Full-Season Roster & Games by Position

Full-Season Roster & Games by Position
Name Age Birth B T Ht Wt DoB Yrs G GS Batting Defense P C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF OF PH PR WAR Salary
Bill Akers24us USRR5' 11"178Dec 25, 19041st2424242400000240000000.1$2,400
Dale Alexander26us USRR6' 3"210Apr 26, 19031st155155155155001550000000005.2$4,800
Frank Barnes29us USLL6' 2"195Jan 9, 19001st4144400000000000-0.3$4,500
Josh Billings21us USRR5' 11"180Sep 27, 1907380888000000000000.0
Ownie Carroll26us USRR5' 10"165Nov 11, 190243726373434000000000121.3
Bob Fothergill31us USRR5' 10"230Aug 16, 18978115501155900000038021595712.3$6,500
Charlie Gehringer HOF26us USLR5' 11"180May 11, 19036155152155154000154000000305.9$8,000
Kyle Graham29us USRR6' 2"172Aug 14, 1899413613131300000000000-0.4
Pinky Hargrave33us USBR5' 8"180Jan 31, 1896676417648048000000003201.7$6,500
Bucky Harris HOF32us USRR5' 9"156Nov 8, 1896117375000401000003-0.1$25,000
Ray Hayworth25us USRR6' 0"180Jan 29, 190421413141401400000000000.0
Harry Heilmann HOF34us USRR6' 1"195Aug 3, 189415125111125115002000001141141203.8$18,750
Art Herring23us USRR5' 7"168Mar 10, 19061st44444000000000000.5$2,400
Elon Hogsett25us USLL6' 0"190Nov 2, 19031st44444000000000000.9$6,000
Roy Johnson26us USLR5' 9"175Feb 23, 19031st148146148146000000943427146203.4$4,500
Marty McManus29us USRR5' 10"160Mar 14, 190010154154154154000015080000003.3$10,000
Phil Page23us USRL6' 2"175Aug 23, 1905210410101000000000000-0.6
Eddie Phillips28us USRR6' 0"178Feb 17, 19012685968630630000000051-0.9
Augie Prudhomme26us USRR6' 2"186Nov 20, 19021st34634343400000000000-0.8
Harry Rice27us USLR5' 9"185Nov 22, 1901713012913012900003001273127102.0$8,000
Nolen Richardson26us USRR6' 1"170Jan 18, 19031st13613130000013000000-0.4
Heinie Schuble22us USRR5' 9"152Nov 1, 19062927492860000186000016-1.4
Merv Shea28us USRR5' 11"175Sep 5, 190035042504604600000000500.7$5,000
Frank Sigafoos25us USRR5' 9"170Mar 21, 190421371311000074000002-0.3$4,500
George Smith27us USRR6' 1"175Oct 27, 1901414214141400000000000-0.3$4,500
Vic Sorrell28us USRR5' 10"180Apr 9, 190123631363636000000000000.2
John Stone23us USLR6' 1"178Oct 10, 1905251315136000000332236150-0.1$4,500
Lil Stoner30us USRR5' 9"180Feb 28, 1899724324242400000000000-0.4$5,000
George Uhle30us USRR6' 0"190Sep 18, 1898114030403232000000000804.7
Elam Vangilder33us USRR6' 1"192Apr 23, 1896116066600000000000-0.3
Earl Whitehill30us USLL5' 9"174Feb 7, 189973828383838000000000003.4
Larry Woodall33us USRR5' 9"165Jul 26, 1895101010000000000010
Yats Wuestling25us USRR5' 11"167Oct 18, 19031st544354540001152000020-1.2
Whit Wyatt21us USRR6' 1"185Sep 27, 19071st4444400000000000-0.4$2,400
Emil Yde29us USBL5' 11"165Jan 28, 190054664630290000001011920.6
Name Age Birth B T Ht Wt DoB Yrs G GS Batting Defense P C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF OF PH PR WAR Salary

Coaching Staff

Coaching Staff
Name Age Birth DoB Role Start Date End Date
Bucky Harris HOF32us USNov 8, 1896ManagerApr 16Oct 6
George McBride48us USNov 20, 1880Apr 16Oct 6
Benny Meyer44us USJan 21, 1885Apr 16Oct 6
Name Age Birth DoB Role Start Date End Date