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Biographical Information

Biographical Information
Rk Name Age Debut Last Game Pos Tm WAR Ht Wt B T Birthdate Birthplace Draft/Signing Schools High School Given Name
1Grady Adkins30.289Apr 13Oct 5, 19291/HCHW2.35-11175RRJun 29, 1897Jacksonville, AR, USGrady Emmett
2Casper Asbjornson19.090Sep 17Aug 31, 1932/2BOS-0.96-1196RRJun 19, 1909Concord, MA, USConcord HS (Concord, MA)Robert Anthony
3Pelham Ballenger34.091May 7May 12, 1928/5WSH0.05-11160RRFeb 6, 1894Gilreath Mill, SC, USPelham Ashby
4Les Barnhart23.212Sep 22Sep 27, 1930/1CLE-0.26-0180RRFeb 23, 1905Hoxie, KS, USLeslie Earl
5Les Bartholomew25.007Apr 11Aug 28, 1932/1PIT-0.25-11195RLApr 4, 1903Madison, WI, USLester Justin
6Agustín Bejerano197CSE-0.55-9130LLMay 16, 1909Manzanillo, Granma, CUAgustín
7Fred Bennett26.029Apr 13Jul 28, 1931/H9SLB-0.25-9185RRMar 15, 1902Atkins, AR, USJames Fred
8Larry Bettencourt22.254Jun 2Sep 17, 19325H/92SLB1.05-11195RRSep 22, 1905Newark, CA, USSaint Mary's College of California (Moraga, CA)Lawrence Joseph
9Del Bissonette28.218Apr 11Jun 4, 1933*3BRO9.35-11180LLSep 6, 1899Winthrop, ME, USUniversity of New Hampshire (Durham, NH), Georgetown University (Washington, DC)Winthrop HS (Winthrop, ME)Delphia Louis
10George Blackerby24.266Aug 10Sep 29, 19287HCHW-0.46-1176RRNov 18, 1903Luther, OK, USWesley College (Greenville, TX)George Franklin
11 BlankDS
12Ray Boggs23.264Sep 1Sep 17, 1928/1BSN0.06-0170LLDec 12, 1904Reamsville, KS, USUniversity of Denver (Denver, CO)Raymond Joseph
13Cecil Bolton24.221Sep 21Sep 30, 1928/3CLE-0.16-4195LLFeb 13, 1904Booneville, MS, USMississippi State University (Mississippi State, MS)Cecil Glenford
14Al Bool31.036Sep 29Sep 27, 1931/2WSH-0.45-11180RRAug 24, 1897Lincoln, NE, USAlbert
15Harley Boss19.243Jul 19Sep 24, 1933/H3WSH-0.85-11185LLNov 19, 1908Hodge, LA, USLouisiana Tech University (Ruston, LA)Elmer Harley
16Ramón Bragaña19/275193CSE-0.75-11180RRMay 11, 1909La Habana, La Habana, CURamón
17Erv Brame26.185Apr 14Sep 23, 19321HPIT5.56-2190LROct 12, 1901Big Rock, TN, USErvin Beckham
18Ed Brandt23.058Apr 15Sep 29, 19381/HBSN31.66-1190LLFeb 17, 1905Spokane, WA, USLewis and Clark HS (Spokane, WA)Edward Arthur
19Otis Brannan29.029Apr 11Oct 5, 1929*4SLB1.95-9160LRMar 13, 1899Greenbrier, AR, USUniversity of Central Arkansas (Conway, AR)Otis Owen
20Clint Brown25.081Sep 27Jun 7, 1942/1CLE20.86-1190LRJul 8, 1903Blackash, PA, USClinton Harold
21Bruce Caldwell22.143Jun 30Jun 6, 19329/H3CLE-0.56-0195RRFeb 8, 1906Ashton, RI, USBrown University (Providence, RI), Yale University (New Haven, CT)Bruce
22Earl Caldwell23.152Sep 8Sep 15, 1948/1PHI4.56-1178RRApr 9, 1905Sparks, TX, USHolland HS (Holland, TX)Earl Welton
23Archie Campbell24.184Apr 21Jul 24, 19301NYY-0.46-0180RROct 20, 1903Maplewood, NJ, USArchibald Stewart
24Richard Cannon181SLS-3.5RMount Vernon, IN, USRichard
25Tiny Chaplin22.275Apr 13Sep 27, 19361NYG0.76-1195RRJul 13, 1905Los Angeles, CA, USSigned by the New York Giants as an amateur free agent in 1927. (Date given is approximate. Exact date is uncertain.)University of Florida (Gainesville, FL)James Bailey
26Bill Cissell24.099Apr 11Sep 25, 1938*6/HCHW2.75-11170RRJan 3, 1904Perryville, MO, USChalmer William
27 Clark9/8MRS0.3
28W. CobbSLS0.1W.
