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Quick hits: Welcome back, Wily Mo!

Posted by John Autin on June 21, 2011

Wily Mo Pena made a semi-triumphant return to the majors tonight as Arizona's DH in Kansas City, with a game-tying HR in the 5th inning against Luke Hochevar. He also struck out twice, no surprise to anyone.

Pena last played in the bigs with Washington in July 2008; he was released after hitting .205 with 2 HRs in 206 PAs. He was out of affiliated ball at one point last year, playing in the independent Atlantic League. But Arizona signed him last December and sent him to Reno this spring, and he's been slaying the PCL this year, hitting .363 with an 1.165 OPS.

He's still only 28 years old, even though he's been around so long that he was traded for Drew Henson back in 2001. With Cincinnati in 2004-05 combined, Wily Mo hit 45 HRs in 647 ABs with 7 multi-HR games and a few monster blasts, but also with 224 Ks against just 42 walks. He went to Boston in 2006 in a deal for Bronson Arroyo, and over the next 2 years his career gradually petered out.

Exactly what the D-backs plan to do with him is an open question. Except for one game at 3B, he's only ever played OF in the majors, not well; and Arizona's 3 starting OFs (Justin Upton, Chris Young and Gerardo Parra) are all having good years. He's been mostly a DH in AAA this year, but he played a little at 1B last year; maybe he'll platoon at 1B with lefty Juan Miranda, although so far Miranda is hitting lefties better than righties. Maybe Pena is just up to DH in the interleague road games; if he hits, he might stick around as a bat off the bench, since Arizona's bench has been a weak spot all year.

But those are thoughts for another day; this is Wily's time!

145 Responses to “Quick hits: Welcome back, Wily Mo!”

  1. Timmy P Says:

    @95 You're a Brewers fan? That's awesome! I got arrested at Miller Park one time, I won't go into now. I have really done a 180 on Prince Fielder this year, Prince is a fine hitter with a powerful, voilent swing from the left side. Don't have the stats in front of me, but it seems to me Prince hits a lot of clutch homers!

  2. Johnny Twisto Says:

    I got arrested at Miller Park one time, I won't go into now.

    It's a very sad story. But God bless Timmy and all those who manage to stop masturbating before the national anthem begins.

  3. Timmy P Says:

    Twisto you are a sick, sadistic person! First you slander Roger Maris, then you make up a disgusting story about me.

  4. Shping Says:

    I somehow talked myself out of getting arrested at Safeco Field once, so we'll have to trade stories -- but after #102 i'm not so sure 🙂

    As for Fielder, i've skeptically become a believer too. I'm still afraid he'll turn into a prematurely old, fat Mo Vaughn one of these days, but he's dang fun to watch now!

  5. Timmy P Says:

    @102 Vous etes un cretin!

  6. Dukeofflatbush Says:

    Timmy P.

    I think you should take some time off to write a "Casey at Bat" or Line-up of the Past" type poem about your loves of Zambrano and his possibly exploding head, your horrible jail stay in Michigan, Prince Fielder's weight, tattoo, father and facial hair problems, Juan Pierre's certification into the hall, the time you fell in love with Johnny Damon, your pants off routine (details), the Corrolious Effect, your love of Ryan Braun's chivalry and all other things you inundate us with hourly.
    I think you should suspend all other activities till this poem is complete. Remember to take your time, even if that means days, and write a winner. I know you can, you know you can and the Corrolious Effect knows you can. Good luck.

  7. Timmy P Says:

    In case you haven't notice Duke, I almost always stick to one thread, sometimes for several days, so I'm easy to avoid. I usually take several days off to rest after an intense thread. I all most never post to a thread when there there is a serious statistical debate/conversation going on, unless that debate is to preclude someone from the HoF. I also rarely post anything to a Yankee's or Red Sox discussion as it is not my expertise.

  8. Timmy P Says:

    @106 I never said Pierre should be in the HoF, that is a fabrication created by one of the Neals because he said there are dozens of players in AAA that are better than Juan. I don't write poetry because I find it less than masculine. That is my opinion and certainly I would not discriminate against poets or poetry clubs. I've never been arrested in Michigan. Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Nevada, Minnesota, and California. And as I mentioned the conviction rate is low and no felonies. As for my love of Damon I'll let my stance on poetry speak for itself. My interest in Damon or any player for that matter is strictly related to baseball and baseball activity.

