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Truck Eagan

From BR Bullpen

Charles Eugene Eagan

  • Bats Right, Throws Right
  • Height 5' 11", Weight 190 lb.

BR page

Biographical Information[edit]

Charles "Truck" Eagan played most of his pro career on the West Coast. In 2003 he was elected to the Pacific Coast League Hall of Fame. He also played briefly in the majors in 1901.

Eagan was playing in pro ball by 1898 and was still active in 1911. He played for just about every team in a large city in California - Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, Oakland, San Jose, and also Vernon (plus he apparently played for San Diego in a winter league). He could hit with power, as was shown by his 24 home runs for Tacoma in 1904 (nobody else on the team had more than six home runs). He led his league in home runs at least four different seasons.

The book Baseball in San Diego: From the Plaza to the Padres has a photo of him with some teammates.

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