Standard Pitching

Show Non‑Major
Standard Pitching Table
1989 21 CAL AL 0.4 12 12 .500 3.92 29 29 0 4 2 0 181.1 190 95 79 13 74 3 115 4 2 8 788 98 3.72 1.456 9.4 0.6 3.7 5.7 1.55 ROY-5
1990 22 CAL AL 1.4 10 14 .417 4.51 33 33 0 4 1 0 211.2 246 116 106 16 72 6 105 5 3 4 925 84 3.89 1.502 10.5 0.7 3.1 4.5 1.46
1991 23 CAL AL 7.6 18 11 .621 2.89 34 34 0 5 1 0 243.0 222 85 78 14 73 6 158 5 4 1 1002 142 3.27 1.214 8.2 0.5 2.7 5.9 2.16 CYA-3
1992 24 CAL AL 5.7 7 15 .318 2.77 29 29 0 7 0 0 211.0 208 73 65 12 68 3 130 4 0 2 874 143 3.31 1.308 8.9 0.5 2.9 5.5 1.91
1993 25 NYY AL 1.6 11 14 .440 4.37 32 32 0 4 1 0 214.0 221 115 104 22 73 4 95 3 0 9 906 95 4.50 1.374 9.3 0.9 3.1 4.0 1.30
1994 26 NYY AL 1.8 9 8 .529 4.55 24 24 0 2 0 0 160.1 167 88 81 24 64 1 90 2 1 8 692 101 5.19 1.441 9.4 1.3 3.6 5.1 1.41
1995 27 2TM AL 3.9 11 8 .579 3.70 30 30 0 4 1 0 197.0 209 93 81 14 64 1 86 2 0 1 842 124 4.16 1.386 9.5 0.6 2.9 3.9 1.34
1995 27 CHW AL 2.6 6 4 .600 3.36 17 17 0 3 0 0 112.1 116 50 42 10 35 1 45 1 0 0 474 134 4.42 1.344 9.3 0.8 2.8 3.6 1.29
1995 27 CAL AL 1.2 5 4 .556 4.15 13 13 0 1 1 0 84.2 93 43 39 4 29 0 41 1 0 1 368 113 3.81 1.441 9.9 0.4 3.1 4.4 1.41
1996 28 CAL AL -2.1 2 18 .100 7.48 27 23 2 1 0 0 142.0 171 128 118 23 78 3 58 4 1 13 654 66 6.19 1.754 10.8 1.5 4.9 3.7 0.74
1997 Did not play - Did Not Play
1998 30 CHW AL 0.5 5 0 1.000 4.55 5 5 0 0 0 0 31.2 35 16 16 2 12 0 14 1 0 0 134 101 4.31 1.484 9.9 0.6 3.4 4.0 1.17
1999 31 MIL NL -1.1 2 8 .200 6.91 20 15 3 0 0 0 82.0 110 71 63 14 42 3 37 2 0 7 394 66 6.06 1.854 12.1 1.5 4.6 4.1 0.88
10 Yrs 19.7 87 108 .446 4.25 263 254 5 31 6 0 1674.0 1779 880 791 154 620 30 888 32 11 53 7211 99 4.25 1.433 9.6 0.8 3.3 4.8 1.43
162 Game Avg 2.6 11 14 .446 4.25 35 33 1 4 1 0 220 234 116 104 20 82 4 117 4 1 7 948 99 4.25 1.433 9.6 0.8 3.3 4.8 1.43
CAL (6 Yrs) 14.3 54 74 .422 4.07 165 161 2 22 5 0 1073.2 1130 540 485 82 394 21 607 23 10 29 4611 101 3.91 1.419 9.5 0.7 3.3 5.1 1.54
NYY (2 Yrs) 3.4 20 22 .476 4.45 56 56 0 6 1 0 374.1 388 203 185 46 137 5 185 5 1 17 1598 98 4.80 1.402 9.3 1.1 3.3 4.4 1.35
CHW (2 Yrs) 3.2 11 4 .733 3.63 22 22 0 3 0 0 144.0 151 66 58 12 47 1 59 2 0 0 608 125 4.40 1.375 9.4 0.8 2.9 3.7 1.26
MIL (1 Yr) -1.1 2 8 .200 6.91 20 15 3 0 0 0 82.0 110 71 63 14 42 3 37 2 0 7 394 66 6.06 1.854 12.1 1.5 4.6 4.1 0.88
AL (9 Yrs) 20.8 85 100 .459 4.12 243 239 2 31 6 0 1592.0 1669 809 728 140 578 27 851 30 11 46 6817 102 4.16 1.411 9.4 0.8 3.3 4.8 1.47
NL (1 Yr) -1.1 2 8 .200 6.91 20 15 3 0 0 0 82.0 110 71 63 14 42 3 37 2 0 7 394 66 6.06 1.854 12.1 1.5 4.6 4.1 0.88

