Daily Lineups
- Lineups are the starting lineups for that game.
Record: 74-87-0, Finished 5th in AL_East (Schedule and Results)
Managers: Dallas Green (56-65) and Bucky Dent (18-22)
General Manager: Syd Thrift (Performed GM duties from 3/21/89 to 8/29/89)
Farm Director: Mitch Lukevics
Scouting Director: Brian Sabean
Ballpark: Yankee Stadium II
Attendance: 2,170,485 (8th of 14)
Park Factors:
(Over 100 favors batters, under 100 favors pitchers.)
Batting - 99, Pitching - 100
Batting - 104, Pitching - 105
Pythagorean W-L: 71-90, 698 Runs, 792 Runs Allowed
Most Common Lineups