Art Madison

From BR Bullpen


Arthur Madison

  • Bats Right, Throws Right
  • Height 5' 9", Weight 165 lb.

BR page

Biographical Information[edit]

Art Madison was a childhood friend of Jack Chesbro and had played ball with him as a youth. The two of them worked at the State Homeopathic Asylum for the Insane in Middletown, NY and played on the asylum's excellent baseball team. Art eventually helped Chesbro get a tryout with the Pittsburgh Pirates. Source: SABR article about the Asylum Base Ball Club [1].

Art turned pro in 1895, and appeared in the big leagues in both 1895 and 1899. Although he hit .353 in 11 games in the big leagues in 1895, he didn't return until 1899. His minor league career ran through 1906.

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