Value Pitching

Value Pitching Table
Season Age Team Lg IP G GS R RA9 RA9opp RA9def RA9role PPFp RA9avg RAA WAA gmLI WAAadj WAR RAR waaWL% 162WL% Awards
1989 21 CAL AL 181.1 29 29 95 4.72 4.38 0.30 0.15 98 4.15 -11 -1.3 -0.1 0.4 6 .457 .492 ROY-5
1990 22 CAL AL 211.2 33 33 116 4.93 4.34 -0.29 0.15 97 4.65 -7 -0.6 -0.1 1.4 13 .483 .497
1991 23 CAL AL 243.0 34 34 85 3.15 4.53 -0.17 0.16 100 4.89 47 5.4 -0.2 7.6 71 .659 .533 CYA-3
1992 24 CAL AL 211.0 29 29 73 3.11 4.36 0.07 0.15 101 4.47 32 3.7 -0.1 5.7 53 .628 .523
1993 25 NYY AL 214.0 32 32 115 4.84 4.79 0.26 0.16 97 4.55 -7 -0.5 -0.1 1.6 17 .485 .497
1994 26 NYY AL 160.1 24 24 88 4.94 5.30 -0.02 0.18 94 5.15 4 0.3 -0.1 1.8 23 .513 .502
1995 27 2TM AL 197.0 30 30 93 4.25 5.05 -0.02 0.19 98 5.14 19 2.0 -0.1 3.9 43 .566 .507
1995 27 CHW AL 112.1 17 17 50 4.01 5.07 -0.14 0.19 97 5.22 15 1.6 -0.1 2.6 28 .591 .510
1995 27 CAL AL 84.2 13 13 43 4.57 5.02 0.13 0.18 99 5.03 4 0.4 -0.1 1.2 14 .533 .503
1996 28 CAL AL 142.0 27 23 128 8.11 5.35 -0.04 0.15 99 5.52 -41 -3.5 0.56 -0.1 -2.1 -23 .371 .478
1997 Did not play - Did Not Play
1998 30 CHW AL 31.2 5 5 16 4.55 4.99 0.03 0.18 101 5.18 2 0.2 0.0 0.5 6 .544 .501
1999 31 MIL NL 82.0 20 15 71 7.79 5.05 -0.22 0.14 103 5.58 -20 -1.8 0.37 0.0 -1.1 -12 .408 .489
10 Yrs 1674.0 263 254 880 4.73 4.74 -0.01 0.16 98 4.83 18 4.0 0.45 -1.0 19.7 196 .515 .503
162 Game Avg 220 35 33 116 4.73 4.74 -0.01 0.16 98 4.83 2 0.5 0.45 -0.1 2.6 26 .515 .503
CAL (6 Yrs) 1073.2 165 161 540 4.53 4.58 -0.03 0.15 99 4.73 24 4.3 0.56 -0.7 14.3 134 .526 .506
NYY (2 Yrs) 374.1 56 56 203 4.88 5.01 0.14 0.17 96 4.81 -3 -0.2 -0.2 3.4 40 .497 .499
CHW (2 Yrs) 144.0 22 22 66 4.13 5.06 -0.10 0.19 98 5.21 17 1.8 -0.1 3.2 34 .580 .508
MIL (1 Yr) 82.0 20 15 71 7.79 5.05 -0.22 0.14 103 5.58 -20 -1.8 0.37 0.0 -1.1 -12 .408 .489
AL (9 Yrs) 1592.0 243 239 809 4.57 4.73 0.01 0.16 98 4.79 38 5.9 0.56 -1.0 20.8 208 .524 .504
NL (1 Yr) 82.0 20 15 71 7.79 5.05 -0.22 0.14 103 5.58 -20 -1.8 0.37 0.0 -1.1 -12 .408 .489

