
From BR Bullpen
This form is only for uploading work found on Flickr created by someone else (not you). To upload work from somewhere other than Flickr, please use a different form.

The statement "This photo is public" DOES NOT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT COPYRIGHT. It only says that the photo is publicly viewable.

Flickr images have seven different licensing options. Only some are OK here:

Statement on Flickr page License OK here?
© All rights reserved Copyrighted NOT OK
Cc-by white.svgCc-nc white.svgFile:Cc-nd white.svg Some rights reserved CC-BY-NC-ND NOT OK
Cc-by white.svgCc-nc white.svgCc-sa white.svg Some rights reserved CC-BY-NC-SA NOT OK
Cc-by white.svgCc-nc white.svg Some rights reserved CC-BY-NC NOT OK
Cc-by white.svgFile:Cc-nd white.svg Some rights reserved CC-BY-ND NOT OK
Cc-by white.svg Some rights reserved CC-BY OK
Cc-by white.svgCc-sa white.svg Some rights reserved CC-BY-SA OK
Licenses with NC (non-commercial use only) or ND (no derivative works allowed to be created) are not OK here. If the image is not OK, consider asking the author to release their work under a free license such as CC-BY (Creative Commons Attribution license) or CC-BY-SA (Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike).
Insert some categories that describe the content shown in the work. Fill in a description. Change the destination filename to something descriptive and meaningful. Be sure to upload the 'Original' or 'Large' version of the image, nothing smaller!

Keep in mind that Flickr users often don't know about copyright. If it is suspected that they are not the author of the work, it may be deleted here.