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Jhonny Peralta hits an inside-the-park homer

Posted by Andy on July 18, 2010

Thanks to my friend Brian for pointing this out moments ago. Jhonny Peralta hit an inside-the-park homer for the Indians today. This is a guy with 9 career stolen bases in his 8 years in the majors. All it took was an outfielder crashing off the wall and getting dazed, as well as a bullpen door flying open.

3 Responses to “Jhonny Peralta hits an inside-the-park homer”

  1. Johnny Says:

    Of course it happened on a Day Off for Austin Jackson! Ryan Raburn playing CF and did that jumping crash into the bullpen door that opened. It was a bizarre play!

  2. Jay Says:

    I still like Dallas McPherson's "IPHR-6" better. See the video under June 17 here.

  3. Peralta goes inside-the-park after Raburn falls through fence | SPORTS NEWS & BUZZ Says:

    [...] unlikely was Peralta’s round-tripper? Well, as Baseball-Reference points out, he has only nine career stolen bases over eight seasons. And the inimitable Tater Trot Tracker [...]