Standard Pitching

Show Non‑Major
Standard Pitching Table
1978 22 SEA AL 0.5 4 9 .308 4.12 52 2 23 0 0 4 111.1 114 57 51 7 51 3 66 5 0 4 483 93 3.73 1.482 9.2 0.6 4.1 5.3 1.29
1979 23 SEA AL 1.4 5 9 .357 3.84 48 3 30 0 0 11 84.1 88 40 36 2 40 5 48 1 0 5 364 115 3.36 1.518 9.4 0.2 4.3 5.1 1.20
1980 24 SEA AL 2.4 7 7 .500 3.33 59 0 39 0 0 13 113.2 103 44 42 3 63 16 68 3 1 2 484 124 3.64 1.460 8.2 0.2 5.0 5.4 1.08
1981 25 SEA AL 0.6 4 6 .400 3.95 46 0 28 0 0 8 68.1 64 31 30 1 38 6 35 1 0 8 295 99 3.48 1.493 8.4 0.1 5.0 4.6 0.92
1982 26 NYY AL 2.7 11 10 .524 4.06 47 17 15 3 0 3 164.0 165 79 74 10 54 5 111 2 1 2 699 98 3.18 1.335 9.1 0.5 3.0 6.1 2.06
1983 27 NYY AL 3.2 14 14 .500 3.78 34 33 1 13 2 1 238.1 246 111 100 19 79 1 124 3 1 5 1010 103 3.78 1.364 9.3 0.7 3.0 4.7 1.57
1984 28 2TM 2LG 0.3 12 9 .571 4.44 29 28 1 3 0 0 162.1 163 88 80 13 54 2 82 1 0 9 689 83 3.82 1.337 9.0 0.7 3.0 4.5 1.52
1984 28 NYY AL -0.8 2 3 .400 6.21 11 10 1 0 0 0 42.0 46 33 29 0 27 0 24 0 0 5 198 62 3.55 1.738 9.9 0.0 5.8 5.1 0.89
1984 28 PHI NL 1.0 10 6 .625 3.81 18 18 0 3 0 0 120.1 117 55 51 13 27 2 58 1 0 4 491 95 3.91 1.197 8.8 1.0 2.0 4.3 2.15
1985 29 PHI NL 4.0 13 8 .619 3.31 36 31 1 6 2 0 198.2 188 82 73 16 81 6 106 2 0 7 849 112 3.92 1.354 8.5 0.7 3.7 4.8 1.31
1986 30 PHI NL 2.9 11 7 .611 3.54 23 23 0 7 1 0 157.2 166 67 62 13 50 4 73 1 1 1 673 110 3.89 1.370 9.5 0.7 2.9 4.2 1.46 AS
1987 31 PHI NL 2.4 17 11 .607 4.39 36 36 0 4 1 0 229.2 250 118 112 23 86 8 123 5 2 3 1005 97 4.29 1.463 9.8 0.9 3.4 4.8 1.43
1988 32 PHI NL 0.3 8 16 .333 4.18 32 32 0 4 1 0 198.0 220 111 92 27 78 7 87 4 0 2 873 85 4.91 1.505 10.0 1.2 3.5 4.0 1.12
1989 33 MIN AL 0.4 5 12 .294 5.21 27 25 2 1 0 0 145.0 167 89 84 19 60 1 68 0 0 6 638 80 4.77 1.566 10.4 1.2 3.7 4.2 1.13
12 Yrs 20.9 111 118 .485 4.02 469 230 140 41 7 40 1871.1 1934 917 836 153 734 64 991 28 6 54 8062 98 3.97 1.426 9.3 0.7 3.5 4.8 1.35
162 Game Avg 2.0 11 11 .485 4.02 46 22 14 4 1 4 182 188 89 81 15 71 6 96 3 1 5 784 98 3.97 1.426 9.3 0.7 3.5 4.8 1.35
PHI (5 Yrs) 10.5 59 48 .551 3.88 145 140 1 24 5 0 904.1 941 433 390 92 322 27 447 13 3 17 3891 99 4.22 1.397 9.4 0.9 3.2 4.4 1.39
SEA (4 Yrs) 4.9 20 31 .392 3.79 205 5 120 0 0 36 377.2 369 172 159 13 192 30 217 10 1 19 1626 107 3.57 1.485 8.8 0.3 4.6 5.2 1.13
NYY (3 Yrs) 5.1 27 27 .500 4.11 92 60 17 16 2 4 444.1 457 223 203 29 160 6 259 5 2 12 1907 95 3.54 1.389 9.3 0.6 3.2 5.2 1.62
MIN (1 Yr) 0.4 5 12 .294 5.21 27 25 2 1 0 0 145.0 167 89 84 19 60 1 68 0 0 6 638 80 4.77 1.566 10.4 1.2 3.7 4.2 1.13
AL (8 Yrs) 10.4 52 70 .426 4.15 324 90 139 17 2 40 967.0 993 484 446 61 412 37 544 15 3 37 4171 97 3.74 1.453 9.2 0.6 3.8 5.1 1.32
NL (5 Yrs) 10.5 59 48 .551 3.88 145 140 1 24 5 0 904.1 941 433 390 92 322 27 447 13 3 17 3891 99 4.22 1.397 9.4 0.9 3.2 4.4 1.39
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Value Pitching

