Standard Batting

Show Non‑Major
Standard Batting Table
Season Age Team Lg WAR G PA AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI SB BB SO BA OBP SLG OPS OPS+ rOBA Rbat+ TB HBP SH Pos Awards
1893 19 CLV NL 0.1 8 24 22 5 9 2 1 0 6 0 1 2 .409 .458 .591 1.049 172 .487 160 13 1 /O52
1896 22 STL NL 1.2 83 316 290 48 70 13 4 3 36 7 15 17 .241 .281 .345 .626 67 .292 65 100 1 10 2/O
1897 23 2TM NL 0.7 69 275 237 32 64 8 7 2 33 4 22 12 .270 .337 .388 .725 93 .344 93 92 2 14 2/3O4
1897 23 STL NL 0.6 31 120 107 14 35 5 2 1 17 2 8 2 .327 .374 .439 .813 117 .384 118 47 0 5 2/3O4
1897 23 PHI NL 0.1 38 155 130 18 29 3 5 1 16 2 14 10 .223 .308 .346 .654 75 .312 74 45 2 9 2
1898 24 PHI NL 3.5 121 484 429 65 121 21 5 3 71 4 44 23 .282 .352 .375 .727 112 .359 113 161 2 9 *2
1899 25 PHI NL 4.0 96 371 324 59 108 22 9 2 57 9 36 9 .333 .403 .475 .879 143 .418 142 154 2 9 2
1900 26 PHI NL 2.3 94 387 344 50 105 14 8 0 38 9 29 18 .305 .364 .392 .757 109 .363 111 135 3 11 2/5
1901 27 PHI NL 1.6 74 316 295 33 84 14 2 1 32 11 18 24 .285 .326 .356 .682 96 .326 96 105 0 3 2
1902 28 CHW AL 0.5 75 277 246 29 56 9 2 1 25 8 19 15 .228 .291 .293 .584 66 .281 70 72 3 6 2/H3
1903 29 CHW AL 0.7 61 222 201 15 42 7 2 1 19 3 14 12 .209 .264 .279 .542 66 .261 72 56 1 6 2/H3
1904 30 CHW AL 1.4 50 183 160 22 44 11 3 0 20 2 17 9 .275 .348 .381 .730 134 .351 138 61 1 5 2/H
1905 31 CHW AL 3.1 80 287 250 24 70 13 4 0 31 5 23 21 .280 .345 .364 .709 129 .344 131 91 2 6 2H
1906 32 CHW AL -0.1 12 30 23 0 4 1 0 0 3 0 3 1 .174 .269 .217 .487 55 .256 60 5 0 3 /2H
1907 33 CHW AL 1.4 52 157 138 11 39 9 1 0 8 3 12 6 .283 .340 .362 .702 127 .346 130 50 0 2 2H
1908 34 BOS AL 0.3 19 50 48 5 10 2 1 0 4 0 1 5 .208 .224 .292 .516 65 .253 61 14 0 1 2/H
14 Yrs 20.8 894 3379 3007 398 826 146 49 13 383 65 254 174 .275 .335 .369 .704 103 .339 104 1109 18 85 2HO/354
162 Game Avg 3.8 162 612 545 72 150 26 9 2 69 12 46 32 .275 .335 .369 .704 103 .339 104 201 3
CHW (6 Yrs) 6.9 330 1156 1018 101 255 50 12 2 106 21 88 64 .250 .314 .329 .644 99 .312 101 335 7 28 2H/3
PHI (5 Yrs) 11.6 423 1713 1522 225 447 74 29 7 214 35 141 84 .294 .357 .394 .751 112 .362 112 600 9 41 2/5
STL (2 Yrs) 1.8 114 436 397 62 105 18 6 4 53 9 23 19 .264 .306 .370 .677 81 .317 79 147 1 15 2/O34
BOS (1 Yr) 0.3 19 50 48 5 10 2 1 0 4 0 1 5 .208 .224 .292 .516 65 .253 61 14 0 1 2/H
CLV (1 Yr) 0.1 8 24 22 5 9 2 1 0 6 0 1 2 .409 .458 .591 1.049 172 .487 160 13 1 /O52
NL (7 Yrs) 13.5 545 2173 1941 292 561 94 36 11 273 44 165 105 .289 .348 .392 .740 106 .355 106 760 11 56 2O/354
AL (7 Yrs) 7.3 349 1206 1066 106 265 52 13 2 110 21 89 69 .249 .311 .327 .638 97 .310 100 349 7 29 2H/3
Standard Batting Table
1906 32 CHW WS 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 0 0 0 0 /H
1 Yr 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 0 0 0 0 /H
162 Game Avg 162 162 162 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 0 0 0 0

