Many detailed statistics are based on play-by-play accounts accumulated by Retrosheet. These totals may be incomplete (3.6% of all plays from 1912 to 1968 are missing or have incomplete accounts, click link for year and team summary of data completeness) for some players prior to 1969 and even complete seasons may not match the official totals due to errors in both the official totals and the play-by-play accounts.

Summary of 51 Home Runs

0 leading off, 1 walk-off, 3 tying, 18 go ahead

3 Tms
BSN 21
BRO 20
PIT 10
vs RHP 38
vs LHP 13
Away 27
Home 24
0 23
2 20
1 8
8 Opps
9 Parks
Ebbets Fld (NYC) 19
Braves Fld (BOS) 11
Forbes Fld (PIT) 6
Wrigley Fld (CHI) 3
Polo Grounds (NYC) 3
Where Hit
7 37
78 2
9 2
General field locations
when available.
Game Totals
1·HR gms 51
Gms w/ this # = 0
are not shown.
--- 28
1-- 8
12- 6
-2- 4
1-3 2
1 1
2 10
3 5
4 9
5 8
+4.. 2
+3 5
+2 7
+1 8
Tied 13
Before event,
for batter
C 51
8th 35
7th 11
6th 4
5th 1
High Lev 11
Medium Lev 18
Low Lev 18

