Tony Stevens (minors02)

From BR Bullpen

Ballhit-hr stevens.jpg

Nathaniel J. Stevens

BR Minors page

Biographical information[edit]

Tony Stevens is a shortstop who played several years of minor league ball, then joined the Marine Corps after 9/11. He served two tours of duty in Iraq and later went to Afghanistan as an infantryman with Alpha Company, First Battalion, Second Marine Regiment.

Stevens raised the American flag prior to the first game of the June 30, 2012 doubleheader in Minnesota, this is what was read by the Public Address announcer:

"Tony Stevens played for the Minnesota Twins organization from 1997 to 2001. He left to join the United States Marine Corps where he served three tours of duty in Iraq. He fought in "Ambush Alley" at the Battle for the Bridges in An Nasariah during the initial invasion and also set the record for IED blasts by surviving 11 explosions. His story provided inspiration for the Nicholas Sparks book The Lucky One. Stevens now resides with his wife and three children in Fort Walton Beach, FL where he works at Eglin Air Force Base. His story is the inspiration for the upcoming book Extraordinary."

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