Talk:Tsuyoshi Shinjo

From BR Bullpen lists him as a '92 Olympian but he is not so listed on the rosters on this site. Which is correct? - --Mischa 21:49, 10 Apr 2006 (EDT)

I went by the official Olympics reports which don't list him as a participant. --MichaelEng 21:59, 10 Apr 2006 (EDT)

Do we want to check this with Michael Westbay, Jim Albright or some other source? Or find out what Gary Garland's source was on JBD? - --Mischa 22:03, 10 Apr 2006 (EDT)

Mischa, I'll email Mr. Garland about this later today. --MichaelEng 19:06, 12 Apr 2006 (EDT)

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