Standard Batting

Show Non‑Major
Standard Batting Table
Season Age Team Lg WAR G PA AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI SB BB SO BA OBP SLG OPS OPS+ rOBA Rbat+ TB HBP SH Pos Awards
1890 24 BSN NL 1.1 52 235 207 35 58 13 2 2 21 15 26 32 .280 .366 .391 .757 113 .363 106 81 2 6O5
1891 25 BSN NL 1.0 125 559 497 92 129 19 5 6 74 43 53 54 .260 .342 .354 .696 95 .345 94 176 9 *O4/615
1892 26 BSN NL 1.1 124 520 475 79 115 16 7 3 57 36 37 47 .242 .308 .324 .632 83 .316 82 154 8 O564
1893 27 BSN NL 2.6 126 585 526 130 157 19 5 14 89 22 55 29 .298 .369 .433 .803 107 .378 103 228 4 *4/6
1894 28 BSN NL 2.5 133 678 613 158 212 34 11 17 115 23 50 25 .346 .401 .520 .921 111 .414 106 319 6 9 *4/65
1895 29 BSN NL 2.2 100 481 417 102 124 12 7 7 62 24 40 16 .297 .370 .410 .780 97 .371 97 171 8 16 *4
1896 30 BSN NL 2.1 73 336 306 59 98 11 4 2 48 15 20 12 .320 .370 .402 .772 99 .366 100 123 4 6 4
1897 31 BSN NL 2.6 123 548 499 87 154 24 8 5 106 16 32 20 .309 .355 .419 .774 100 .364 98 209 4 13 *4
1898 32 BSN NL 2.5 147 611 559 65 152 11 7 4 94 12 29 26 .272 .311 .338 .649 82 .316 81 189 3 20 *4/6
1899 33 BSN NL 1.5 152 614 559 81 152 5 9 4 88 17 35 16 .272 .316 .335 .650 71 .315 71 187 1 19 *4/6
1900 34 BSN NL 0.2 127 514 474 65 132 11 5 3 71 15 26 16 .278 .323 .342 .665 75 .321 75 162 5 9 *4
1901 35 BSN NL -0.3 129 520 491 47 125 11 1 3 47 22 17 29 .255 .284 .299 .583 62 .283 62 147 3 8 *54
1902 36 CHC NL 2.1 121 506 480 44 119 13 3 0 35 17 12 28 .248 .274 .288 .561 76 .278 79 138 5 9 *4/5
1903 37 CHC NL 0.5 32 118 105 14 28 5 3 0 15 5 4 6 .267 .319 .371 .690 99 .336 100 39 4 3 4/3H5
1904 38 2TM 2LG -0.9 141 545 507 47 105 14 6 0 40 15 17 44 .207 .236 .258 .494 59 .238 58 131 2 15 *4/H
1904 38 PIT NL 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 .000 .000 .000 .000 -100 -0.068 -136 0 0 0 /H
1904 38 DET AL -0.9 140 544 506 47 105 14 6 0 40 15 17 43 .208 .236 .259 .495 59 .239 59 131 2 15 *4
1905 39 DET AL -0.2 58 206 181 17 35 7 2 0 9 3 13 17 .193 .255 .254 .509 61 .253 65 46 2 10 57/4689H3
1906 40 DET AL -0.4 41 153 145 11 30 3 0 1 13 3 4 16 .207 .233 .248 .482 49 .234 47 36 1 3 64/5H9
1907 41 DET AL 0.2 17 44 37 2 9 2 0 0 5 0 4 3 .243 .317 .297 .614 94 .311 97 11 0 3 5/67H9
18 Yrs 20.3 1821 7773 7078 1135 1934 230 85 71 989 303 474 436 .273 .325 .360 .685 87 .329 87 2547 71 143 4O567/H3981
162 Game Avg 162 692 630 101 172 20 8 6 88 27 42 39 .273 .325 .360 .685 87 .329 87 227 6
BSN (12 Yrs) 19.1 1411 6201 5623 1000 1608 186 71 70 872 260 420 322 .286 .342 .382 .723 91 .346 90 2146 57 100 4O56/1
DET (4 Yrs) -1.3 256 947 869 77 179 26 8 1 67 21 38 79 .206 .243 .258 .501 59 .244 60 224 5 31 4567/9H83
CHC (2 Yrs) 2.5 153 624 585 58 147 18 6 0 50 22 16 34 .251 .282 .303 .585 81 .289 83 177 9 12 4/35H
PIT (1 Yr) 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 .000 .000 .000 .000 -100 -0.068 -136 0 0 0 /H
NL (15 Yrs) 21.6 1565 6826 6209 1058 1755 204 77 70 922 282 436 357 .283 .336 .374 .710 90 .341 90 2323 66 112 4O56/3H1
AL (4 Yrs) -1.3 256 947 869 77 179 26 8 1 67 21 38 79 .206 .243 .258 .501 59 .244 60 224 5 31 4567/9H83