29Bob Collier/29AC-0.1RRRobert
30 Collins/1BBS0.1
31Alex Cooper/471PTG-0.3Alex
32Anthony Cooper2379BBB-1.55-5162RRJul 20, 1904Arkadelphia, AR, USAnthony Elbert
33Army Cooper281KCM4.76-3250LLNov 1, 1899Kansas City, KS, USAlfred Mayart
34Aurelio Cortés242/36CSW-0.15-6RRCienfuegos, CUAurelio
35 CortezPTG
36George Cox23.149Apr 12Sep 29, 19281CHW-0.16-1170RRNov 15, 1904Sherman, TX, USGeorge Melvin
37Tom Cox/1CTG-0.2Thomas
38Bill Cronin25.191Jul 4Sep 21, 1931/2BSN-1.05-9167RRDec 26, 1902West Newton, MA, USBoston College (Chestnut Hill, MA)William Patrick
39Ed Crowley21.320Jun 21Jun 23, 1928/5WSH0.06-1180RRAug 6, 1906Watkinsville, GA, USGeorgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA)Edgar Jewel
40Homer Curry2319/78CTG9.96-2180LRMay 19, 1905Mexia, TX, USHomer
41Lee Daney23.321May 25May 25, 1928/1PHA0.05-11165RRJul 9, 1904Talihina, OK, USSigned by the Philadelphia Athletics as an amateur free agent in 1928.Haskell Indian School (Lawrence, KS)Arthur Lee
42 Daniels/1AC-0.2
43Ike Danning23.245Sep 21Sep 30, 1928/2SLB0.05-10160RRJan 20, 1905Los Angeles, CA, USJohn H. Francis Polytechnic HS (Sun Valley, CA)Isaac
44Virgil Davis23.132Apr 30Sep 5, 1945/2STL22.26-1197RRDec 20, 1904Birmingham, AL, USGulf Coast Military Academy (Gulfport, MS)Virgil Lawrence
45Bill Dickey21.070Aug 15Sep 8, 1946H/2NYY56.46-1185LRJun 6, 1907Bastrop, LA, USSearcy HS (Searcy, AR)William Malcolm
46Red Dorman27.323Aug 21Sep 30, 19288/7HCLE0.55-10180RROct 3, 1900Jacksonville, IL, USCharles Dwight
47Dan Dugan21.196Sep 5Jul 16, 1929/1CHW-0.86-1187LLFeb 22, 1907Plainfield, NJ, USSt. Louis University (St. Louis, MO)Daniel Phillip
48Tommie Dukes21/2CAG4.25-9160LRSep 24, 1906Picayune, MS, USTommie
49George Earnshaw28.109Jun 3Sep 26, 19361PHA21.96-4210RRFeb 15, 1900New York, NY, USSwarthmore College (Swarthmore, PA)Swarthmore Prep (Swarthmore, PA)George Livingston
50Paul Easterling22.196Apr 11May 11, 19387H/98DET-0.25-11180RRSep 28, 1905Reidsville, GA, USPaul
51Chancelor Edwards272CTG-0.55-11190Jan 28, 1901Daingerfield, TX, USJarvis Christian College (Hawkins, TX)Chancelor D.