  9. Dukeofflatbush Says:

    Then why the tats on Fielder or Ryan Braun's image or Brett Gardner's baldness?

  10. Dukeofflatbush Says:

    Also the Neal(s) have been discrediting you for some time.

  11. Dukeofflatbush Says:

    I thought you should know.

  12. Timmy P Says:

    That was not me that commented on Gardner's baldness, that was made by Voomo and it was an excellent observation. If you are insinuating that I am a homosexual let me assure you I am not. If you are trying to make a homosexual advance on me you would be making an error in judgement. I am not a homosexual, nor do I have homosexual tendencies. I don't go to homosexual establishments, and own no homosexual accessories.

  13. Timmy P Says:

    Let me also say Duke that if you are a homosexual or have homosexual tendencies, that is fine and hopefully fine with your father. I have nothing against homosexuals and wish you well hope you're well adjusted.

  14. Dukeofflatbush Says:

    Thank you for setting me straight.
    I seem to forget myself... no wait I was just pointing out your statement that you stick your posts strictly to baseball is hogwash.
    You like to mention players' country of origin, hygiene and a mysterious equatorial effect, not to mention tattoos, facial hair, ethnicity, food, pants, jail, your wife, cooking, my work environment...

  15. Timmy P Says:

    You're welcome! Now kiss your mom good night for me and tuck yourself in.

  16. Dukeofflatbush Says:

    I woke up today well rested Timmy.
    That mom tip, along with your assurances about your orientation and a great debate about the amount of hair on Feilder's head and Gardner's head gave me much to dream about.
    I also realized Feilder sounds like Feild and Gardner

  17. Dukeofflatbush Says:

    sorry... sound like field and garden... weird huh?

  18. John Autin Says:

    @93, Shping -- HAIL, THE WAXER!!!

    I miss my light table, too.

    So many odd little tactile pleasures in that old trade: Putting font strips on the CompuGraphic drum ... hanging galleys up to dry ... splicing in correction lines, and the joy of getting them squared up perfectly ... cleaning wax off the light table with a razor blade ... All gone. Waaah!

  19. John Autin Says:

    @101/102 -- I didn't catch Timmy's Miller Park story the first time around, so thanks for the link, JT.

    Timmy, I think that bit has serious potential as a performance piece, a la Alice's Restaurant. Do you play an instrument?

    BTW, I do find The Big Z entertaining -- unfortunately, sometimes he falls into the mode of bad "reality TV." But if you can provide links to any video of Carlos the Pouncer in action, I'd love to see them. Seriously.

  20. Timmy p Says:

    @117 I would recommend you suspend your marijuana usage right away, you seem easily confused, and frankly you often make little sense. I wan't to go on the record to say that I hope my strong denial to Duke about being a homosexual did not offend anybody, that was not my intention. There is a large gay community very close to Wrigley Field and many of those fellows are huge Cub fans and an important part of the Cubs fan base. But me?
    Favortite Team: Cubs
    Favorite Player: Zambrano
    Dreams About: Woman!
    Type: Size 13-19
    It's funny that Duke brought it up, but I've been working on a business model for a chain of retail outlets/bars that specialize in Ladies X-size lingerie and is a cigar bar. The name of the chain is going to be either Patrick's Ladies X-size Lingerie and Cigar Bar Patrick is my middle name, or Timmy's Ladies X-size Lingerie and Cigar Bar Timmys sounds too immature so I'm leaning to Patrick's. It's still on the drawing board but look for it soon. I may incorporate baseball into the motif, esp on the bar side.

  21. Timmy p Says:

    @119 I will try to get a clip, but as you probably know MLB is very picky about videos being on youtube and that sort of thing. One thing there is an abundance of on youtube, is cat videos. And a video of a cat pouncing on a mouse or a toy mouse would give you the idea of what I mean.

  22. John Autin Says:

    @120 -- "I may incorporate baseball into the motif, esp on the bar side."

    [laughing] Yeah, that's probably the best side for it.

    On second thought ... maybe there's a market for a plus-sized bustier with a player's name & number on the back. I'm not that well-versed in these matters. Tell ya one thing, though -- a "game-worn" version of that item would fetch a pretty penny!

