Standard Batting

Show Non‑Major
Standard Batting Table
Season Age Team Lg WAR G PA AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI SB BB SO BA OBP SLG OPS OPS+ rOBA Rbat+ TB HBP SH Pos Awards
1895 25 2TM NL 1.7 107 462 411 75 112 20 5 7 57 12 37 20 .273 .347 .397 .744 95 .351 97 163 10 4 5O/46
1895 25 BSN NL -0.2 11 44 38 10 8 3 0 1 8 0 4 4 .211 .302 .368 .671 69 .315 64 14 1 1 O
1895 25 LOU NL 1.9 96 418 373 65 104 17 5 6 49 12 33 16 .279 .352 .399 .751 98 .355 101 149 9 3 5O/46
1896 26 BSN NL 2.0 84 350 304 48 90 10 9 1 46 10 30 12 .296 .374 .398 .772 99 .368 101 121 8 8 5/6
1897 27 BSN NL 5.3 134 585 529 103 183 28 13 6 132 14 41 16 .346 .400 .482 .882 128 .413 126 255 7 8 *5
1898 28 BSN NL 6.9 152 657 597 107 196 35 5 15 111 12 40 18 .328 .377 .479 .856 140 .411 136 286 7 13 *5
1899 29 BSN NL 3.9 151 660 599 98 166 28 11 5 92 12 40 17 .277 .335 .386 .721 90 .348 89 231 12 9 *5
1900 30 BSN NL 3.1 142 639 586 104 178 25 5 6 95 23 34 13 .304 .352 .394 .747 96 .359 97 231 10 9 *5/6
1901 31 BOS AL 6.7 138 617 564 108 187 42 16 6 94 19 34 18 .332 .375 .495 .869 140 .402 137 279 5 12 *5
1902 32 BOS AL 4.4 108 474 429 71 138 21 10 6 61 18 24 16 .322 .360 .459 .820 124 .380 124 197 2 19 *5/H
1903 33 BOS AL 5.3 130 582 540 88 160 33 17 5 72 23 24 28 .296 .329 .448 .777 126 .361 127 242 2 13 *5
1904 34 BOS AL 5.3 156 677 631 85 171 33 13 3 67 19 27 35 .271 .306 .379 .685 110 .327 112 239 5 13 *5
1905 35 BOS AL 4.7 131 558 508 66 140 26 5 4 65 18 37 21 .276 .330 .370 .700 121 .342 124 188 4 9 *5
1906 36 BOS AL 0.9 37 149 142 17 39 8 4 1 16 1 4 7 .275 .295 .408 .703 119 .339 119 58 0 2 5/H
1907 37 2TM AL 3.1 140 580 522 51 145 29 0 0 45 8 34 22 .278 .332 .333 .665 111 .331 114 174 8 15 *5/H
1907 37 BOS AL 0.9 41 175 158 13 46 8 0 0 10 4 10 7 .291 .333 .342 .675 116 .332 118 54 0 6 5
1907 37 PHA AL 2.2 99 405 364 38 99 21 0 0 35 4 24 15 .272 .331 .330 .660 109 .330 112 120 8 9 5/H
1908 38 PHA AL 0.0 115 470 433 34 94 14 3 0 30 5 20 23 .217 .258 .263 .521 65 .260 66 114 4 13 *5
14 Yrs 53.3 1725 7460 6795 1055 1999 352 116 65 983 194 426 266 .294 .343 .409 .752 113 .359 113 2778 84 147 *5OH/64
162 Game Avg 5.0 162 701 638 99 188 33 11 6 92 18 40 25 .294 .343 .409 .752 113 .359 113 261 8 14
BOS (7 Yrs) 28.1 741 3232 2972 448 881 171 65 25 385 102 160 132 .296 .336 .423 .759 124 .359 125 1257 18 74 *5/H
BSN (6 Yrs) 21.0 674 2935 2653 470 821 129 43 34 484 71 189 80 .309 .365 .429 .794 110 .379 109 1138 45 48 *5O/6
PHA (2 Yrs) 2.2 214 875 797 72 193 35 3 0 65 9 44 38 .242 .292 .294 .586 85 .293 88 234 12 22 *5/H
LOU (1 Yr) 1.9 96 418 373 65 104 17 5 6 49 12 33 16 .279 .352 .399 .751 98 .355 101 149 9 3 5O/46
AL (8 Yrs) 30.4 955 4107 3769 520 1074 206 68 25 450 111 204 170 .285 .327 .396 .722 116 .345 118 1491 30 96 *5H
NL (6 Yrs) 22.9 770 3353 3026 535 925 146 48 40 533 83 222 96 .306 .364 .425 .789 109 .376 108 1287 54 51 *5O/64
Standard Batting Table
1903 33 BOS WS 8 37 36 5 9 1 2 0 1 3 1 1 .250 .270 .389 .659 14 0 0 0 /*5
1 Yr 8 37 36 5 9 1 2 0 1 3 1 1 .250 .270 .389 .659 14 0 0 0 /*5
162 Game Avg 162 749 729 101 182 20 41 0 20 61 20 20 .250 .270 .389 .659 284 0 0 0