Value Pitching Table
Season Age Team Lg IP G GS R RA9 RA9opp RA9def RA9role PPFp RA9avg RAA WAA gmLI WAAadj WAR RAR waaWL% 162WL% Awards
1978 22 SEA AL 111.1 52 2 57 4.61 4.26 -0.22 -0.24 100 4.25 -4 -0.5 1.18 -0.2 0.5 6 .491 .497
1979 23 SEA AL 84.1 48 3 40 4.27 4.82 -0.04 -0.31 104 4.74 4 0.5 1.99 0.0 1.4 13 .509 .503
1980 24 SEA AL 113.2 59 0 44 3.48 4.63 -0.06 -0.38 102 4.39 11 1.2 1.76 0.2 2.4 22 .520 .507
1981 25 SEA AL 68.1 46 0 31 4.08 4.06 -0.14 -0.33 107 4.13 0 0.0 2.01 -0.1 0.6 6 .501 .500
1982 26 NYY AL 164.0 47 17 79 4.34 4.55 -0.43 0.00 99 4.91 11 1.2 1.32 -0.1 2.7 26 .526 .507
1983 27 NYY AL 238.1 34 33 111 4.19 4.51 -0.25 0.14 94 4.60 11 1.1 1.53 -0.1 3.2 33 .533 .507
1984 28 2TM 2LG 162.1 29 28 88 4.88 4.09 -0.14 0.13 97 4.23 -12 -1.2 0.06 0.0 0.3 2 .458 .497
1984 28 NYY AL 42.0 11 10 33 7.07 4.38 -0.27 0.11 91 4.34 -13 -1.2 0.06 0.0 -0.8 -9 .391 .493
1984 28 PHI NL 120.1 18 18 55 4.11 3.99 -0.09 0.14 99 4.20 1 0.0 -0.1 1.0 11 .499 .500
1985 29 PHI NL 198.2 36 31 82 3.71 4.11 -0.26 0.12 103 4.64 20 2.2 0.68 -0.1 4.0 37 .562 .514
1986 30 PHI NL 157.2 23 23 67 3.82 4.16 -0.14 0.14 104 4.59 13 1.5 -0.1 2.9 27 .564 .509 AS
1987 31 PHI NL 229.2 36 36 118 4.62 4.54 0.09 0.16 105 4.83 5 0.4 -0.1 2.4 27 .510 .502
1988 32 PHI NL 198.0 32 32 111 5.05 3.89 -0.38 0.13 103 4.50 -12 -1.4 -0.1 0.3 4 .455 .491
1989 33 MIN AL 145.0 27 25 89 5.52 4.37 -0.14 0.14 108 5.00 -8 -0.9 0.14 -0.1 0.4 5 .465 .494
12 Yrs 1871.1 469 230 917 4.41 4.32 -0.18 0.03 101 4.60 40 4.0 1.63 -0.8 20.9 210 .509 .503
162 Game Avg 182 46 22 89 4.41 4.32 -0.18 0.03 101 4.60 4 0.4 1.63 -0.1 2.0 20 .509 .503
PHI (5 Yrs) 904.1 145 140 433 4.31 4.16 -0.15 0.14 103 4.59 29 2.6 0.68 -0.5 10.5 107 .518 .503
SEA (4 Yrs) 377.2 205 5 172 4.10 4.46 -0.12 -0.31 103 4.38 12 1.2 1.73 -0.1 4.9 47 .506 .502
NYY (3 Yrs) 444.1 92 60 223 4.52 4.51 -0.32 0.08 95 4.69 9 1.1 1.29 -0.2 5.1 50 .512 .505
MIN (1 Yr) 145.0 27 25 89 5.52 4.37 -0.14 0.14 108 5.00 -8 -0.9 0.14 -0.1 0.4 5 .465 .494
AL (8 Yrs) 967.0 324 90 484 4.50 4.47 -0.21 -0.06 100 4.62 12 1.4 1.65 -0.4 10.4 103 .504 .502
NL (5 Yrs) 904.1 145 140 433 4.31 4.16 -0.15 0.14 103 4.59 29 2.6 0.68 -0.5 10.5 107 .518 .503

