Rankings of Negro League players should consider that Negro League data is not complete. Research is still ongoing and we’ll continue to publish updates as more information becomes available. Negro Leagues Data: Frequently Asked Questions (NEW)

Negro National League Batting Leaders

Wins Above Replacement--all
1. FosterCAG 8.5
2. SuttlesSLS 6.3
3. StearnesDS 5.9
4. BellKCM 5.8
5. HarneyCAG 5.6
6. WellsSLS 4.7
7. CurryCAG 4.3
8. BrewerKCM 3.8
9. RoganKCM 3.8
10. HensleySLS 3.7
WAR Position Players
1. SuttlesSLS 6.3
2. StearnesDS 5.9
3. WellsSLS 4.7
4. CreacySLS 3.3
5. RigginsDS 3.2
6. MurraySLS 3.0
TorrienteKCM 3.0
8. BellSLS 2.9
9. HardingABC 2.7
10. WesleyDS 2.5
Offensive WAR
1. SuttlesSLS 6.7
2. StearnesDS 5.3
3. WellsSLS 4.3
4. CreacySLS 4.0
5. BellSLS 3.4
6. HardingABC 3.0
7. TorrienteKCM 2.8
8. RussellSLS 2.6
9. MurraySLS 2.6
10. RigginsDS 2.4
Defensive WAR
1. DeMossABC 2.0
2. AllenKCM 1.8
3. RigginsDS 1.3
4. MalarcherCAG 1.3
5. LópezCSW 0.9
6. WellsSLS 0.9
MothellKCM 0.9
8. CorreaCSW 0.7
9. MurraySLS 0.6
10. JonesABC 0.6
Batting Average
1. SuttlesSLS .425
2. StearnesDS .383
3. HardingABC .378
4. WellsSLS .373
5. MartinABC .354
6. TorrienteKCM .351
7. LópezCSW .349
8. DrekeCSW .341
9. CreacySLS .340
10. BellSLS .334
1. SuttlesSLS .472
2. WellsSLS .470
3. StearnesDS .458
4. HardingABC .449
5. TorrienteKCM .446
6. RussellSLS .420
7. GardnerCAG .419
8. BlackwellDS .414
9. BellSLS .413
10. MurraySLS .403
Slugging %
1. SuttlesSLS .877
2. StearnesDS .716
3. CreacySLS .632
4. WellsSLS .584
5. BellSLS .534
6. MartinABC .517
7. MurraySLS .516
8. RussellSLS .513
9. WesleyDS .513
10. TorrienteKCM .511
On-Base Plus Slugging
1. SuttlesSLS 1.349
2. StearnesDS 1.174
3. WellsSLS 1.054
4. CreacySLS 1.020
5. TorrienteKCM .957
6. BellSLS .947
7. RussellSLS .934
8. HardingABC .923
9. MurraySLS .919
10. WesleyDS .908
Games Played
1. StearnesDS 93
2. CreacySLS 92
3. RigginsDS 91
BellSLS 91
5. SuttlesSLS 89
6. RussellSLS 87
7. RussellSLS 86
8. BlackwellDS 85
WesleyDS 85
RedusSLS 85
At Bats
1. CreacySLS 391
2. BellSLS 386
3. SuttlesSLS 358
4. StearnesDS 342
5. RussellSLS 338
6. RigginsDS 330
7. DeMossABC 314
8. AllenKCM 306
9. WesleyDS 300
10. RussellSLS 298
Plate Appearances
1. BellSLS 438
2. CreacySLS 422
3. SuttlesSLS 390
4. StearnesDS 389
5. RussellSLS 376
6. RigginsDS 370
7. RussellSLS 357
8. BlackwellDS 345
9. WesleyDS 342
10. DeMossABC 341
Runs Scored
1. BellSLS 107
2. CreacySLS 95
3. StearnesDS 94
4. SuttlesSLS 90
5. RigginsDS 80
6. RussellSLS 76
7. RussellSLS 73
8. WellsSLS 66
9. MurraySLS 63
10. JeffriesDS 61
Jones2TM 61
1. SuttlesSLS 152
2. CreacySLS 133
3. StearnesDS 131
4. BellSLS 129
5. MartinABC 104
RussellSLS 104
WellsSLS 104
8. HardingABC 102
9. RigginsDS 99
10. TorrienteKCM 97
Total Bases
1. SuttlesSLS 314
2. CreacySLS 247
3. StearnesDS 245
4. BellSLS 206
5. WellsSLS 163
6. WesleyDS 154
7. RussellSLS 153
8. MartinABC 152
9. RigginsDS 150
10. RussellSLS 149
1. StearnesDS 33
2. SuttlesSLS 28
3. BellSLS 27
CreacySLS 27
5. MartinABC 22
6. RigginsDS 18
RussellSLS 18
8. HardingABC 17
JonesABC 17
TorrienteKCM 17
BoboSLS 17
1. SuttlesSLS 19
2. RussellSLS 10
3. Jones2TM 9
CreacySLS 9
StearnesDS 9
6. RussellSLS 8
7. BellSLS 7
RussCAG 7
MartinABC 7
10. AllenKCM 6
RigginsDS 6
RedusSLS 6
MothellKCM 6
TorrienteKCM 6
Home Runs
1. SuttlesSLS 32
2. CreacySLS 23