Value Batting

Value Batting Table
Season Age Team Lg PA Rbat Rbaser Rdp Rfield Rpos RAA WAA Rrep RAR WAR waaWL% 162WL% oWAR dWAR oRAR Pos Awards
1895 25 2TM NL 462 -2 -1 0 4 1 2 0.1 16 18 1.7 .501 .503 1.4 0.4 13 5O/46
1895 25 BSN NL 44 -3 0 0 -2 -1 -5 -0.4 2 -4 -0.2 .464 .498 -0.1 -0.2 -2 O
1895 25 LOU NL 418 0 -1 0 6 2 7 0.5 14 21 1.9 .506 .503 1.5 0.6 15 5O/46
1896 26 BSN NL 350 1 -1 0 8 3 10 0.8 12 22 2.0 .510 .505 1.4 0.9 14 5/6
1897 27 BSN NL 585 23 -2 0 15 4 40 3.3 20 60 5.3 .525 .521 4.1 1.6 45 *5
1898 28 BSN NL 657 30 -1 0 15 5 49 4.6 22 72 6.9 .531 .529 5.6 1.9 57 *5
1899 29 BSN NL 660 -10 -1 0 24 5 19 1.6 22 41 3.9 .511 .511 1.8 2.6 17 *5
1900 30 BSN NL 639 -3 -1 0 10 5 11 0.9 21 32 3.1 .507 .506 2.2 1.3 22 *5/6
1901 31 BOS AL 617 31 -1 0 16 4 51 4.5 21 72 6.7 .533 .528 5.2 1.9 56 *5
1902 32 BOS AL 474 14 -1 0 12 4 29 2.7 17 45 4.4 .526 .517 3.3 1.5 33 *5/H
1903 33 BOS AL 582 17 0 0 9 4 30 3.1 19 50 5.3 .526 .520 4.4 1.4 41 *5
1904 34 BOS AL 677 7 0 0 11 5 23 2.7 23 47 5.3 .518 .518 4.1 1.9 36 *5
1905 35 BOS AL 558 13 -1 0 5 4 22 2.5 20 42 4.7 .520 .516 4.1 1.1 37 *5
1906 36 BOS AL 149 3 0 0 -1 1 3 0.3 5 8 0.9 .509 .502 1.0 0.0 9 5/H
1907 37 2TM AL 580 8 -1 0 -4 5 8 1.0 21 29 3.1 .507 .503 3.5 0.1 33 *5/H
1907 37 BOS AL 175 3 0 0 -2 1 2 0.3 6 8 0.9 .506 .502 1.1 -0.1 10 5
1907 37 PHA AL 405 5 0 0 -2 3 6 0.7 14 20 2.2 .507 .504 2.4 0.2 22 5/H
1908 38 PHA AL 470 -15 0 0 -3 4 -14 -1.8 17 3 0.0 .484 .489 0.4 0.1 6 *5
14 Yrs 7460 117 -11 0 121 55 283 26.4 257 539 53.3 .516 .513 42.5 16.8 418 *5OH/64
162 Game Avg 701 11 -1 0 11 5 27 2.5 24 51 5.0 .516 .513 4.0 1.6 39
BOS (7 Yrs) 3232 88 -3 0 50 25 160 16.2 112 272 28.1 .522 .518 23.2 7.7 222 *5/H
BSN (6 Yrs) 2935 38 -6 0 70 21 124 10.8 99 223 21.0 .517 .515 15.0 8.2 153 *5O/6
PHA (2 Yrs) 875 -10 -1 0 -5 7 -8 -1.1 31 23 2.2 .495 .496 2.8 0.3 28 *5/H
LOU (1 Yr) 418 0 -1 0 6 2 7 0.5 14 21 1.9 .506 .503 1.5 0.6 15 5O/46
AL (8 Yrs) 4107 79 -4 0 45 32 152 15.1 143 295 30.4 .516 .513 26.0 8.1 250 *5H
NL (6 Yrs) 3353 39 -7 0 76 23 131 11.3 114 244 22.9 .515 .513 16.5 8.8 168 *5O/64

