Category talk:Topps All-Star Rookie Team

From BR Bullpen

Do we really need categories for this for every year? Wouldn't a simple listing for each year suffice? -Tim

I wish I wouldn't have wasted my time with this in the first place. It isn't like each player had listings under 10 different categories (like if there were categories for 1988 All Star, 1989 All-Star, 1990 All-Star, etc.) Seems like there is still so much to be done on this site, it seems silly to waste time duplicating somebody elses work even if it doesn't fit your vision of the site (minor edits are fine, major overhauls are time-wasters). While the improvement to simple pages that list the players are okay, it just seems like my original time that I spent was wasted. If the way I was doing it was not right, I wish somebody would have stepped up and said something about it before I spent countless hours on the project. --Andy