
From BR Bullpen
This form is only for uploading own work, that is files that you have created and where you own the copyright. To upload pieces of work created by others, please use a different form.
Step 1. Is this your work?
This is an image:
  • a photograph or video you have created, or
  • a graphs, maps, or diagrams that you have created entirely yourself
The act of scanning or photocopying someone else's work is not considered to be "creative". Works which contain other copyrighted works (derivative works) -- these are not permitted, so don't upload them! This includes:
  • screenshots of TV shows, movies, DVDs, and software,
  • drawings of copyrighted characters from television or movies, or drawings of logos - even if you drew them yourself,
  • image that incorporate third party clip art or imagery unless that images is public domain. The image must be completely your creation - meaning that you took the photograph, painted the painting, etc.

(if the third party image was released under a Creative Commons Share-Alike provision or GFDL than it must be released under the same terms. If under a Creative Commons Attribution provision it must attribute the original author.)

Step 2. Choose an appropriate filename.
Change the destination filename to something descriptive. Don't use default filenames! Upload the highest resolution file you have, and don't watermark your work. Only upload file types which the Bullpen accepts (SVG, PNG, JPG, GIF, more...), and use an approprtire file types for the file being uploaded.
  • Good: John Doe in 1997.jpg
       Bad: IMG0592.JPG
Step 3. Enter a clear description.
Write a clear description for the image you are uploading in the "edit summary" box. This includes:
  • indicating what the picture is of, who took it, and when it was taken as accurately as possible,
  • indicating the name of the article it should be in,
  • adding appropriate categories for your upload. All images should have at least two categories, one describing the image and another describing the license,

For ease, use the information box on the right

Copy this into the summary box
and fill out the details
{{Image information
|Author=MyName (~~~) 
Step 4. Release your work under a free license, such as the GFDL or Creative Commons licenses, or into the public domain.
All user-created images must be released under a "free" license. For purposes of the, "free" does not merely mean that you don't charge for it, but it means that you allow everyone to use, alter, and redistribute your work for any purpose. This release is not revocable. It is your responsibility to understand what rights you are keeping for yourself. If you need help understanding licensing terms, please ask at the BR Bullpen:Help desk

The Bullpen does not accept images that are licensed for "non-commercial" use, licensed only to Bullpen, for which permission is required for reuse, or that do not permit derivative works to be created. Any image released under a restrictive license will be deleted on sight as will any image released without a license.

Some of the license you can choose include:

  • Public domain - by releasing it into the public domain, you give up all rights to it
  • GFDL - this is the same license under which all of your text contributions to the Bullpen are licensed
  • Creative Commons (CC-BY or CC-BY-SA) - a simpler license allowing anyone to use the image as long as they credit you (CC-BY), and -- in the case of CC-BY-SA -- share your work under the same license