Negro League team records include only league games. Player stats include league games, interleague games (against major Negro League competition), and games against select top-level independent Black Baseball teams. Player stats do not include the extensive amount of exhibitions and barnstorming games Negro League teams often played. Negro League data is not complete. Research is still ongoing and we’ll continue to publish updates as more information becomes available. Negro Leagues Data: Frequently Asked Questions (NEW)

Team Advanced Pitching

Team Advanced Pitching Table
Batting Against Pitching Ratios Win Probability
Birmingham Black Barons
Chicago American Giants
Cuban Stars West
Detroit Stars
Kansas City Monarchs
Louisville Black Caps
Memphis Red Sox
Nashville Elite Giants
St. Louis Stars
League Average

Player Advanced Pitching

Player Advanced Pitching Table
Rk Player Age Team IP Awards
1 Logan Hensley 30 SLS 174.0
2 Sam Streeter* 29 BBB 162.2
3 Bill Foster* 26 CAG 161.2
4 Harry Salmon 35 2TM 157.1
5 Harry Salmon 35 BBB 84.1
6 Harry Salmon 35 MRS 73.0
7 Chet Brewer 23 KCM 154.1
8 Frog Holsey 24 CAG 152.0
9 Cliff Bell 33 2TM 152.0
10 Cliff Bell 33 MRS 147.2
11 Cliff Bell 33 CAG 4.1
12 Nelson Dean 31 DS 136.0
13 Willie Cornelius 23 2TM 130.1
14 Willie Cornelius 23 MRS 64.2
15 Willie Cornelius 23 BBB 65.2
16 Luther McDonald 24 CAG 128.1
17 Luis Tiant* 23 CSW 125.2
18 Andy Cooper* 33 DS 124.2
19 Jim Willis NEG 124.0
20 Ted Trent 26 SLS 122.1
21 Albert Davis DS 118.0
22 Roosevelt Davis 25 2TM 117.2
23 Roosevelt Davis 25 SLS 112.0
24 Roosevelt Davis 25 KCM 5.2
25 Heliodoro Díaz 25 CSW 116.0
26 Willie Powell 26 DS 115.1
27 Ted Radcliffe 27 SLS 115.1
28 George Mitchell 30 CAG 113.0
29 Ted Shaw* 24 DS 110.1
30 William Bell 32 KCM 110.0
31 Army Cooper* 30 KCM 107.1
32 Henry McHenry 20 KCM 104.1
33 Murray Gillispie* 22 2TM 102.2
34 Murray Gillispie* 22 MRS 86.1
35 Murray Gillispie* 22 CAG 16.1
36 Henry Wright 23 NEG 102.0
37 John Williams 25 SLS 101.0
38 Harry Cunningham MRS 100.0
39 Columbus Vance 25 BBB 98.2
40 Joe Strong 27 SLS 97.2
41 Johnny Markham 21 KCM 95.2
42 Leroy Matlock* 23 SLS 89.1
43 Jute Bell 30 BBB 82.1
44 Homer Curry 25 MRS 76.2
45 Satchel Paige 23 BBB 75.1
46 Jesús Lorenzo 24 CSW 67.1
47 Yellow Horse Morris 28 CAG 60.0
48 Clarence White* 29 2TM 54.2
49 Clarence White* 29 NEG 46.2
50 Clarence White* 29 LVB 8.0
51 Willie Gisentaner* 30 LVB 51.2
52 Richard Cannon 20 LVB 46.0
53 Rosey McCauley NEG 46.0
54 Lefty Capers* 23 LVB 41.1
55 Alcibíades Palma 26 CSW 37.0
56 Guillermo Molina 21 CSW 34.0
57 Dave Knight CAG 27.1
58 Raymond Austin 2TM 27.1
59 Raymond Austin NEG 14.1
60 Raymond Austin BBB 13.0
61 Carl Glass* 32 3TM 24.2
62 Carl Glass* 32 MRS 14.2
63 Carl Glass* 32 LVB 8.0
64 Carl Glass* 32 CAG 2.0
65 Lefty Johnson* MRS 24.0
66 George Harney 40 CAG 21.0
67 Steel Arm Tyler 24 DS 19.2
68 William Hudson 27 LVB 17.2
69 Percy Miller* 33 NEG 16.1
70 Albert Owens NEG 16.1
71 Rogelio Alonso 24 CSW 16.0
72 Lázaro Salazar* 17 CSW 14.0
73 Herbert Gay 21 BBB 13.2
74 Bun Hayes 26 CAG 13.1
75 Leo Birdine 35 2TM 12.1
76 Leo Birdine 35 BBB 12.0
77 Leo Birdine 35 MRS 0.1
78 Red McNeal LVB 11.1
79 Bill Drake 35 2TM 11.1
80 Bill Drake 35 NEG 3.0
81 Bill Drake 35 SLS 8.1
82 Earl Harrison 30 KCM 9.0
83 Steel Arm Davis* 34 CAG 8.2
84 Milt Laurent 28 MRS 8.2
85 West NEG 8.0
86 Jabbo Andrews* 22 2TM 7.2
87 Jabbo Andrews* 22 BBB 6.1
88 Jabbo Andrews* 22 MRS 1.1
89 John Wesley Johnson CAG 6.1
90 Malvin Powell 22 CAG 5.1
91 Candy Jim Taylor 46 MRS 5.1
92 Joe Fleet 28 CAG 4.1
93 Blue LVB 4.0
94 Terris McDuffie 21 BBB 1.0
95 Jim Brown 38 CAG 0.2
96 Roy Williams 22 MRS 0.2
97 Eddie Miller 29 CAG 0.0
League Average
Player Advanced Pitching Table
Batting Against Pitching Ratios
Rk Player Age Team IP OBP BAbip HR% K% BB% Awards
1 Nelson Dean 31 DS 25.0 3.071 -1.647 0.9 14.0 11.4
2 Ted Trent 26 SLS 20.0 3.111 -1.000 0.0 22.6 9.5
3 Albert Davis DS 19.0 4.429 -1.833 2.4 12.2 8.5
4 Logan Hensley 30 SLS 17.0 3.800 -1.000 2.8 14.1 5.6
5 Willie Powell 26 DS 10.1 3.500 -1.286 2.4 14.3 9.5
6 Roosevelt Davis 25 SLS 9.0 3.750 -2.200 0.0 11.9 9.5
7 Ted Radcliffe 27 SLS 7.0 3.750 -1.667 2.9 14.3 8.6
8 Joe Strong 27 SLS 6.0 15.000 -1.444 3.0 24.2 3.0
9 Ted Shaw* 24 DS 5.0 3.000 -0.800 8.7 13.0 13.0
10 Leroy Matlock* 23 SLS 3.0 2.500 -1.500 0.0 14.3 14.3
11 Andy Cooper* 33 DS 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
League Average 3.792 -1.468 1.8 15.2 8.9

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