Managerial Stats

Managerial Stats Table
Rk Year Age Tm Lg W L W-L% T G Finish Wpost Lpost W-L%post Challenges Overturned Overturn% Ejections
1201353Philadelphia PhilliesNL2nd of 22022.4760424000
2201454Philadelphia PhilliesNL7389.4510162500321443.8%3
3201555Philadelphia PhilliesNL1st of 22648.35107450017847.1%1
3 years119159.42802784.800492244.9%%4

Managerial Tendencies

Managerial Tendencies Table
Stealing 2nd Stealing 3rd Sac Bunts Intentional Walks Substitutions
Rk Year Age Tm Lg G Ch Att Rate Rate+ Ch Att Rate Rate+ Ch Att Rate Rate+ PA IBB Rate Rate+ PH/G PH/G+ PR/G PR/G+ P/G P/G+
3 years27824351737.1%951623221.4%862273401.8%10610774780.7%1231.62990.11894.098

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