3. StearnesDS 21
4. WesleyDS 16
5. WellsSLS 13
6. BellSLS 12
7. MurraySLS 11
8. BellDS 8
RussellSLS 8
10. RedusSLS 7
RigginsDS 7
Runs Batted In
1. SuttlesSLS 130
2. CreacySLS 107
3. StearnesDS 103
4. MartinABC 65
TorrienteKCM 65
6. WesleyDS 64
WellsSLS 64
8. RussellSLS 59
9. BellSLS 58
10. MurraySLS 56
Bases on Balls
1. RussellSLS 53
2. WellsSLS 50
3. BellSLS 48
4. BlackwellDS 47
5. StearnesDS 41
6. MalarcherCAG 40
7. WesleyDS 39
8. McNairKCM 38
9. GardnerCAG 37
TorrienteKCM 37
Stolen Bases
1. BellSLS 36
2. RussellSLS 25
RigginsDS 25
4. DeMossABC 24
5. StearnesDS 21
6. AllenKCM 20
7. McNairKCM 18
TorrienteKCM 18
9. WellsSLS 16
JohnstonKCM 16
1. BellSLS 83
2. HardingABC 81
3. RussellSLS 77
4. WellsSLS 75
5. ThompsonCAG 74
CreacySLS 74
7. TaylorABC 73
SuttlesSLS 73
9. MartinABC 71
LópezCSW 71
Adjusted OPS+
1. SuttlesSLS 241
2. StearnesDS 199
3. WellsSLS 171
4. CreacySLS 159
5. TorrienteKCM 146
6. BellSLS 143
7. RussellSLS 140
8. HardingABC 138
9. MurraySLS 136
10. WesleyDS 133
Runs Created
1. SuttlesSLS 148
2. StearnesDS 110
3. CreacySLS 95
4. BellSLS 84
5. WellsSLS 76
6. RussellSLS 63
7. WesleyDS 60
TorrienteKCM 60
9. MartinABC 57
10. HardingABC 56
Adj. Batting Runs
1. SuttlesSLS 71
2. StearnesDS 51
3. WellsSLS 32
4. CreacySLS 32
5. BellSLS 26
6. TorrienteKCM 22
7. RussellSLS 20
8. HardingABC 18
9. MurraySLS 15
10. WesleyDS 15
Adj. Batting Wins
1. SuttlesSLS 6.4
2. StearnesDS 4.6
3. WellsSLS 2.9
4. CreacySLS 2.9
5. BellSLS 2.4
6. TorrienteKCM 2.0
7. RussellSLS 1.8
8. HardingABC 1.7
9. MurraySLS 1.4
10. WesleyDS 1.4
Extra Base Hits
1. SuttlesSLS 79
2. StearnesDS 63
3. CreacySLS 59
4. BellSLS 46
5. RussellSLS 36
6. MartinABC 33
7. RigginsDS 31
8. MurraySLS 30
9. WellsSLS 29
10. JonesABC 28
TorrienteKCM 28
Times On Base
1. SuttlesSLS 184
2. BellSLS 181
3. StearnesDS 178
4. CreacySLS 164
5. WellsSLS 155
6. RussellSLS 150
7. TorrienteKCM 144
8. BlackwellDS 143
9. RussellSLS 142
10. RigginsDS 139
Offensive Win %
1. SuttlesSLS .919
2. StearnesDS .864
3. WellsSLS .819
4. CreacySLS .770
5. TorrienteKCM .738
6. HardingABC .736
7. BellSLS .729
8. RussellSLS .703
9. MartinABC .697
10. WesleyDS .684
Hit By Pitch
1. MurraySLS 15
2. TorrienteKCM 10
3. MothellKCM 8
BlackwellDS 8
5. SierraCSW 6
StearnesDS 6
RussellSLS 6
Jones2TM 6
9. DeMossABC 5
DrekeCSW 5
BrownCAG 5
Hewitt2TM 5
MalarcherCAG 5
ArangoCSW 5
HardingABC 5
Power-Speed #
1. StearnesDS 21.0
2. SuttlesSLS 20.4
3. BellSLS 18.0
4. WellsSLS 14.3
5. WesleyDS 11.5
6. MurraySLS 11.0
7. RigginsDS 10.9
8. CreacySLS 10.7
9. RussellSLS 8.9
10. RussellSLS 8.3
AB per HR
1. SuttlesSLS 11.2
2. StearnesDS 16.3
3. CreacySLS 17.0
4. WesleyDS 18.8
5. WellsSLS 21.5
6. MurraySLS 25.2
7. BellSLS 32.2
8. RussellSLS 37.3
9. RedusSLS 41.9
10. ArangoCSW 44.2
Outs Made
1. CreacySLS 258
2. BellSLS 257
3. JacksonCAG 235
4. RussellSLS 234
5. DeMossABC 233
6. RigginsDS 231
7. AllenKCM 230
8. StearnesDS 211
9. JeffriesDS 210
10. MalarcherCAG 209
1. SuttlesSLS .570
2. StearnesDS .512
3. WellsSLS .475
4. TorrienteKCM .443
5. CreacySLS .442
6. BellSLS .433
7. HardingABC .431
8. RussellSLS .422
9. MurraySLS .416
10. WesleyDS .408
1. SuttlesSLS 228
2. StearnesDS 191
3. WellsSLS 170
4. CreacySLS 152
5. TorrienteKCM 149
6. HardingABC 144
7. BellSLS 141
8. RussellSLS 140
9. MurraySLS 135
10. WesleyDS 131

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