52Charlie Fitzberger24.211Sep 11Sep 25, 1928/HBSN0.06-1170LLFeb 13, 1904Baltimore, MD, USCharles Caspar
53Ray Foley22.011Jul 4Sep 10, 1928/HNYG0.05-11173LRJun 23, 1906Naugatuck, CT, USSigned by the New York Giants as an amateur free agent in 1928. (Date given is approximate. Exact date is uncertain.)The Catholic University of America (Washington, DC)Raymond Kirwin
54Chick Fullis27.046Apr 13Sep 26, 1936HNYG1.35-9170RRFeb 27, 1901Girardville, PA, USCharles Philip
55Cliff Garrison21.247Apr 16Jul 2, 1928/1BOS-0.36-0180RRAug 13, 1906Belmont, OK, USClifford William
56Wally Gilbert27.243Aug 18Sep 24, 19325BRO0.86-0180RRDec 19, 1900Oscoda, MI, USValparaiso University (Valparaiso, IN)Denfeld HS (Duluth, MN)Walter John
57 Giles/9BBB-0.1
58Jonah Goldman22.024Sep 22Jun 29, 1931/6CLE-1.45-7170RRAug 29, 1906New York, NY, USSyracuse University (Syracuse, NY)Erasmus Hall HS (Brooklyn, NY)Jonah John
59John Goodell21.014Apr 19Apr 27, 1928/1CHW-0.25-10165RLApr 5, 1907Muskogee, OK, USJohn Henry William
60Curtis Green/317AC-0.7RRCurtis
61June Greene28.300Apr 20Jul 6, 1929H/1PHI-0.86-2185LRJun 25, 1899Ramseur, NC, USJulius Foust
62Marty Griffin26.327Jul 25Sep 7, 19281/HBOS0.46-2200RRSep 2, 1901San Francisco, CA, USMartin John
63Red Haley27/453CAG0.15-7150LRMay 13, 1901Cass County, MO, USGranvill Anthony
64Mel Harder18.192Apr 24Sep 7, 19471CLE44.36-1195RROct 15, 1909Beemer, NE, USTech HS (Omaha, NE)Melvin Leroy
65Henry Harris27*6MRS0.05-3137RNov 25, 1900Uniontown, KY, USHenry Howard
66Luther Harvel22.305Jul 31Sep 25, 19288/HCLE-0.95-11180RRSep 30, 1905Cambria, IL, USLuther Raymond
67Joe Hassler23.049May 26Sep 16, 19306/HPHA-0.56-0165RRApr 7, 1905Fort Smith, AR, USJoseph Frederick
68 Hastings/1SLS-0.3
69 Hayes/1BBB0.0
70Bun Hayes241BBS1.75-11170RRAug 2, 1903Louisburg, NC, USJohnson C Smith University (Charlotte, NC), North Carolina Central University (Durham, NC)Burnalle James
71Rollie Hemsley20.300Apr 19Apr 17, 19472/HPIT3.95-10170RRJun 24, 1907Syracuse, OH, USRalston Burdett
72Paul Hinson23.346Apr 19May 30, 1928/HBOS0.05-10150RRMay 9, 1904Vanleer, TN, USCentral HS (Muskogee, OK)James Paul
73Ed Holley28.306May 24Aug 8, 19341CHC4.96-1195RRJul 23, 1899Benton, KY, USEdward Edgar
74Frog Holsey22/1CAG5.9May 14, 1906LA, USRobert J.
75Reginald Hopwood22/7KCM-0.2Feb 5, 1906Marlin, TX, USReginald Lanier
76Carl Hubbell25.034Jul 26Aug 24, 19431NYG68.56-0170RLJun 22, 1903Carthage, MO, USMeeker HS (Meeker, OK)Carl Owen
77Don Hurst22.275May 13Sep 20, 1934*3/HPHI12.96-0215LLAug 12, 1905Maysville, KY, USThe Ohio State University (Columbus, OH)Frank O'Donnell
78Jack Jackson/9AC-0.1Jack
79Sam Jackson/1MRS0.1Samuel
80Ray Jacobs26.109Apr 20May 2, 1928/HCHC0.06-0160RRJan 2, 1902Salt Lake City, UT, USRaymond Frederick
81 Johnson/9BBB-0.1
82Cecil Johnson35/73PTG0.35-11193RFeb 9, 1893Wilmington, DE, USCecil Leon
83Si Johnson21.342Sep 11Sep 25, 1947/1CIN7.95-11185RROct 5, 1906Danway, IL, USNewark Community HS (Newark, IL)Silas Kenneth
84Cobe Jones23.037Sep 27Jun 15, 1929/H6PIT-0.35-7155BRAug 21, 1905Denver, CO, USColorado College (Colorado Springs, CO), University of Colorado (Boulder, CO)East HS (Denver, CO)Coburn Dyas
85Eddie Kenna30.246Jun 2Sep 5, 19282HWSH0.75-7150RRSep 30, 1897San Francisco, CA, USEdward Aloysius
86 Kirby/1CTG-0.1
87Chuck Klein23.297Jul 30Jun 11, 19449/8HPHI46.76-0185LROct 7, 1904Indianapolis, IN, USSouthport HS (Indianapolis, IN)Charles Herbert
88Ed Lennon30.318Jun 30Aug 2, 1928/1PHI-0.45-11170RRAug 17, 1897Philadelphia, PA, USNiagara University (Lewiston, NY)Edward Francis
89Rudy Leopold22.343Jul 4Jul 25, 1928/1CHW-0.26-0160LLJul 27, 1905Grand Cane, LA, USRudolph Matas
90Walt Lerian25.066Apr 16Oct 5, 19292HPHI2.05-11170RRFeb 10, 1903Baltimore, MD, USWalter Irvin
91L.D. Livingston237/9KCM2.16-0201Feb 19, 1905Fort Worth, TX, USWiley University (Marshall, TX)Terrell HS (Terrell, TX)L. D.
