 32.6 1.7 -0.1% 11.02 31.5 100.0 41.5 79H/3
1989 28 SDP NL 94 .306 85 .186 .118 3.2 14.9 18.1 14.3 58.7 25.4 1.48 4.9 54.1 41.0 -0.2 -0.2% -5.77 14.3 50.0 9/H7
1989 28 PHI NL 312 .387 146 .367 .142 1.6 12.5 8.7 26.8 48.8 22.4 0.98 18.7 51.2 30.0 1.9 0.0% 16.79 35.7 100.0 40.5 79/3H
1990 29 PHI NL 515 .369 128 .332 .140 1.4 13.6 13.4 22.9 50.5 24.7 1.03 17.4 53.7 29.0 2.2 0.5% 18.75 23.6 66.7 37.1 739H
1991 30 PHI NL 615 .383 137 .322 .190 3.4 16.3 10.9 26.4 39.1 31.1 0.64 22.6 58.2 19.2 4.2 0.9% 40.86 30.7 100.0 38.2 378H/9 AS,MVP-17
1992 31 PHI NL 607 .400 157 .370 .134 1.6 14.5 15.2 25.8 52.6 19.7 1.11 21.6 58.2 20.2 3.2 1.4% 45.90 30.8 37.5 33.8 *39/7H AS,MVP-14
1993 32 PHI NL 651 .410 150 .353 .159 2.2 13.4 17.1 19.6 52.1 25.4 1.09 23.9 54.5 21.7 3.9 5.1% 41.36 32.3 75.0 30.6 *3/H AS,MVP-16
1994 33 PHI NL 301 .372 115 .355 .125 1.7 16.9 14.0 25.0 46.6 25.5 0.87 25.5 55.4 19.1 -0.1 -0.1% 4.45 26.3 80.0 46.4 3/H
1995 34 CHW AL 188 .364 116 .370 .082 1.1 17.6 13.8 24.0 59.7 13.2 1.48 20.6 53.2 26.2 -0.2 0.0% 0.23 15.1 0.0 23.5 D/H3
10 Yrs 4603 .381 136 .341 .145 2.2 15.2 14.1 23.1 49.6 24.5 1.00 21.3 55.5 23.3 22.4 9.5% 231.07 28.0 65.2 36.3 37H9D8
MLB Average .333 100 .289 .135 2.3 15.2 8.7 20.5 43.5 25.1 0.81 28.9 52.3 18.8 30.9 68.2 43.8
Advanced Batting Table
Batting Batting Ratios Win Probability
Season Age Team Lg PA BAbip ISO HR% SO% BB% WPA cWPA RE24 RS% Pos Awards
1993 32 PHI NL,WS 58 .382 .170 1.7 20.7 19.0 0.5 11.0% 5.35 29.2 *3
1 Yr 58 .382 .170 1.7 20.7 19.0 0.5 11.0% 5.35 29.2 *3
MLB Average .317 .150 2.2 18.2 11.1 32.3

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Frequently Asked Questions

How old is John Kruk?

John Kruk is 64 years old.

When was John Kruk born?

John Kruk was born on February 9, 1961.

Where was John Kruk born?

John Kruk was born in Charleston, WV.

How tall is John Kruk?

John Kruk is 5-10 (178 cm) tall.

How much did John Kruk weigh when playing?

John Kruk weighed 170 lbs (77 kg) when playing.

How many seasons did John Kruk play?

John Kruk played 10 seasons.

Is John Kruk in the Hall of Fame?

John Kruk has not been elected into the Hall of Fame.

When was John Kruk drafted?

John Kruk was drafted by the Pittsburgh Pirates in the 3rd round of the 1981 MLB January Draft-Regular Phase from Allegany College of Maryland (Cumberland, MD) and the San Diego Padres in the 3rd round of the 1981 MLB June Draft-Secondary Phase from Allegany College of Maryland (Cumberland, MD).

What position did John Kruk play?

John Kruk was a First Baseman and Leftfielder.

How many hits did John Kruk have?

John Kruk had 1,170 hits over his career.

How many home runs did John Kruk have?

John Kruk had 100 home runs over his career.

What was John Kruk's average?

John Kruk had a .300 average over his career.

How many teams has John Kruk played for?

John Kruk played for 3 teams; the San Diego Padres, Philadelphia Phillies and Chicago White Sox.

How many World Series has John Kruk won?

John Kruk has never won a World Series.

When did John Kruk retire?

John Kruk last played in 1995.

What is John Kruk's Twitter account?

John Kruk is on Twitter at JohnKruk.

What are John Kruk's nicknames?

Krukkie, The Krukker, Jake are nicknames for John Kruk.

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