Batting Against -- Pitching *

Win Probability *

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Starting Pitching *

  • Data only available back to 1901

Reliever Pitching *

  • Data only available back to 1901

Ratio Pitching *

Pitch Summary -- Pitching *

Baserunning & Situational Stats *

Cumulative Pitching

Neutralized Pitching

Advanced Pitching

Advanced Pitching Table
Batting Against Pitching Ratios Batted Ball Win Probability
Season Age Team Lg IP BA OBP SLG OPS BAbip HR% K% BB% LD% GB% FB% GB/FB WPA cWPA RE24 Awards
1989 21 CAL AL 181.1 .274 .345 .379 .724 .310 1.6 14.6 9.4 19.0 52.8 18.7 1.20 -0.9 -1.4% -3.64 ROY-5
1990 22 CAL AL 211.2 .295 .353 .401 .754 .320 1.7 11.4 7.8 19.5 52.1 18.2 1.14 -0.8 -0.3% -14.79
1991 23 CAL AL 243.0 .244 .302 .336 .637 .280 1.4 15.8 7.3 16.6 54.5 17.6 1.26 3.5 0.3% 36.32 CYA-3
1992 24 CAL AL 211.0 .263 .323 .349 .673 .301 1.4 14.9 7.8 20.8 49.6 18.3 1.03 1.6 0.5% 25.50
1993 25 NYY AL 214.0 .271 .332 .400 .733 .284 2.4 10.5 8.1 19.2 55.1 16.7 1.31 -0.9 -1.3% -3.17
1994 26 NYY AL 160.1 .273 .341 .456 .797 .284 3.5 13.0 9.2 19.4 47.4 24.4 0.95 0.3 0.3% 3.29
1995 27 2TM AL 197.0 .274 .330 .374 .704 .292 1.7 10.2 7.6 20.4 51.7 19.0 1.13 1.2 0.3% 16.24
1995 27 CHW AL 112.1 .269 .324 .382 .706 .280 2.1 9.5 7.4 19.1 51.1 19.6 1.11 0.8 0.0% 10.96
1995 27 CAL AL 84.2 .280 .337 .364 .701 .307 1.1 11.1 7.9 22.2 52.5 18.2 1.15 0.5 0.4% 5.28
1996 28 CAL AL 142.0 .306 .389 .505 .895 .304 3.5 8.9 11.9 22.8 47.7 22.0 0.95 -4.3 -1.8% -41.22
1997 Did not play - Did Not Play
1998 30 CHW AL 31.2 .292 .358 .392 .750 .314 1.5 10.4 9.0 16.8 60.7 15.0 1.63 0.3 0.0% 2.48
1999 31 MIL NL 82.0 .317 .393 .496 .889 .323 3.6 9.4 10.7 19.2 47.9 23.6 0.97 -2.2 -0.9% -25.95
10 Yrs 1674.0 .276 .340 .399 .739 .298 2.1 12.3 8.6 19.5 51.6 19.3 1.13 -2.3 -4.3% -4.95
MLB Average .263 .332 .405 .737 .293 2.4 15.7 8.8 20.8 43.5 24.7 0.81

* - Disclaimer & Completeness Note

Appearances on Leaderboards, Awards, and Honors

Hall of Fame Statistics

Frequently Asked Questions

How old is Jim Abbott?

Jim Abbott is 57 years old.

When was Jim Abbott born?

Jim Abbott was born on September 19, 1967.

Where was Jim Abbott born?

Jim Abbott was born in Flint, MI.

How tall is Jim Abbott?

Jim Abbott is 6-3 (190 cm) tall.

How much did Jim Abbott weigh when playing?

Jim Abbott weighed 200 lbs (90 kg) when playing.

How many seasons did Jim Abbott play?

Jim Abbott played 10 seasons.

Is Jim Abbott in the Hall of Fame?

Jim Abbott has not been elected into the Hall of Fame.

When was Jim Abbott drafted?

Jim Abbott was drafted by the Toronto Blue Jays in the 36th round of the 1985 MLB June Amateur Draft from Central HS (Flint, MI) and the California Angels in the 1st round (8th) of the 1988 MLB June Amateur Draft from University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI).

What position did Jim Abbott play?

Jim Abbott was a Pitcher.

How many strikeouts did Jim Abbott have?

Jim Abbott had 888 strikeouts over his career.

How many teams has Jim Abbott played for?

Jim Abbott played for 4 teams; the California Angels, New York Yankees, Chicago White Sox and Milwaukee Brewers.

When did Jim Abbott retire?

Jim Abbott last played in 1999.

What is Jim Abbott's Twitter account?

Jim Abbott is on Twitter at jabbottum31.

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