92George Loepp26.353Aug 29Jul 24, 19308/9H7BOS-0.35-11170RRSep 11, 1901Detroit, MI, USGeorge Herbert
93Al Lopez20.038Sep 27Sep 16, 1947/2BRO16.45-11165RRAug 20, 1908Tampa, FL, USJesuit HS (Tampa, FL)Alfonso Ramon
94Harvey MacDonald30.025Jun 12Jul 19, 1928H/9PHI-0.15-11170LLMay 18, 1898New York, NY, USSigned by the Philadelphia Phillies as an amateur free agent in 1928.Schuylkill College (Reading, PA), Albright College (Reading, PA)Harvey Forsyth
95Pat Malone25.200Apr 12Sep 28, 19371CHC18.46-0200LRSep 25, 1902Altoona, PA, USJuniata College (Huntingdon, PA)Perce Leigh
96Gus Mancuso22.147Apr 30Sep 11, 19452STL10.65-10185RRDec 5, 1905Galveston, TX, USSigned by the St. Louis Cardinals as an amateur free agent in 1925.August Rodney
97Johnny Mann30.074Apr 18May 23, 1928/H5CHW0.15-11160RRFeb 4, 1898Fontanet, IN, USJohn Leo
98Pepper Martin24.047Apr 16Oct 1, 1944H/97STL21.85-8170RRFeb 29, 1904Temple, OK, USJohnny Leonard Roosevelt
99Pablo Martínez30/1CSW-0.45-5Cienfuegos, CUPablo
100Ramón Martínez255/6CSW-0.95-5RLa Habana, La Habana, CURamón
101John Milligan24.202Aug 11Jun 23, 19341PHI0.15-10172RLJan 22, 1904Schuylerville, NY, USCornell University (Ithaca, NY)John Alexander
102Freddie Moncewicz24.292Jun 19Jul 2, 1928/6HBOS0.05-8175RRSep 1, 1903Brockton, MA, USBoston College (Chestnut Hill, MA)Brockton HS (Brockton, MA)Frederick Alfred
103Ed Montague22.295May 14Sep 25, 19326H/5CLE-0.15-10165RRJul 24, 1905San Francisco, CA, USPolytechnic HS (San Francisco, CA)Edward Francis
104Clarence Moore20/3AC0.05-9160LLJan 3, 1908Eldorado, AR, USClarence Lee
105Jim Moore24.282Sep 21Apr 23, 1932/1CLE2.06-0165RRDec 14, 1903Prescott, AR, USHendrix College (Conway, AR)James Stanford
106Johnny Moore26.176Sep 15Sep 26, 1945/HCHC11.35-10175LRMar 23, 1902Waterville, CT, USJohn Francis
107Ed Morgan23.325Apr 11Sep 30, 1934385/H9CLE14.36-0180RRMay 22, 1904Cairo, IL, USTulane University (New Orleans, LA)Edward Carre
108Leon Morgan22/9BBB0.0AL, USLeon
109A. Mullen/9BBB-0.1A.