Advanced Pitching

Advanced Pitching Table
Batting Against Pitching Ratios Batted Ball Win Probability
Season Age Team Lg IP BA OBP SLG OPS BAbip HR% K% BB% LD% GB% FB% GB/FB WPA cWPA RE24 Awards
1978 22 SEA AL 111.1 .275 .356 .399 .754 .307 1.4 13.7 10.6 -1.0 0.0% -4.16
1979 23 SEA AL 84.1 .278 .357 .354 .712 .319 0.5 13.2 11.0 -0.3 -0.1% 10.60
1980 24 SEA AL 113.2 .258 .360 .345 .705 .301 0.6 14.0 13.0 2.1 1.4% 16.09
1981 25 SEA AL 68.1 .257 .354 .305 .659 .292 0.3 11.9 12.9 -0.4 -0.5% 2.34
1982 26 NYY AL 164.0 .267 .324 .379 .702 .306 1.4 15.9 7.7 -0.5 0.2% 5.30
1983 27 NYY AL 238.1 .269 .327 .403 .730 .292 1.9 12.3 7.8 0.5 0.5% 7.24
1984 28 2TM 2LG 162.1 .261 .320 .379 .699 .282 1.9 11.9 7.8 0.0 0.4% -9.48
1984 28 NYY AL 42.0 .272 .372 .361 .733 .317 0.0 12.1 13.6 -0.8 -0.1% -11.55
1984 28 PHI NL 120.1 .257 .298 .386 .684 .269 2.6 11.8 5.5 0.8 0.5% 2.08
1985 29 PHI NL 198.2 .249 .321 .359 .680 .270 1.9 12.5 9.5 0.5 0.0% 11.01
1986 30 PHI NL 157.2 .270 .325 .405 .730 .288 1.9 10.8 7.4 1.6 1.0% 7.60 AS
1987 31 PHI NL 229.2 .279 .343 .428 .771 .299 2.3 12.2 8.6 0.7 0.4% -2.72
1988 32 PHI NL 198.0 .286 .351 .447 .798 .291 3.1 10.0 8.9 21.0 39.8 29.3 0.72 -3.6 -0.9% -24.99
1989 33 MIN AL 145.0 .293 .359 .467 .826 .305 3.0 10.7 9.4 23.9 34.9 31.6 0.56 -1.6 -0.3% -14.11
12 Yrs 1871.1 .271 .338 .398 .737 .294 1.9 12.3 9.1 22.2 37.7 30.2 0.65 -2.1 2.1% 4.73
MLB Average .259 .324 .388 .712 .284 2.1 13.8 8.5 20.0 43.1 27.0 0.81

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Advanced Batting

Advanced Batting Table
Batting Batting Ratios Batted Ball Win Probability Baserunning
Season Age Team Lg PA rOBA Rbat+ BAbip ISO HR% SO% BB% LD% GB% FB% GB/FB Pull% Cent% Oppo% WPA cWPA RE24 RS% SB% XBT% Pos Awards
1978 22 SEA AL 0 1/H
1979 23 SEA AL 0 0.0 0.0% 0.26 1/DH
1984 28 PHI NL 45 .123 -59 .185 .000 0.0 37.8 2.2 -0.3 -0.4% -7.05 50.0 100.0 0.0 1/H
1985 29 PHI NL 72 .215 1 .205 .017 0.0 29.2 6.9 -0.3 -0.2% -3.46 23.1 28.6 1
1986 30 PHI NL 64 .196 -24 .257 .038 0.0 28.1 1.6 -0.8 -0.3% -9.59 50.0 28.6 1 AS
1987 31 PHI NL 93 .192 -30 .245 .038 0.0 33.3 1.1 -0.9 -0.2% -10.80 38.5 100.0 0.0 1/H
1988 32 PHI NL 69 .120 -82 .158 .035 0.0 27.5 1.4 8.2 46.9 18.4 1.77 27.3 54.5 18.2 -1.0 -0.3% -10.46 0.0 0.0 1
7 Yrs 343 .174 -36 .213 .028 0.0 30.9 2.6 8.2 46.9 18.4 1.77 27.3 54.5 18.2 -3.4 -1.4% -41.09 32.7 100.0 18.2 1/HD
MLB Average .331 100 .284 .129 2.1 13.8 8.5 20.0 43.1 27.0 0.81 30.1 50.2 19.7 30.6 67.3 44.6