Value Batting

Value Batting Table
Season Age Team Lg PA Rbat Rbaser Rdp Rfield Rpos RAA WAA Rrep RAR WAR waaWL% 162WL% oWAR dWAR oRAR Pos Awards
1890 24 BSN NL 235 2 0 0 1 1 4 0.3 8 12 1.1 .507 .502 1.1 0.1 11 6O5
1891 25 BSN NL 559 -4 3 0 0 -6 -8 -0.9 19 11 1.0 .495 .496 1.2 -0.7 11 *O4/615
1892 26 BSN NL 520 -12 3 0 7 -4 -7 -0.8 18 11 1.1 .495 .496 0.5 0.2 4 O564
1893 27 BSN NL 585 2 -2 0 6 3 10 0.7 20 29 2.6 .506 .505 2.2 0.7 23 *4/6
1894 28 BSN NL 678 7 -2 0 -1 3 7 0.4 21 28 2.5 .504 .503 2.7 0.1 29 *4/65
1895 29 BSN NL 481 -2 -1 0 10 2 9 0.7 15 24 2.2 .507 .504 1.5 0.9 14 *4
1896 30 BSN NL 336 0 -1 0 12 1 12 1.0 11 23 2.1 .514 .506 1.1 1.1 11 4
1897 31 BSN NL 548 -2 -2 0 11 2 10 0.8 19 29 2.6 .507 .505 1.8 1.1 18 *4
1898 32 BSN NL 611 -15 -1 0 17 2 4 0.3 21 25 2.5 .502 .502 0.9 1.8 8 *4/6
1899 33 BSN NL 614 -24 -1 0 17 2 -7 -0.7 21 14 1.5 .496 .496 0.0 1.7 -3 *4/6
1900 34 BSN NL 514 -17 -1 0 0 1 -17 -1.6 18 1 0.2 .488 .490 0.2 0.1 1 *4
1901 35 BSN NL 520 -23 0 0 -1 4 -21 -2.2 17 -4 -0.3 .484 .487 -0.1 0.2 -3 *54
1902 36 CHC NL 506 -11 0 0 14 0 3 0.2 16 19 2.1 .503 .502 0.5 1.6 5 *4/5
1903 37 CHC NL 118 0 0 0 1 0 1 0.1 4 5 0.5 .503 .501 0.4 0.1 4 4/3H5
1904 38 2TM 2LG 545 -21 0 0 -3 0 -24 -3.1 20 -4 -0.9 .479 .482 -0.4 -0.4 -1 *4/H
1904 38 PIT NL 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 .470 .500 0.0 0 /H
1904 38 DET AL 544 -21 0 0 -3 0 -24 -3.1 19 -4 -0.9 .479 .482 -0.4 -0.4 -1 *4
1905 39 DET AL 206 -7 0 0 -1 0 -8 -1.0 7 -1 -0.2 .483 .494 -0.1 -0.2 0 57/4689H3
1906 40 DET AL 153 -8 0 0 -2 1 -9 -1.0 5 -3 -0.4 .475 .494 -0.2 -0.1 -1 64/5H9
1907 41 DET AL 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 1 2 0.2 .502 .500 0.2 0.0 2 5/67H9
PA Rbat Rbaser Rdp Rfield Rpos RAA WAA Rrep RAR WAR waaWL% 162WL% oWAR dWAR oRAR Pos Awards
18 Yrs 7773 -135 -6 0 88 12 -41 -7.0 260 220 20.3 .497 .498 13.5 8.5 132 4O567/H3981
162 Game Avg 692 -12 -1 0 8 1 -4 -0.6 23 20 .497 .498 0.8 12
BSN (12 Yrs) 6201 -88 -5 0 79 10 -4 -2.2 207 203 19.1 .499 .499 13.1 7.4 124 4O56/1
DET (4 Yrs) 947 -36 0 0 -6 2 -40 -5.1 34 -7 -1.3 .481 .488 -0.5 -0.6 -1 4567/9H83
CHC (2 Yrs) 624 -11 0 0 15 0 4 0.3 20 24 2.5 .503 .502 0.9 1.7 9 4/35H
PIT (1 Yr) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 .470 .500 0.0 0 /H
NL (15 Yrs) 6826 -99 -5 0 94 10 -1 -1.9 227 227 21.6 .499 .499 14.0 9.1 132 4O56/3H1
AL (4 Yrs) 947 -36 0 0 -6 2 -40 -5.1 34 -7 -1.3 .481 .488 -0.5 -0.6 -1 4567/9H83