Value Batting

Value Batting Table
Season Age Team Lg PA Rbat Rbaser Rdp Rfield Rpos RAA WAA Rrep RAR WAR waaWL% 162WL% oWAR dWAR oRAR Pos Awards
1893 19 CLV NL 24 2 0 0 -2 0 0 0.0 1 1 0.1 .502 .500 0.3 -0.2 3 /O52
1896 22 STL NL 316 -16 -1 0 14 5 2 0.1 11 13 1.2 .502 .501 0.1 1.6 -1 2/O
1897 23 2TM NL 275 -3 -1 0 -3 4 -2 -0.2 9 7 0.7 .497 .499 1.0 0.1 10 2/3O4
1897 23 STL NL 120 3 0 0 -2 1 2 0.2 4 6 0.6 .506 .501 0.7 -0.1 8 2/3O4
1897 23 PHI NL 155 -6 0 0 -1 2 -5 -0.4 5 1 0.1 .490 .498 0.2 0.1 2 2
1898 24 PHI NL 484 8 0 0 3 8 20 1.8 17 36 3.5 .515 .511 3.3 1.0 33 *2
1899 25 PHI NL 371 21 -1 0 4 6 31 2.7 13 43 4.0 .529 .517 3.7 0.9 39 2
1900 26 PHI NL 387 6 -1 0 0 6 11 0.9 13 24 2.3 .511 .506 2.3 0.6 24 2/5
1901 27 PHI NL 316 -1 0 0 2 5 5 0.5 10 15 1.6 .507 .503 1.5 0.7 13 2
1902 28 CHW AL 277 -10 0 0 1 5 -5 -0.5 10 5 0.5 .494 .497 0.4 0.5 4 2/H3
1903 29 CHW AL 222 -7 0 0 2 4 -1 -0.2 8 7 0.7 .498 .499 0.5 0.6 5 2/H3
1904 30 CHW AL 183 7 0 0 -4 3 6 0.6 7 12 1.4 .513 .504 1.9 -0.2 16 2/H
1905 31 CHW AL 287 9 -1 0 4 5 17 1.9 10 27 3.1 .525 .512 2.6 1.0 23 2H
1906 32 CHW AL 30 -1 0 0 -1 0 -2 -0.2 1 -1 -0.1 .485 .499 0.1 -0.1 1 /2H
1907 33 CHW AL 157 4 0 0 0 3 7 0.8 6 12 1.4 .516 .505 1.4 0.3 12 2H
1908 34 BOS AL 50 -2 0 0 2 1 1 0.2 2 3 0.3 .508 .501 0.1 0.4 1 2/H
14 Yrs 3379 17 -4 0 22 54 88 8.5 117 205 20.8 .510 .506 19.1 7.2 183 2HO/354
162 Game Avg 612 3 -1 0 4 10 16 1.5 21 37 3.8 .510 .506 3.5 1.3 33
CHW (6 Yrs) 1156 2 -1 0 2 19 22 2.5 41 63 6.9 .508 .503 6.9 2.2 61 2H/3
PHI (5 Yrs) 1713 28 -2 0 8 28 62 5.5 58 120 11.6 .513 .509 11.0 3.3 111 2/5
STL (2 Yrs) 436 -13 -1 0 12 6 4 0.3 15 19 1.8 .503 .501 0.8 1.5 7 2/O34
BOS (1 Yr) 50 -2 0 0 2 1 1 0.2 2 3 0.3 .508 .501 0.1 0.4 1 2/H
CLV (1 Yr) 24 2 0 0 -2 0 0 0.0 1 1 0.1 .502 .500 0.3 -0.2 3 /O52
AL (7 Yrs) 1206 0 -1 0 4 20 23 2.6 43 66 7.3 .508 .503 7.0 2.6 62 2H/3
NL (7 Yrs) 2173 17 -3 0 18 34 66 5.8 74 140 13.5 .511 .507 12.1 4.6 122 2O/354