Play By Play

Play By Play
1930 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
11111930-05-20BRO@PHILes Sweetlandahead 3-1t 4012-3820.12289%Home Run (Deep LF); R. Bressler Scores; N. Finn Scores
22211930-07-27 (1)BROPHILes Sweetlandahead 2-0b 21---1820.07378%Home Run
33311930-07-27 (2)BROPHISnipe Hansenbehind 0-3b 50---1820.09633%Home Run (Deep LF)
44411930-08-06BRO@PITLarry Frenchtied 0-0t 211--2620.15465%Home Run (Deep LF); D. Bissonette Scores
55511930-09-01 (1)BRO@BSNBill Sherdelbehind 0-2t 5012-3820.23262%Home Run; E. Moore Scores; N. Finn Scores
66611930-09-12BROCINRay Kolpahead 2-0b 4212-3820.16292%Home Run (Deep LF); D. Bissonette Scores; H. Hendrick Scores
1932 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
77111932-06-20BROPITBill Harristied 0-0b 42---1820.13865%Home Run (Deep LF)
1933 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
88111933-05-24BRO@PITBill Swiftbehind 0-1t 221-33820.29969%Home Run (LF-CF); J. Frederick Scores; J. Jordan Scores
99211933-07-02 (1)BROCHCPat Maloneahead 2-1b 61---1820.11585%Home Run (Deep LF)
1010311933-08-13 (2)BROBSNBob Smithahead 9-0b 50--32820.001100%Home Run (Deep LF); J. Stripp Scores
1934 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
1111111934-05-21BROCHCPat Malonebehind 5-7b 80---1720.14130%Home Run
1212211934-05-27BROCINTed Kleinhansahead 3-0b 70---1720.02897%Home Run (Deep LF)
1313311934-06-16BRO@CINSi Johnsonahead 2-0t 201--2820.11884%Home Run (Deep LF); J. Stripp Scores
1414411934-06-22BRO@STLPaul Deantied 1-1t 42---1820.12357%Home Run (Deep LF)
1515511934-07-05BRONYGHal Schumachertied 2-2b 40---1720.12869%Home Run (Deep LF)
1616611934-07-13BROCINBenny Freybehind 2-3b 50---1720.15457%Home Run (Deep LF)
1717711934-08-02BROPHICurt Davistied 7-7b 90---1820.363100%Walk-OffHome Run (Deep LF)
1935 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
1818111935-04-28BROBSNBob Smithbehind 2-5b 82---1820.0519%Home Run (Deep LF)
1919211935-05-11BROCINPaul Derringerahead 3-1b 42---1820.08384%Home Run (Deep LF)
2020311935-07-22BRO@CHCLarry Frenchtied 12-12t 102---1520.40780%Home Run
1936 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
2121111936-05-13BSNPITBill Swiftbehind 1-2b 42--32820.24765%Home Run (Deep LF); H. Lee Scores
2222211936-05-23 (1)BSN@BROEd Brandtahead 1-0t 22---1820.09966%Home Run (Deep LF)
2323311936-06-02BSN@PITJim Weavertied 2-2t 721--2820.32978%Home Run (Deep LF); J. Coscarart Scores
2424411936-06-07BSN@CINBenny Freyahead 6-3t 801--2820.04298%Home Run (Deep LF); J. Coscarart Scores
2525511936-08-14BSN@BROFred Frankhouseahead 1-0t 50---1820.11275%Home Run (Deep LF)
2626611936-08-19BSNPHIPete Sivessahead 5-1b 321--2820.06596%Home Run (Deep LF); J. Coscarart Scores/unER; A. Lopez Scores/unER
2727711936-08-28BSN@CHCTex Carletonbehind 0-9t 30---1820.0103%Home Run (Deep LF)
1937 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
2828111937-05-26BSN@STLLon Warnekeahead 1-0t 20---1620.09570%Home Run (Deep LF)
2929211937-05-31 (1)BSN@PHIBucky Walterstied 0-0t 22---1620.10356%Home Run
3030311937-06-20 (2)BSN@STLDizzy Deanbehind 0-7t 60---1820.0123%Home Run (Deep LF)
1938 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
3131111938-09-04 (2)BSNPHISyl Johnsonbehind 0-2b 30---172
1939 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
3232111939-05-27BSN@BROLuke Hamlinbehind 1-2t 50---1720.13650%Home Run (Deep LF)
3333211939-05-28BSN@BROVan Mungoahead 1-0t 20---1720.09470%Home Run (Deep LF)
3434311939-06-03BSNCINLee Grissomtied 2-2b 611--2720.26985%Home Run (Deep LF); E. Miller Scores
3535411939-07-02 (1)BSN@PHIHugh Mulcahybehind 0-4t 211234820.24948%Home Run; M. West Scores; T. Cuccinello Scores; H. Majeski Scores/unER
3636511939-07-14BSNSTLPaul Deanahead 3-2b 121-33820.21086%Home Run (Deep LF); T. Cuccinello Scores; E. Miller Scores
3737611939-07-23 (1)BSNPITRip Sewellbehind 1-3b 90---1720.10419%Home Run (LF-CF)
3838711939-09-01BSN@PHIRay Harrellahead 3-0t 70---1820.04495%Home Run (Deep LF)
3939811939-09-25BSN@NYGBill Lohrmanbehind 2-3t 9112-362
1940 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
4040111940-05-16BSNCHCBill Leebehind 2-5b 82-2-2720.12918%Home Run (Deep LF); M. West Scores
4141211940-05-20BSNCINGene Thompsontied 3-3b 3212-3720.28984%Home Run; M. West Scores; C. Ross Scores
4242311940-07-30PIT@BROVito Tamulisahead 4-1t 32-2-2820.10989%Home Run (Deep LF); P. Young Scores
1941 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
4343111941-06-11PIT@BROKirby Higbetied 0-0t 41---1820.13160%Home Run
4444211941-06-14PITBSNManny Salvoahead 5-2b 8012-3820.014100%Home Run (Deep LF); E. Fletcher Scores; V. DiMaggio Scores
4545311941-07-15PIT@NYGCliff Meltontied 1-1t 42-2-2820.22771%Home Run (Deep RF); F. Gustine Scores/unER; A. Lopez Scores/unER
4646411941-08-07PIT@CHCJake Mootytied 3-3t 92---182
4747511941-08-26 (2)PIT@BSNDick Erricksonahead 1-0t 50-2-2820.13886%Home Run (Deep LF); V. DiMaggio Scores
1942 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
4848111942-06-19PIT@BSNLou Tostahead 2-0t 50---1820.08486%Home Run
1943 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
4949111943-08-21PIT@NYGHarry Feldmanbehind 2-3t 921--2820.75683%Home Run (Deep LF); E. Fletcher Scores
1944 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
5050111944-08-13 (1)PITBSNJim Tobinahead 2-1b 21---182
1946 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
5151111946-07-18PITNYGDave Kosloahead 5-3b 721--2820.08597%Home Run (Deep LF); B. Cox Scores

About the SABR Home Run Encyclopedia