Batting Orders
- Batting Orders are the starting batting orders for that game.
Record: 96-66-0, Finished 1st in AL_Central (Schedule and Results)
Lost AL Championship Series (4-3)
to Boston Red Sox
Won AL Division Series (3-1)
over New York Yankees
Manager: Eric Wedge (96-66)
General Manager: Mark Shapiro
Scouting Director: John Mirabelli
Ballparks: Jacobs Field and Miller Park
Attendance: 2,275,912 (10th of 14)
Park Factors:
(Over 100 favors batters, under 100 favors pitchers.)
Batting - 101, Pitching - 100
Batting - 105, Pitching - 104
Pythagorean W-L: 91-71, 811 Runs, 704 Runs Allowed
Most Common Batting Orders