110George Nash211BBB1.66-1193LMar 31, 1907Birmingham, AL, USGeorge Granderson
111Millito Navarro226/5CSE-0.25-6170RRSep 26, 1905Patillas, PREmilio
112John O'Connell24.064Aug 16Oct 6, 1929/2PIT-0.16-0170RRJun 13, 1904Verona, PA, USReading HS (Reading, PA)John Charles
113 Orange/7CTG0.0
114Ossie Orwoll27.148Apr 13Aug 21, 192931/HPHA0.96-0174LLNov 17, 1900Portland, OR, USLuther College (Decorah, IA)Oswald Christian
115Phil Page23.026Sep 18May 13, 1934/1DET-0.86-2175RLAug 23, 1905Springfield, MA, USPennsylvania State University (State College, PA)Philippe Rausac
116 Parker/3BBS0.0
117Bill Perkins22*2/79BBB4.45-10176RRJun 26, 1906Dawson, GA, USWilliam George
118 Powell/1BBS-0.2
119 PowellBBB
120 PowellCTG
121Joe Price31.148Sep 5Sep 5, 1928/8NYG0.06-1187RRApr 10, 1897Milligan College, TN, USMilligan University (Milligan College, TN)Joseph Preston
122Harlan Pyle22.297Sep 21Sep 22, 1928/1CIN-0.26-2180RRNov 29, 1905Burchard, NE, USHarlan Albert
123Ted Radcliffe25*2DS10.85-11235RRJul 7, 1902Mobile, AL, USWendell Phillips HS (Chicago, IL)Theodore Roosevelt
124Buck Redfern26.004Apr 11Oct 6, 192946/H5CHW-1.65-11165RRApr 7, 1902Asheville, NC, USNorth Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC)George Howard
125Art Reinholz25.244Sep 27Sep 29, 1928/5CLE0.15-10175RRJan 27, 1903Detroit, MI, USArthur August
126Conrado Rodríguez21/795CSW-0.5Holguin, Oriente, CUConrado
127Silvino Ruiz27/1397CSE3.4RRGuanabacoa, La Habana, CUSilvino
128Ollie Sax23.160Apr 13Sep 30, 1928/5HSLB0.05-8164RRNov 5, 1904Branford, CT, USErik Oliver
129Merle Settlemire25.085Apr 13Sep 29, 19281/HBOS-0.85-9156LLJan 19, 1903Santa Fe, OH, USEdgar Merle
130Ted Shaw221DS1.95-8190RLFeb 24, 1906Monrovia, CA, USMonrovia HS (Monrovia, CA)John Allison
131John Shea23.186Jun 30Jun 30, 1928/1BOS-0.15-10171LLDec 27, 1904Everett, MA, USBoston College (Chestnut Hill, MA)John Michael Joseph
132Al Shealy27.325Apr 13Sep 3, 19301NYY-0.75-11175RRMay 24, 1900Chapin, SC, USNewberry College (Newberry, SC)Albert Berley
133Jimmy Shields22/4156AC-0.65-9158RSep 8, 1905Petersburg, VA, USPeabody HS (Petersburg, VA)James Edward
134Art Shires22.007Aug 20Jul 31, 19323/HCHW1.96-1195LRAug 13, 1906Italy, TX, USWaxahachie HS (Waxahachie, TX)Charles Arthur
135Bill Shores23.321Apr 11Sep 20, 1936/1PHA3.56-0185RRMay 26, 1904Abilene, TX, USWilliam David
136Pat Simmons19.141Apr 18Oct 6, 19291BOS0.95-11172RRNov 29, 1908Watervliet, NY, USPatrick Clement
137Steve Slayton26.086Jul 21Jul 28, 1928/1BOS0.16-0163RRApr 26, 1902Barre, VT, USUniversity of New Hampshire (Durham, NH)Spaulding HS (Barre, VT)Foster Herbert
138Miguel Solís225/6CSE-1.0RRMarianao, La Habana, CUMiguel L.