Advanced Batting

Advanced Batting Table
Batting Batting Ratios
Season Age Team Lg PA rOBA Rbat+ BAbip ISO HR% SO% BB% RS% Pos Awards
1893 19 CLV NL 24 .487 160 .450 .182 0.0 8.3 4.2 45.5 /O52
1896 22 STL NL 316 .292 65 .248 .103 0.9 5.4 4.7 54.2 2/O
1897 23 2TM NL 275 .344 93 .278 .118 0.7 4.4 8.0 34.9 2/3O4
1897 23 STL NL 120 .384 118 .327 .112 0.8 1.7 6.7 31.0 2/3O4
1897 23 PHI NL 155 .312 74 .235 .123 0.6 6.5 9.0 38.6 2
1898 24 PHI NL 484 .359 113 .293 .093 0.6 4.8 9.1 37.8 *2
1899 25 PHI NL 371 .418 142 .339 .142 0.5 2.4 9.7 39.6 2
1900 26 PHI NL 387 .363 111 .322 .087 0.0 4.7 7.5 36.5 2/5
1901 27 PHI NL 316 .326 96 .307 .071 0.3 7.6 5.7 31.7 2
1902 28 CHW AL 277 .281 70 .239 .065 0.4 5.4 6.9 36.4 2/H3
1903 29 CHW AL 222 .261 72 .218 .070 0.5 5.4 6.3 25.0 2/H3
1904 30 CHW AL 183 .351 138 .291 .106 0.0 4.9 9.3 35.5 2/H
1905 31 CHW AL 287 .344 131 .306 .084 0.0 7.3 8.0 25.3 2H
1906 32 CHW AL 30 .256 60 .182 .043 0.0 3.3 10.0 0.0 /2H
1907 33 CHW AL 157 .346 130 .295 .080 0.0 3.8 7.6 21.6 2H
1908 34 BOS AL 50 .253 61 .233 .083 0.0 10.0 2.0 45.5 2/H
14 Yrs 3379 .339 104 .288 .094 0.4 5.1 7.5 35.5 2HO/354
MLB Average .323 100 .286 .080 0.4 8.2 6.9 37.3
Advanced Batting Table
Batting Batting Ratios Win Probability
Season Age Team Lg PA BAbip ISO HR% SO% BB% WPA cWPA RE24 Pos Awards
1906 32 CHW WS 1 .000 .000 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.1 -3.1% -0.19 /H
1 Yr 1 .000 .000 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.1 -3.1% -0.19 /H
MLB Average .237 .067 0.0 14.6 8.4

Sabermetric Batting

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Ratio Batting *

Cumulative Batting

Neutralized Batting

Appearances on Leaderboards, Awards, and Honors

Hall of Fame Statistics

Frequently Asked Questions

When was Ed McFarland born?

Ed McFarland was born on August 3, 1873.

Where was Ed McFarland born?

Ed McFarland was born in Cleveland, OH.

How tall was Ed McFarland?

Ed McFarland was 5-10 (178 cm) tall.

How much did Ed McFarland weigh when playing?

Ed McFarland weighed 180 lbs (81 kg) when playing.

How many seasons did Ed McFarland play?

Ed McFarland played 14 seasons.

Is Ed McFarland in the Hall of Fame?

Ed McFarland has not been elected into the Hall of Fame.

What position did Ed McFarland play?

Ed McFarland was a Catcher.

How many hits did Ed McFarland have?

Ed McFarland had 826 hits over his career.

How many home runs did Ed McFarland have?

Ed McFarland had 13 home runs over his career.

What was Ed McFarland's average?

Ed McFarland had a .275 average over his career.

How many teams has Ed McFarland played for?

Ed McFarland played for 5 teams; the Cleveland Spiders, St. Louis Browns, Philadelphia Phillies, Chicago White Sox and Boston Red Sox.

How many World Series has Ed McFarland won?

Ed McFarland won 1 World Series.

When did Ed McFarland retire?

Ed McFarland last played in 1908.

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