Negro League team records include only league games. Player stats include league games, interleague games (against major Negro League competition), and games against select top-level independent Black Baseball teams. Player stats do not include the extensive amount of exhibitions and barnstorming games Negro League teams often played. Negro League data is not complete. Research is still ongoing and we’ll continue to publish updates as more information becomes available. Negro Leagues Data: Frequently Asked Questions (NEW)

Team Starting Pitching*

Team Starting Pitching* Table
Tm G GS Wgs Lgs ND Wchp Ltuf Wtm Ltm tmW-L% Wlst Lsv CG SHO QS QS% GmScA Best Wrst BQR BQS sDR lDR RS/GS RS/IP IP/GS Pit/GS <80 80-99 100-119 ≥120 Max
Indianapolis ABCs5757270
Atlantic City Bacharach Giants7373532
Birmingham Black Barons7676314
Baltimore Black Sox6565354
Boston Red Sox152152399221102347105.3096865738%42815874983374.23.66.7
Brooklyn Royal Giants3535210
Brooklyn Robins15315357732314226885.4448247046%469331086368535.25.07.2
Boston Braves1531536066279207083.4587747650%47836763747604.74.17.1
Chicago American Giants8989504
Chicago Cubs15415453742714226886.4427556542%4685-1672454624.74.17.0
Chicago White Sox15415465563310157975.51370127649%4785-81124175495.34.86.7
Cincinnati Reds1531537363179258073.52392119562%5396148145101364.53.97.6
Cleveland Indians15515555722815287084.4559367045%46840975284395.14.67.2
Cuban Stars East4545311
Cuban Stars West4343241
Detroit Tigers15615666573323168173.5266526743%46827773455525.95.37.0
Detroit Stars9595404
Harrisburg Giants7373414
Hilldale Club7171485
Kansas City Monarchs80805011
Memphis Red Sox7676374
New York Lincoln Giants4949210
New York Giants15215267602513178666.5668068053%488511754045634.94.57.2
New York Yankees15615659742311266985.4488087951%49114101104786384.64.37.4
Philadelphia Athletics15315367483814108864.5796187146%4887101073493335.54.86.7
Philadelphia Phillies15315355732516216885.4446986442%4382-11165650505.45.16.8
Pittsburgh Pirates15315375492918139558.6217627650%488281074151436.15.97.0
St. Louis Browns15415459573822168271.5366875838%439361436987355.95.06.6
St. Louis Stars8787301
St. Louis Cardinals15315369691513157776.5038287247%468412804142685.65.37.2
Wilmington Potomacs3232140
Washington Nationals15215279442914109655.6366998455%5090-21034448535.65.47.2
League Average109109313213793838.5005553633%47114-8482233245.24.77.0
Tm G GS Wgs Lgs ND Wchp Ltuf Wtm Ltm tmW-L% Wlst Lsv CG SHO QS QS% GmScA Best Wrst BQR BQS sDR lDR RS/GS RS/IP IP/GS Pit/GS <80 80-99 100-119 ≥120 Max

Player Starting Pitching