Standard Fielding

Standard Fielding Table
Standard Range Factor Baserunners
Season Age Team Lg Pos G GS CG Inn Ch PO A E DP Fld% lgFld% RF/9 lgRF9 RF/G lgRFG SB CS CS% lgCS% Pick Awards
1978 22 SEA AL P 52 2 0 111.1 29 8 20 1 1 .966 .954 2.26 1.90 0.54 1.88 11 7 38.9 37.8 5
1979 23 SEA AL P 48 3 0 84.1 19 4 15 0 1 1.000 .949 2.03 1.92 0.40 1.89 9 5 35.7 35.7 5
1979 23 SEA AL DH 1 0 0.00
1980 24 SEA AL P 59 0 0 113.2 33 4 28 1 3 .970 .957 2.53 1.85 0.54 1.85 4 9 69.2 34.8 3
1981 25 SEA AL P 46 0 0 68.1 15 1 14 0 1 1.000 .963 1.98 1.98 0.33 1.98 3 2 40.0 37.8 3
1982 26 NYY AL P 47 17 3 164.0 35 5 29 1 1 .971 .958 1.87 1.80 0.72 1.80 8 4 33.3 36.3 0
1983 27 NYY AL P 34 33 13 238.1 49 14 33 2 3 .959 .958 1.77 1.80 1.38 1.78 8 14 63.6 32.7 6
1984 28 2TM 2LG P 29 28 3 162.1 28 9 17 2 1 .929 .955 1.44 1.86 0.90 1.84 9 7 43.8 32.3 2
1984 28 NYY AL P 11 10 0 42.0 7 1 5 1 0 .857 .959 1.29 1.80 0.55 1.78 2 2 50.0 36.3 0
1984 28 PHI NL P 18 18 3 120.1 21 8 12 1 1 .952 .954 1.50 1.88 1.11 1.87 7 5 41.7 30.9 2
1985 29 PHI NL P 36 31 6 198.2 49 12 36 1 2 .980 .953 2.17 1.92 1.33 1.92 21 5 19.2 30.4 1
1986 30 PHI NL P 23 23 7 157.2 36 4 28 4 3 .889 .955 1.83 1.94 1.39 1.94 21 11 34.4 31.8 2 AS
1987 31 PHI NL P 36 36 4 229.2 41 6 34 1 2 .976 .955 1.57 1.91 1.11 1.90 26 12 31.6 29.0 3
1988 32 PHI NL P 32 32 4 198.0 44 9 33 2 2 .955 .955 1.91 1.96 1.31 1.96 30 12 28.6 29.0 6
1989 33 MIN AL P 27 25 1 145.0 26 4 20 2 2 .923 .960 1.49 1.87 0.89 1.85 11 7 38.9 31.4 5
12 Yrs 469 230 41 1871.1 404 80 307 17 22 .958 .956 1.86 1.89 0.83 1.88 161 95 37.1 32.0 41
P (12 Yrs) P 469 230 41 1871.1 404 80 307 17 22 .958 .956 1.86 1.89 0.83 1.88 161 95 37.1 32.0 41
DH (1 Yr) DH 1 0 0.00

Appearances on Leaderboards, Awards, and Honors

Hall of Fame Statistics



  • Salaries may not be complete (especially pre-1985) and may not include some earned bonuses

Frequently Asked Questions

How old is Shane Rawley?

Shane Rawley is 69 years old.

When was Shane Rawley born?

Shane Rawley was born on July 27, 1955.

Where was Shane Rawley born?

Shane Rawley was born in Racine, WI.

How tall is Shane Rawley?

Shane Rawley is 6-0 (183 cm) tall.

How much did Shane Rawley weigh when playing?

Shane Rawley weighed 170 lbs (77 kg) when playing.

How many seasons did Shane Rawley play?

Shane Rawley played 12 seasons.

Is Shane Rawley in the Hall of Fame?

Shane Rawley has not been elected into the Hall of Fame.

When was Shane Rawley drafted?

Shane Rawley was drafted by the Los Angeles Dodgers in the 4th round of the 1974 MLB January Draft-Regular Phase from Indian Hills Community College (Centerville, IA) and the Montreal Expos in the 2nd round of the 1974 MLB June Draft-Secondary Phase from Indian Hills Community College (Centerville, IA).

What position did Shane Rawley play?

Shane Rawley was a Pitcher.

How many strikeouts did Shane Rawley have?

Shane Rawley had 991 strikeouts over his career.

How many teams has Shane Rawley played for?

Shane Rawley played for 4 teams; the Seattle Mariners, New York Yankees, Philadelphia Phillies and Minnesota Twins.

How many World Series has Shane Rawley won?

Shane Rawley has never won a World Series.

When did Shane Rawley retire?

Shane Rawley last played in 1989.

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