  23. Johnny Twisto Says:

    Timmy P, I don't want to insinuate anything, but one of my sources says he saw you in Boys Town last night. At least, he thought it was you...the gentleman was wearing a leather mask.

  24. Timmy p Says:

    @123 Well I think you're trying tobe funny, but I wish you would not besmirch Boys Town. As I said before I was born in Wahoo, Nebraska and attended junior high school and some high school at Boys Town that is only 40 miles away from Wahoo. Really guys the gay jokes are stupid and although it doesn't offend me personally, it is offensive.

  25. Timmy p Says:

    @122 It's definitely an untapped market, and I can see me holding court, smoking a cigar and working with the gals to find just the right outfit. We'll have a full service bar of course, serving premium liquor, esp scotch. It should be fun.

  26. Padres Take Series at Fenway, and I’m Not Even Kidding | Ducksnorts Says:

    [...] Quick hits: Welcome back, Wily Mo! (Baseball-Reference). There goes Kevin Towers, swapping out one ex-Padre (Sean Burroughs) for another (Wily Mo Pena). Towers is doing something else in Arizona, too: winning. [...]

  27. Timmy p Says:

    BTW: for those that don't know Wahoo Nebraska is the hometown of Wahoo Sam Crawford, HoF'er, and career leader in Triples.

  28. Johnny Twisto Says:

    I wasn't besmirching Boys Town. I just found amusing your adamant denial of homosexuality.

    Sorry to sidetrack this most amusing thread. Please continue.

  29. Timmy p Says:

    Duke and Twisto, I don't think either of you should attempt to twist my words when I say things like I love Zambrano, or I love Delmon Young. I think it's obvious I'm talking about them in a baseball way only. Wouldn't think I'd have to make that clear.

  30. Neil L. Says:


    Woah, Duke, if I'm one of the "Neal(s)" you are referring to, don't bring me back into the line of fire. 🙂

    In case you hadn't noticed, I've been keeping my head down!

  31. Johnny Twisto Says:

    I just don't want Zambrano or Young to get the wrong idea. They can be fragile.

  32. Neil L. Says:

    JA and JT, I'm killing myself laughing at your posts. Just wiping my eyes!

  33. Timmy p Says:

    @132 I agree that JA's posts are insightful, intelligent, and witty. I would disagree about Twisto's post being funny, and Duke might be a heavy user of the reefer, as his posts make little sense.

  34. Johnny Twisto Says:

    Do you think Big Z has any cat DNA in him? If you can get close enough to pluck out one of his Hugo Chavez locks, we could test it.

  35. Dukeofflatbush Says:

    Timmy P

    I have sent a urine specimen to Yahoo to be analyzed for any banned substances or THC by a third party doctor of your choosing. I think the whole baseball community will be on the edge of their chairs until you announce the results on Youtube.
    I will grant you the option of wearing a disguise, while you read the results of my drug use or lack of, so as not to 'out' yourself to the gay Cub fan base you cherish so.
    But with every selfless concession comes a ridiculous demand - and My demand is simple: Your disguise must be a moustache. (there may be several more, but I believe they will [if you, gentleman, accept {excuse the liberty I have undertaken in declaring you a gentleman |is a dangerous assumption|}] all be covered under the original Umbrella clause of; Moustaches).

    The Moustache demand goes as follows: you agree to discontinue shaving above your upper (and lower) lip from the moment we write/read this, till the time of your youtube revelation.
    The size and shape of the mustache is not of monumental importance. The only mandate to be made, is: that the resulting hair above your lip, must, in the interim of the test results – without provocation, illicit a response from some one in your life (Zambrano perhaps), that resembles – “why are you growing a moustache!?!?!?.” Or something pretty darned close. We are not going for a bullseye Timmy, we are simply trying to hit the damn target.
    Now after rousing said response from an independent innocent (innocent only in this silliness), what is of equal if not greater importance is this; Act as if nothing is new. Shrug it off. Say you got lazy. Or better yet, and even for the greater good, respond with; “what moustache?” (a hunch of the shoulders, palms up, eyebrows raises, while optional, will help sell ignorance, [easy for you I imagine] always has.)
    Now, while I find nothing as unfashionable, obsolete, passé and anachronistic as the moustache, there is still a certain aesthetic charm that is undeniable. We certainly all live in the shadow of the golden age of the mustache, the great crest of which washed ashore of the American Disco era of my birth, onto my father’s smiling face as I was forced into this world, only to recede back into the semi-Europe of the Caucasus Mountains, to be worn by former Soviet Bloc commandos and Cecil fielder. But I digress.
    While ours will be a pastiche of the moustache, we must, for this to suitably be met as my one demand, posses this undertaking with austere fervor.
    Now, from my semi-understanding of the plot to every SEX AND THE CITY SHOW, and a hazy impression of the goings on to a woman’s night out, it is of grave embarrassment and in ultimate bad taste to show up with the same purse, dresss, hat, etc. I believe the same to be true in the world of mustache.
    I feel this mustache experiment will fail if you and I make similar errors and repetitions (Oh, I will be joining you on Youtube). So I will now plot several possible variations from the moustache catologue (sic) for which we are to chose. While I do believe the concept embodying freewill usurps my mustache endeavor, I will not impose any restrictions in the choosing of said facial hair, believing the odds to be slim on mustachioed repetition, for our respective personality (traits and flaws [which bound us together through this blog {will now see us through}])!