Advanced Batting

Advanced Batting Table
Batting Batting Ratios
Season Age Team Lg PA rOBA Rbat+ BAbip ISO HR% SO% BB% RS% Pos Awards
1895 25 2TM NL 462 .351 97 .273 .124 1.5 4.3 8.0 44.7 5O/46
1895 25 BSN NL 44 .315 64 .212 .158 2.3 9.1 9.1 75.0 O
1895 25 LOU NL 418 .355 101 .279 .121 1.4 3.8 7.9 42.1 5O/46
1896 26 BSN NL 350 .368 101 .306 .102 0.3 3.4 8.6 37.0 5/6
1897 27 BSN NL 585 .413 126 .349 .136 1.0 2.7 7.0 43.1 *5
1898 28 BSN NL 657 .411 136 .321 .151 2.3 2.7 6.1 40.4 *5
1899 29 BSN NL 660 .348 89 .279 .109 0.8 2.6 6.1 43.7 *5
1900 30 BSN NL 639 .359 97 .303 .090 0.9 2.0 5.3 45.4 *5/6
1901 31 BOS AL 617 .402 137 .335 .163 1.0 2.9 5.5 46.4 *5
1902 32 BOS AL 474 .380 124 .324 .138 1.3 3.4 5.1 41.1 *5/H
1903 33 BOS AL 582 .361 127 .306 .152 0.9 4.8 4.1 45.9 *5
1904 34 BOS AL 677 .327 112 .283 .108 0.4 5.2 4.0 41.0 *5
1905 35 BOS AL 558 .342 124 .282 .094 0.7 3.8 6.6 35.0 *5
1906 36 BOS AL 149 .339 119 .284 .134 0.7 4.7 2.7 38.1 5/H
1907 37 2TM AL 580 .331 114 .290 .056 0.0 3.8 5.9 27.3 *5/H
1907 37 BOS AL 175 .332 118 .305 .051 0.0 4.0 5.7 23.2 5
1907 37 PHA AL 405 .330 112 .284 .058 0.0 3.7 5.9 29.0 5/H
1908 38 PHA AL 470 .260 66 .229 .046 0.0 4.9 4.3 28.8 *5
14 Yrs 7460 .359 113 .299 .115 0.9 3.6 5.7 40.5 *5OH/64
MLB Average .323 100 .287 .080 0.4 8.2 6.8 37.4
Advanced Batting Table
Batting Batting Ratios Win Probability
Season Age Team Lg PA BAbip ISO HR% SO% BB% WPA cWPA RE24 RS% Pos Awards
1903 33 BOS WS 37 .257 .139 0.0 2.7 2.7 0.0 1.9% -2.65 50.0 /*5
1 Yr 37 .257 .139 0.0 2.7 2.7 0.0 1.9% -2.65 50.0 /*5
MLB Average .274 .127 0.5 12.5 4.6 37.3

Sabermetric Batting

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Cumulative Batting

Neutralized Batting

Appearances on Leaderboards, Awards, and Honors

Hall of Fame Statistics

Frequently Asked Questions

When was Jimmy Collins born?

Jimmy Collins was born on January 16, 1870.

Where was Jimmy Collins born?

Jimmy Collins was born in Niagara Falls, NY.

How tall was Jimmy Collins?

Jimmy Collins was 5-9 (175 cm) tall.

How much did Jimmy Collins weigh when playing?

Jimmy Collins weighed 178 lbs (80 kg) when playing.

How many seasons did Jimmy Collins play?

Jimmy Collins played 14 seasons.

Is Jimmy Collins in the Hall of Fame?

Jimmy Collins was elected into the Hall of Fame in 1945.

What position did Jimmy Collins play?

Jimmy Collins was a Third Baseman.

How many hits did Jimmy Collins have?

Jimmy Collins had 1,999 hits over his career.

How many home runs did Jimmy Collins have?

Jimmy Collins had 65 home runs over his career.

What was Jimmy Collins' average?

Jimmy Collins had a .294 average over his career.

How many teams has Jimmy Collins played for?

Jimmy Collins played for 4 teams; the Boston, Louisville Colonels, Boston Americans and Philadelphia Athletics.

How many World Series has Jimmy Collins won?

Jimmy Collins won 1 World Series.

When did Jimmy Collins retire?

Jimmy Collins last played in 1908.

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