Advanced Batting

Advanced Batting Table
Batting Batting Ratios
Season Age Team Lg PA rOBA Rbat+ BAbip ISO HR% SO% BB% RS% Pos Awards
1890 24 BSN NL 235 .363 106 .324 .111 0.9 13.6 11.1 39.3 6O5
1891 25 BSN NL 559 .345 94 .281 .095 1.1 9.7 9.5 46.5 *O4/615
1892 26 BSN NL 520 .316 82 .264 .082 0.6 9.0 7.1 48.4 O564
1893 27 BSN NL 585 .378 103 .296 .135 2.4 5.0 9.4 57.4 *4/6
1894 28 BSN NL 678 .414 106 .342 .175 2.5 3.7 7.4 56.2 *4/65
1895 29 BSN NL 481 .371 97 .297 .113 1.5 3.3 8.3 57.6 *4
1896 30 BSN NL 336 .366 100 .329 .082 0.6 3.6 6.0 47.5 4
1897 31 BSN NL 548 .364 98 .314 .110 0.9 3.6 5.8 44.3 *4
1898 32 BSN NL 611 .316 81 .280 .066 0.7 4.3 4.7 33.9 *4/6
1899 33 BSN NL 614 .315 71 .275 .063 0.7 2.6 5.7 41.8 *4/6
1900 34 BSN NL 514 .321 75 .284 .063 0.6 3.1 5.1 38.8 *4
1901 35 BSN NL 520 .283 62 .266 .045 0.6 5.6 3.3 31.0 *54
1902 36 CHC NL 506 .278 79 .263 .040 0.0 5.5 2.4 32.4 *4/5
1903 37 CHC NL 118 .336 100 .283 .105 0.0 5.1 3.4 38.9 4/3H5
1904 38 2TM 2LG 545 .238 58 .227 .051 0.0 8.1 3.1 37.9 *4/H
1904 38 PIT NL 1 -0.068 -136 .000 0.0 100.0 0.0 /H
1904 38 DET AL 544 .239 59 .227 .051 0.0 7.9 3.1 37.9 *4
1905 39 DET AL 206 .253 65 .213 .061 0.0 8.3 6.3 34.0 57/4689H3
1906 40 DET AL 153 .234 47 .227 .041 0.7 10.5 2.6 29.4 64/5H9
1907 41 DET AL 44 .311 97 .265 .054 0.0 6.8 9.1 15.4 5/67H9
Batting Batting Ratios
PA rOBA Rbat+ BAbip ISO HR% SO% BB% RS% Pos Awards
18 Yrs 7773 .329 87 .284 .087 0.9 5.6 6.1 44.2 4O567/H3981
MLB Average .331 100 .287 .085 0.5 7.6 7.6 39.8

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Hall of Fame Statistics

Frequently Asked Questions

When was Bobby Lowe born?

Bobby Lowe was born on July 10, 1865.

Where was Bobby Lowe born?

Bobby Lowe was born in Pittsburgh, PA.

How tall was Bobby Lowe?

Bobby Lowe was 5-10 (178 cm) tall.

How much did Bobby Lowe weigh when playing?

Bobby Lowe weighed 150 lbs (68 kg) when playing.

How many seasons did Bobby Lowe play?

Bobby Lowe played 18 seasons.

Is Bobby Lowe in the Hall of Fame?

Bobby Lowe has not been elected into the Hall of Fame.

What position did Bobby Lowe play?

Bobby Lowe was a Second Baseman, Leftfielder and Third Baseman.

How many hits did Bobby Lowe have?

Bobby Lowe had 1,934 hits over his career.

How many home runs did Bobby Lowe have?

Bobby Lowe had 71 home runs over his career.

What was Bobby Lowe's average?

Bobby Lowe had a .273 average over his career.

How many teams has Bobby Lowe played for?

Bobby Lowe played for 5 teams; the Boston, Boston Nationals, Chicago, Detroit Tigers and Pittsburgh Pirates.

When did Bobby Lowe retire?

Bobby Lowe last played in 1907.

What are Bobby Lowe's nicknames?

Link is a nickname for Bobby Lowe.

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