    Style popularized by physical traits

    1. the hitler nazi germany short/squat
    2. magnum PI 80’s tv Tom Sellick thick/broom-like
    3. handlebar 80’s baseball/rollie fingers curled up at the ends
    4. pencil Errol Flynn/South American Dictators thin/closecropped
    5 Fu Manchu Manchuria/ Bikers extends past corners of mouth
    6. porn star John Holmes sleazy
    7 GG Allin GG Allin Insane
    8. 16 yearold boy 8th graders everywhere peach fuzz

    Rules: there must be no competing facial hair on your face. Nothing to take away from the mustache and its marvel. NONE. No matter how horrible you look, no matter how difficult home, taking off your pants, work, sex, become – hold steadfast. Also, hold fast to your unwavering denial that you are not consciously trying to grow a moustache. No matter the evidence, deny, deny, deny. (I suggest repeated use of words like ‘gubernatorial’ and ‘filibuster’ to throw off would-be meddlers). This will give the three-pronged advantage of; creating stupid unnecessary silliness (which seems to be your sole purpose). Give you something to do, spicing up your life and lending a covert nature to your sedentary rather sociopathic existence. And lastly, will expedite our You tube meeting, since holding true to this ridiculous idea, will haunt our mirrors and the strange mustachioed faces who stare back at them, ebbing us closer to destiny.

  36. Dukeofflatbush Says:

    Oh abit of seriousness; #96 Johnny Twisto, about your suggestion Maris used steroids, his son alleges his father was under such intense pressure and scrutiny that chunks of his hair fell out.
    I always thought that to be a child's exaggerated memory, but now, it may make sense if your hypothesis is real.
    I also remember Mantle and Maris both saying they never lifted a weight. I recently saw a pic of the Mick getting iced in the training room from the book THE LAST BOY, and he looked too well defined and muscular (INMHO) to not have lifted weights. He looks like a body builder.

  37. Timmy p Says:

    @135 You're trying to hard my friend. The magic's gone.

  38. John Autin Says:

    Shall I send Wily Mo around to give everyone a hug and smooth over any hard feelings?

    ... or is our need more in the way of frank chat with Kirk Gibson's moustache?

  39. Dukeofflatbush Says:

    I believe Gibson's, Fingers', Gossage's, Habrosky's, and the late Rod Beck's moustaches are all in the facial hair hall of fame.
    Jack Morris' stache may be elected, much to the rancor of this crowd, next year.

  40. Mustachioed Repetition Says:

    There are so many choice quotes I could choose from the magnum opus of #135, but I'm going with this one as my new screen name.

  41. Dukeofflatbush Says:

    @ 140,

    Who were you before?
    And I'm confused, are you down on it, or did you get a laugh?
    It was meant to amuse.
    I'll keep it short next time, just that darn Timmy p and his wild allegations....

  42. Mustachioed Repetition Says:

    Mwahahaha, you'll have to figure it out via my unique verbal tics.

    Yes, I loved it.

  43. John Autin Says:

    Cool -- my next post will be "Mystery Commentator" !

  44. Neil L. Says:

    To all BBRef newbs wading through this thread ...... this is not typical, we usually stick to baseball (mostly).

  45. Mustachioed Repetition Says:
