Armando Dueñas Sr.

From BR Bullpen

Armando Dueñas Medina

BR register page

Biographical Information[edit]

Armando Dueñas Sr. is the brother of Alberto Dueñas and Roberto Dueñas and the father of Armando Dueñas Jr., all of whom have played in the Cuban Serie Nacional. Armando Sr. hit .235/.341/.296 in 16 seasons; the infielder fielded .963. He ended his career in 1995-1996 with Matanzas. Playing for Henequeneros, he led the league with nine sacrifice hits in 1987-1988, tied for the most (7) with Gustavo León in 1988-1989 and led the western division with six in 1989-1990. As his stats indicate, he was a typical defensive-first middle infielder. Through 2004, he was 25th in league history in assists (3,457, between Rolando Verde and Gabriel Pierre).

Sources include 2005 Guia Official de Beisbol, Wayback Archive, Radiococo