Time Magazine

From BR Bullpen

Time Magazine, sometimes simply called Time, is a weekly news magazine that began publishing in New York, NY in 1923. It was the first such publication when it was launched, but many others followed. It has the largest circulation of any weekly news magazine in the world, and while its influence and readership has greatly waned since its heyday that lasted until the early 1990s, it has managed to survive the fundamental changes that claimed some of its rivals like Newsweek, which ceased its print edition for a spell. It has had to reduce staff due to declining advertising revenue however.

Time is known for its iconic covers, surrounded by a red border, that usually feature the portrait of one newsmaker. Many baseball players have graced its cover over the years, as the magazine has never limited its coverage to just hard news, covering celebrities, social trends and the entertainment industry, including sports, from the outset, in order to give it a broad readership base. Time is also known for naming a "Person of the Year" at the end of the calendar year, the person who has most dominated that year's news - for good or bad. In recent years, persons have sometimes been replaced by concepts, and whenever the person named is not a role model, controversy erupts, as readers are for some reason convinced that the nomination is an honor that should only go to "great persons", and not a reflection on who drove the news cycle during the previous twelve months.