139Vic Sorrell27.013Apr 22Jun 3, 19371DET17.05-10180RRApr 9, 1901Morrisville, NC, USWake Forest University (Winston-Salem, NC)Victor Garland
140Glenn Spencer22.213Apr 11Sep 24, 1933/1PIT-1.55-11155RRSep 11, 1905Corning, NY, USSpringfield College (Springfield, MA)Glenn Edward
141Al Spohrer25.132Apr 13Sep 29, 1935/2NYG-1.25-10175RRDec 3, 1902Philadelphia, PA, USAlfred Ray
142Neck Stanley23/1AC4.46-0212LLMay 9, 1905Kent County, MD, USChester HS (Chester, PA)John Wayman
143John Stone22.326Aug 31Jun 17, 19387DET27.06-1178LROct 10, 1905Lynchburg, TN, USMaryville College (Maryville, TN)John Thomas
144Ed Strelecki23.006Apr 16Sep 20, 19311SLB-0.55-11180RRApr 10, 1905Newark, NJ, USEdward Harold
145Joe Stripp25.150Jul 2Oct 2, 1938597/H6CIN14.15-11175RRFeb 3, 1903Harrison, NJ, USHarrison HS (Harrison, NJ)Joseph Valentine
146Charlie Sullivan24.334Apr 21Sep 22, 1931/1DET0.26-1185LRMay 23, 1903Yadkin Valley, NC, USCharles Edward
147Carl Sumner19.301Jul 25Aug 21, 1928/H789BOS-0.15-8170LLSep 28, 1908Cambridge, MA, USArlington HS (Arlington, MA)Carl Ringdahl
148Karl Swanson27.239Aug 12May 5, 19294/HCHW-0.65-10155LRDec 17, 1900North Henderson, IL, USAugustana College (Rock Island, IL)North Henderson HS (North Henderson, IL)Karl Edward
149Bill Sweeney23.106Apr 13Sep 27, 19313H/7DET0.95-11180RRDec 29, 1904Cleveland, OH, USJohn Carroll University (University Heights, OH)William Joseph
150Doug Taitt25.251Apr 10May 4, 1932*9/7H81BOS0.26-0176LRAug 3, 1902Bay City, MI, USDouglas John
151Walt Tauscher26.149Apr 19May 5, 19311PIT-0.96-1186RRNov 22, 1901LaSalle, IL, USWalter Edward
152Herb Thomas18/1NLG-0.9LHerb
153Clay Touchstone25.224Sep 4Sep 8, 1945/1BSN-0.65-9175RRJan 24, 1903Moore Township, PA, USClayland Maffitt
154 Turner20/1SLS-0.4RMuskogee, OK, US
155Elmer Tutwiler23.275Aug 20Sep 27, 1928/1PIT0.05-11158RRNov 19, 1904Carbon Hill, AL, USElmer Strange
156Al Van Camp25.004Sep 11Jun 23, 1932/3CLE-1.05-11175RRSep 7, 1903Moline, IL, USAlbert Joseph
157Marty Walker29.187Sep 30Sep 30, 1928/1PHI0.06-0170LLMar 27, 1899Philadelphia, PA, USMartin Van Buren
158Ed Walsh23.144Jul 4Sep 25, 19321CHW0.36-1180RRFeb 11, 1905Meriden, CT, USUniversity of Notre Dame (South Bend, IN)Meriden HS (Meriden, CT)Edward Arthur
159Jim Weaver24.276Aug 27May 8, 1939/1WSH5.46-6230RRNov 25, 1903Obion County, TN, USWestern Kentucky University (Bowling Green, KY)James Dement
160Bob Weiland22.291Sep 30Apr 26, 1940/1CHW10.76-4215LLDec 14, 1905Chicago, IL, USLane Tech College Prep HS (Chicago, IL)Robert George
161Max West24.066Sep 18Oct 5, 1929/87H9BRO0.15-11165RRJul 14, 1904Sunset, TX, USUniversity of North Texas (Denton, TX)Walter Maxwell
162Clarence White271MRS-1.2LTN, USClarence
163Pinky Whitney23.100Apr 11Sep 5, 1939*5/HPHI17.15-10165RRJan 2, 1905San Antonio, TX, USG. W. Brackenridge HS (San Antonio, TX)Arthur Carter
164Bill Williams/1CTG-0.1William
165Earl Williams25.121May 27Jun 2, 1928/H2BSN-0.16-0185RRJan 27, 1903Cumberland Gap, TN, USUniversity of Tennessee (Knoxville, TN), Maryville College (Maryville, TN)Earl Baxter
166L. WilliamsKCML.
167Al Williamson28.067Apr 27Apr 27, 1928/1CHW0.15-11160RRFeb 20, 1900Buckville, AR, USSilas Albert
168Howie Williamson23.197Jul 7Sep 3, 1928HSTL0.06-0170LLDec 23, 1904Little Rock, AR, USUniversity of Texas at Austin (Austin, TX)Nathaniel Howard
169Jim Willis/1BBB9.9RJim
170Hubert Wilson25/1KCM1.86-0190RSep 19, 1902Van Alstyne, TX, USHubert Roosevelt
171Roy Wilson31.218Apr 18Apr 18, 1928/1CHW0.16-0175LLSep 13, 1896Foster, IA, USRoy Edward
172Bill Windle23.289Sep 27Sep 27, 1929/3PIT0.05-11170LLDec 13, 1904Galena, KS, USUniversity of Missouri (Columbia, MO)Willis Brewer
173James Womack/3CTG0.0AL, USJames
174Charlie Wouldridge30/379CTG-0.25-8169Aug 10, 1897Allensville, KY, USCharles Walton

